
The list of "Sister Lang 5" was announced, are Shang Wenjie, Liu Xin, and Qi Wei fans still indignant

author:Li Da is capable

The finals of "Riding the Wind 2024" have not yet been broadcast, and the final list of groups has been reported on the Internet. After seeing the list, many fans are indignant about their artists, such as: Shang Wenjie fans, Liu Xin fans, Qi Wei fans, Chen Lijun fans, etc., but this season's group list, is this really unfair?

The list of "Sister Lang 5" was announced, are Shang Wenjie, Liu Xin, and Qi Wei fans still indignant

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When "Riding the Wind 2024" first started, netizens were speculating which sister would win the championship, at that time, Qi Wei, Chen Lijun, Shang Wenjie, He Jie, Liu Xin and others were all within the consideration of netizens, but with the broadcast of the show, Chen Haoyu became the biggest "dark horse", and she directly counterattacked to become the "champion" of this season.

The list of "Sister Lang 5" was announced, are Shang Wenjie, Liu Xin, and Qi Wei fans still indignant

Seeing such a situation, many netizens couldn't help but ask: What did the popular sister do to make the dark horse player counterattack? Next, let's take a look:

Chen Lijun's participation in the recording of "Riding the Wind 2024" is a "dark horse" put on the bright side by the program team, but with the continuous increase in popularity, we can find that Chen Lijun is a little powerless, and there are still physical problems, even if fans vote her for the first place, because of physical reasons, the qualification for the live broadcast competition is still given to other sisters.

The list of "Sister Lang 5" was announced, are Shang Wenjie, Liu Xin, and Qi Wei fans still indignant

When watching the show, we can feel that Chen Lijun will debut in a high position, but will not debut in the C position, the reason is very simple, Chen Lijun is a sister in the system, she came to record "Riding the Wind 2024" to promote Yue Opera, and when she completes the task, she will return to the Yue Opera stage.

The list of "Sister Lang 5" was announced, are Shang Wenjie, Liu Xin, and Qi Wei fans still indignant

Shang Wenjie is a very strong sister, although she won the third place in the finals, but if Shang Wenjie has "ambition", she is really expected to win the championship, in a variety show, the best way to increase the popularity is to fry CP, we can see that Shang Wenjie and Zhu Dan have a very good relationship, so they have worked together on many stages.

The list of "Sister Lang 5" was announced, are Shang Wenjie, Liu Xin, and Qi Wei fans still indignant

In the process of choosing songs, Shang Wenjie will prefer to be more suitable for herself, rather than challenge, you must know that in the last season of the show, most of the sisters constantly challenged themselves, wanting the audience to see more possibilities for themselves, in addition, Shang Wenjie's character is not contentious, so fans also choose to support silently.

The list of "Sister Lang 5" was announced, are Shang Wenjie, Liu Xin, and Qi Wei fans still indignant

When selecting people to form a team, Liu Xin also Shang Wenjie had the same problem, that is, she teamed up with the same sister many times, this sister is Zhang Yuxi, Liu Xin is a singer with a very attitude, through the live broadcast of the full open wheat race, we can also see her strength, because of this, she is also the object that many sisters want to cooperate with, Qi Wei chose to team up with Liu Xin, He Jie chose Liu Xin, after such a situation appeared, Liu Xin became the "strongest assistant".

The list of "Sister Lang 5" was announced, are Shang Wenjie, Liu Xin, and Qi Wei fans still indignant

If Liu Xin did not team up with Qi Wei in the third round of stage performances, and then chose a strong sister, he could make a circle stage, and I believe that his popularity would also increase significantly.

The list of "Sister Lang 5" was announced, are Shang Wenjie, Liu Xin, and Qi Wei fans still indignant

When the "Riding the Wind 2024" program first started, the topic of "Qi Wei's ambition" caused heated discussions, and we can find that Qi Wei came to participate in the recording of the show, just to run for the championship, and she does have the strength to win the championship, from the first round of stage performances to the fifth round of stage performances, she is the captain, and she has never fallen out of the top three.

The list of "Sister Lang 5" was announced, are Shang Wenjie, Liu Xin, and Qi Wei fans still indignant

It's a pity that from "ambitious" to "just happy", it was entirely because Qi Wei gave Chen Haoyu a chance, in the third round of stage performances, Qi Wei made a decision, that is, to choose to team up with Liu Xin, after seeing that they were going to form a team, the sisters all showed their expressions of how to play, and the three most popular players got together.

The list of "Sister Lang 5" was announced, are Shang Wenjie, Liu Xin, and Qi Wei fans still indignant

After such a situation appeared, she directly gave Chen Haoyu, whose popularity was rising rapidly, a chance, she quickly formed her own team, completed a number of stages out of the circle, and won the fourth round of stage performances and the fifth round of stage performances in a row, if Qi Wei did not choose Liu Xin to form a team, I believe that Liu Xin will definitely become the captain, and the situation will most likely be reversed at this time.

The list of "Sister Lang 5" was announced, are Shang Wenjie, Liu Xin, and Qi Wei fans still indignant

"Riding the Wind 2024" has brought great popularity to Chen Haoyu, and she herself has seized one opportunity after another to successfully stand at the highest point, Chen Haoyu's success is inseparable from every sister who participated in the recording, and most of the remaining sisters give people the feeling that emotions are greater than the stage, and after such a situation occurs, it will definitely affect the final result.

The list of "Sister Lang 5" was announced, are Shang Wenjie, Liu Xin, and Qi Wei fans still indignant

The final result of "Riding the Wind 2024" has been determined, and we don't need to be "indignant", because whether or not to form a group does not have a big impact on the sisters, "Riding the Wind 2024" does bring heat to Chen Haoyu, but after the show is broadcast, whether she can catch the heat, we still have to see her follow-up development.

In contrast, Qi Wei's popularity is still high, Chen Lijun will return to the Yue Opera stage, Shang Wenjie will continue to focus on electronic music, and Liu Xin can go away from the performance route, readers, what do you think?

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