
Guo Allen returned to China and made great contributions, the professor of Nanjing University of Finance and Economics was dismissed, and liaoning fans were very happy

author:Great power Kanqiu

Guo Allen has made a great contribution! The professor of Nanjing University of Finance and Economics was dismissed, and Liaoning fans were very happy

The Chinese men's basketball team doubled against Japan and won 49 points in two games. After two days off, in a dozen hours, on December 1, Du Feng will lead the team back to the domestic quarantine of 14+7, and then prepare for the second phase of the CBA. At this moment, Guo Allen, the new core of the Chinese men's basketball team, angrily criticized a professor at Nanjing University of Finance and Economics on social media: You are not worthy to be a Chinese! If you stand in front of me, you see if I can't slap you! What was it that made Guo Allen jump like a thunderbolt?

Guo Allen returned to China and made great contributions, the professor of Nanjing University of Finance and Economics was dismissed, and liaoning fans were very happy

It turned out that Guo Allen played well in the first game of the World Preliminary Tournament, scoring 24 points to help the men's basketball team beat the Japanese team. Perhaps it was the eldest nephew's high-profile performance that caused the professor at Nanjing University of Finance and Economics to be dissatisfied. The professor's name is Feng Jihai, unlike other fans, he took the initiative to attack the Liaoning team on social media, and also issued some smear remarks to the northeasterners, and even took the 918 incident to talk about things, shamelessly attacking Liaoning players, such remarks were seen by Guo Allen, so there was Guo Allen speaking out in social circles, and with 6 pictures, detailing the ins and outs of this matter.

Guo Allen returned to China and made great contributions, the professor of Nanjing University of Finance and Economics was dismissed, and liaoning fans were very happy

Guo Allen was originally a straight man, who would not hide and control his emotions, and the eldest nephew roared: Is this called Feng Jihai or a university professor? How can this be something that people do? I also feel sad that I dare to insult Chinese history and become a professor. I very much wish you could stand in front of me and let me take a good look at your lewd face, you see if I can slap you, you don't deserve to be a Chinese.

Guo Allen returned to China and made great contributions, the professor of Nanjing University of Finance and Economics was dismissed, and liaoning fans were very happy

Guo Allen's latest voice has made many fans understand this matter. Fans in Liaoning and fans across the country supported Guo Allen this time, saying that they must pull out the professor who was black in the region. According to the information given by Liaoning fans, as early as seven years ago, Feng Jihai, a journalism professor at Nanjing University of Finance and Economics, registered multiple accounts on social media. He has repeatedly insulted Liaoning fans and players on social media public platforms, and also spread some vicious remarks insulting the country.

Guo Allen returned to China and made great contributions, the professor of Nanjing University of Finance and Economics was dismissed, and liaoning fans were very happy

Guo Allen also continued to mention in his comments, how can such a person be a teacher? If the future of the motherland is entrusted to such people for education, what will the parents of the children in the school think? Therefore, Guo Allen called on the majority of netizens to forward this message together, so that the school can see and hope to get a response from the school, which has aroused heated discussion on the Internet. It is understood that the Nanjing University of Finance and Economics involved has also launched an investigation one by one, and has now been transferred from Feng Jihai's teaching position and given a serious warning punishment.

Guo Allen returned to China and made great contributions, the professor of Nanjing University of Finance and Economics was dismissed, and liaoning fans were very happy

Personally, I think that Guo Allen, as a national athlete, has shown positive energy on social media and called on fans to pay attention to this matter, which is a good phenomenon. We don't want regional black things to arise, and if it rises to the level of national honor, it is inappropriate to be a university teacher blatantly insulting other people and groups, when it comes to statements that insult the history of the country. This will only show that this person is not suitable for the position of teacher, and we believe that the public security organs will also intervene in the investigation in a timely manner. Because Feng Jihai's remarks are already suspected of picking quarrels and provoking trouble, the law restored by Skynet will certainly sanction him.

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