
The colorful chicken shreds of the cold dish article control the husband's stomach and the husband's heart

author:Wind EastR of Tibet

Colorful chicken silk to leave the weight to the love of the food, the eyes to the good scenery, the wait to the heart that has been looking for, the joy to the bravery to break through the obstacles again and again, the hug to the people who will never leave, the world, only love and food can not be disappointed, eating is a kind of happiness, taste is a kind of fun.

The colorful chicken shreds of the cold dish article control the husband's stomach and the husband's heart

Today to teach you to make a colorful chicken shredded, first of all, we prepare the following materials:

1. 100 grams of chicken breast, mung bean sprouts, carrots, canned enoki mushrooms, lettuce 50 grams each, two eggs, a little cooked black sesame seeds.

2. Salt, chicken essence, sesame oil, vegetable oil

The colorful chicken shreds of the cold dish article control the husband's stomach and the husband's heart

Colorful chicken shredded preparation:

1. Wash the chicken breasts, cook them, let them cool, tear them into shredded chicken, stir in salt and marinate for 15 minutes

2. Wash the mung bean sprouts; peel the carrots and lettuce separately, wash and shredd them; take the enoki mushrooms out of the can, drain and cut off the roots; beat the eggs into a bowl, stir well, spread into a pan, make egg skin, let cool and shredded

3. Put the bean sprouts, shredded carrots, enoki mushrooms, shredded lettuce, and shredded eggs around the plate, put the shredded chicken in the middle, sprinkle with cooked black sesame seeds, add salt, sesame oil, chicken essence, and mix well when eating

The colorful chicken shreds of the cold dish article control the husband's stomach and the husband's heart

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