
45-year-old Chen Qiaoen will have a make-up wedding with her rich second-generation husband Alan in Malaysia? The brokerage company responded

author:Hanamachi curator
45-year-old Chen Qiaoen will have a make-up wedding with her rich second-generation husband Alan in Malaysia? The brokerage company responded

Text: Shi Qi

Edit | Shi Qi

What? Jon Chan is not married yet? In the audience's cognition, Chen Qiaoen has been married for two years.

That's right, in 2020, Chen Qiaoen and Allen have already obtained a marriage certificate, but they have not held a wedding ceremony.

45-year-old Chen Qiaoen will have a make-up wedding with her rich second-generation husband Alan in Malaysia? The brokerage company responded

Recently, it was rumored on the Internet that Chen Qiaoen and Allen will have a make-up wedding in September this year.

Of course, this wedding is only attended by the closest family members of both parties, and it will not be a big deal.

When this news was released, many netizens offered their blessings, saying that our sect leader was finally loved.

45-year-old Chen Qiaoen and her rich second-generation husband met on the show

When Chen Qiaoen was still forty years old, Chen Qiaoen was invited by Hunan Satellite TV to participate in the reality show "Daughters' Love".

This show is to solve the problem of late marriage of contemporary stars, and the older sect leader Chen Qiaoen is also one of them.

It was also this show that met her current husband Alan, who has been with her all her life.

Alan looks like Chen Qiaoen's friend Qiao Renliang, of course, his family background is also very good, the rich second generation in Malaysia.

45-year-old Chen Qiaoen will have a make-up wedding with her rich second-generation husband Alan in Malaysia? The brokerage company responded

In this show, they finally successfully held hands, and proposed to Chen Qiaoen two years later, and the two received their certificates in March 2020.

At that time, the news of the Oriental Sect Master's certificate shocked the majority of netizens.

originally thought that a show like this was actually scripted and had no authenticity at all.

Holding hands in the show may be a breakup in reality, after all, the two are also very different.

45-year-old Chen Qiaoen will have a make-up wedding with her rich second-generation husband Alan in Malaysia? The brokerage company responded

But Chen Qiaoen and Alan are becoming happier and happier in life, and they also participated in "Wife's Romantic Trip" after getting married.

In the show, he showed his affection in front of the audience, of course, Allen has always been a good man in the eyes of Chen Qiaoen.

Speaking of the acquaintance of the two of them, it is also commonly known as love at first sight.

On the first meeting, Alan was deeply attracted by Chen Qiaoen's beauty.

45-year-old Chen Qiaoen will have a make-up wedding with her rich second-generation husband Alan in Malaysia? The brokerage company responded

In order to capture Chen Qiaoen's heart even more, he also carefully prepared every meeting gift.

But at a meeting, Alan came to Chen Qiaoen's residence with flowers in his hand, but Chen Qiaoen looked disgusted after opening the door.

At that time, many netizens questioned, was their first time so embarrassing? It seems that Chen Qiaoen is not very happy.

In fact, fans who know Chen Qiaoen know that Chen Qiaoen's least favorite thing is the other party's surprise.

45-year-old Chen Qiaoen will have a make-up wedding with her rich second-generation husband Alan in Malaysia? The brokerage company responded

So in the first meeting, Chen Qiaoen didn't have any good feelings for Allen, but looked disgusted.

That's why, at the first time I saw Allen, I suddenly changed my face.

Many netizens also ridiculed: Since it is a carefully selected gift, why is it not even clear in advance what the other party does not like?

Is it the same casualness as a rich second generation? It is also rude to come to the door without asking first.

45-year-old Chen Qiaoen will have a make-up wedding with her rich second-generation husband Alan in Malaysia? The brokerage company responded

It was precisely because of Chen Qiaoen's dislike that Allen's comments had been very unfriendly at that time.

What I never expected was that after Allen got along, he was a good man.

Speaking of good men, I have to mention Chen Qiaoen's friend Qiao Renliang, who is also her lifelong friend.

Qiao Renliang's death dealt a heavy blow to Chen Qiaoen

As we all know, Chen Qiaoen and Qiao Renliang have always been very good friends, and the relationship between them is like He Jiong Xie Na.

Talk about everything, and you can even choose a crush for each other.

But such a friend unfortunately passed away due to depression, and his death brought a heavy blow to Chen Qiaoen.

After learning of his friend's death, Chen Qiaoen also rushed to his friend's house as soon as possible.

45-year-old Chen Qiaoen will have a make-up wedding with her rich second-generation husband Alan in Malaysia? The brokerage company responded

Because in her eyes, Qiao Renliang is a very lively and cheerful boy.

The two also said that they would be good friends for life, so after Qiao Renliang passed away, Chen Qiaoen couldn't let go of his feelings for a long time.

There was no work for a while, and every year birthdays and anniversaries were not absent.

45-year-old Chen Qiaoen will have a make-up wedding with her rich second-generation husband Alan in Malaysia? The brokerage company responded

Their relationship is also the friendship that the majority of netizens crave the most.

That is, because of Qiao Renliang's death, he no longer likes any kind of surprise.

Chen Qiaoen also said in person in an interview that Qiao Renliang will give himself a lot of surprises every time.

45-year-old Chen Qiaoen will have a make-up wedding with her rich second-generation husband Alan in Malaysia? The brokerage company responded

It was precisely because of his death that Chen Qiaoen thought that the surprise also left with Qiao Renliang.

So after that, Chen Qiaoen never experienced a surprise again, but Alan hit the muzzle.

This is also why Chen Qiaoen was very disgusted and embarrassed when he met Alan for the first time.

45-year-old Chen Qiaoen will have a make-up wedding with her rich second-generation husband Alan in Malaysia? The brokerage company responded

And Qiao Renliang's death made Chen Qiaoen fall into guilt, and she thought that the other party was her good friend.

I feel guilty about why I didn't notice that my friend was sick, which caused such a thing to happen.

So every time Qiao Renliang is mentioned, Chen Qiaoen is very sad and sad.

45-year-old Chen Qiaoen will have a make-up wedding with her rich second-generation husband Alan in Malaysia? The brokerage company responded

And now although Chen Qiaoen is living a good life, he has never forgotten his friends.

has posted photos to mourn him for several years, which is simply a friendship beyond love.

It was rumored on the Internet that Chen Qiaoen and Alan had a make-up wedding in September, and the agent responded

Recently, Taiwanese media broke the news that Chen Qiaoen and Alan are going to have a make-up wedding in September this year.

A lot of friends and relatives were invited at the scene, but it was not hyped up.

And when this news was exposed, many netizens were happy for Chen Qiaoen, and he finally had a home.

45-year-old Chen Qiaoen will have a make-up wedding with her rich second-generation husband Alan in Malaysia? The brokerage company responded

When the media and Chen Qiaoen's agency confirmed, the agency said that it was not aware of such news.

Chen Qiaoen himself has never said such a thing, and now it is indeed a matter of time, and he is happy for them.

Although the brokerage company did not admit that Chen Qiaoen wanted to make up the wedding, there are traces to follow.

45-year-old Chen Qiaoen will have a make-up wedding with her rich second-generation husband Alan in Malaysia? The brokerage company responded

In addition to saying that Chen Qiaoen and Alan have been licensed for two years, it stands to reason that they are going to hold a marriage ceremony.

Because some media revealed that the wedding was not intended to invite colleagues, but a small-scale wedding.

Because only your loved ones and favorite friends are invited, the brokerage may not know much about it.

45-year-old Chen Qiaoen will have a make-up wedding with her rich second-generation husband Alan in Malaysia? The brokerage company responded

But in the final analysis, if Chen Qiaoen really wants to make up the wedding in September, he will also be blessed by everyone.

After all, Chen Qiaoen is already very happy now, and he has met the most important man in his life.

However, Alan is also very good to Chen Qiaoen, just like doting on a princess.

45-year-old Chen Qiaoen will have a make-up wedding with her rich second-generation husband Alan in Malaysia? The brokerage company responded

Although Chen Qiaoen is now forty-five years old, he does not have any requirements for Chen Qiaoen to have children for seven rounds.

Allen also said on the show that having a baby depends entirely on Chen Qiaoen's thoughts.

If you want to give birth, it doesn't matter if you don't want to give birth.

45-year-old Chen Qiaoen will have a make-up wedding with her rich second-generation husband Alan in Malaysia? The brokerage company responded

It is precisely because of such a move that Chen Qiaoen has a great sense of security.

This is also why Chen Qiaoen agreed to Allen's marriage proposal and wanted to tie the knot with Allen.


Regardless of whether the wedding of Jon Chen and Allend will be rescheduled in September or not, Jon Chen has always been everyone's favorite.

We also hope that Chen Qiaoen can be happier.

45-year-old Chen Qiaoen will have a make-up wedding with her rich second-generation husband Alan in Malaysia? The brokerage company responded

In the recent "Ink Rain and Clouds", Chen Qiaoen's acting skills have been improved again and have been recognized by netizens.

I hope that Chen Qiaoen can shine more brightly on the road in the future.

I don't know what you think about this? Welcome to leave your thoughts in the comment area below, if you like the article, remember to like and follow us, see you next time.

45-year-old Chen Qiaoen will have a make-up wedding with her rich second-generation husband Alan in Malaysia? The brokerage company responded

Information source: Sohu Entertainment On April 7, 2024, Allen held a 45th birthday party for Chen Qiaoen, and the two hugged their waists, kissed and sprinkled dog food

On June 26, 2024, Taiwanese media revealed that Chen Qiaoen will hold a wedding in late September, and the company said it did not know about the matter

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