
"They are sick, not sinners!" Confessions of an HIV

author:Shaanxi anti-drug

December 1, 2021 is the 34th World AIDS Day, and the theme of this year's propaganda in China is "Life First, End AIDS, Health Equality". According to the data released by the National Health Commission, young students between the ages of 15 and 24 in China report about 3,000 cases of AIDS every year, and the prevention and treatment of AIDS among young people around the world is facing great challenges.

"They are sick, not sinners!" Confessions of an HIV
"They are sick, not sinners!" Confessions of an HIV
"They are sick, not sinners!" Confessions of an HIV
"They are sick, not sinners!" Confessions of an HIV
"They are sick, not sinners!" Confessions of an HIV
"They are sick, not sinners!" Confessions of an HIV
"They are sick, not sinners!" Confessions of an HIV
"They are sick, not sinners!" Confessions of an HIV
"They are sick, not sinners!" Confessions of an HIV
"They are sick, not sinners!" Confessions of an HIV
"They are sick, not sinners!" Confessions of an HIV
"They are sick, not sinners!" Confessions of an HIV
"They are sick, not sinners!" Confessions of an HIV
"They are sick, not sinners!" Confessions of an HIV
"They are sick, not sinners!" Confessions of an HIV
"They are sick, not sinners!" Confessions of an HIV
"They are sick, not sinners!" Confessions of an HIV
"They are sick, not sinners!" Confessions of an HIV
"They are sick, not sinners!" Confessions of an HIV
"They are sick, not sinners!" Confessions of an HIV
"They are sick, not sinners!" Confessions of an HIV
"They are sick, not sinners!" Confessions of an HIV
"They are sick, not sinners!" Confessions of an HIV
"They are sick, not sinners!" Confessions of an HIV
"They are sick, not sinners!" Confessions of an HIV
"They are sick, not sinners!" Confessions of an HIV
"They are sick, not sinners!" Confessions of an HIV
"They are sick, not sinners!" Confessions of an HIV
"They are sick, not sinners!" Confessions of an HIV

AIDS is an infectious disease caused by infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

In 1988, the World Health Organization designated 1 December as World AIDS Day, and today is the 34th year.

According to the 2019 Global AIDS Update released by UNAIDS, there are nearly 40 million people living with HIV worldwide. These three words seem to be far away from us, but in fact, they may also be close at hand.

Drugs and AIDS

This pair of cp can not "snort"!

"They are sick, not sinners!" Confessions of an HIV

Injecting drug use and AIDS are closely linked, the needle tube used by drug users is unclean or many people use a needle together is easy to make them suffer from AIDS, which is blood transmission, when drug addicts have an addiction attack, they basically have no time to find another needle for the necessary disinfection measures, for them to find a needle tube is very good.

Drug abuse, sex, AIDS are always inseparable, many AIDS patients are infected with AIDS because of drug use, and then through sexual transmission, mother-to-child transmission, the spread of AIDS in our country has increased year by year. They need to undergo regular blood tests, even if the technology and medicine are so developed so far, the cure for AIDS is still almost helpless, can only be controlled.

"They are sick, not sinners!" Confessions of an HIV

Will only drug addicts be infected with AIDS unilaterally?

The answer is NO!

There are also many AIDS patients who have embarked on the path of drug use, for reasons other than those. Credulous belief that drug use can cure AIDS, drug use can reduce the pain caused by AIDS, and there is a broken jar, feeling that it is a dead end anyway, why not try to take drugs. If drug use is likened to life imprisonment, then both drug use and AIDS are equivalent to the death penalty.

It's not that drug use is bound to get AIDS, but drug use greatly increases the chances of contracting AIDS, and if drug use only destroys your family, then getting AIDS is enough to deprive you of your life. Therefore, if you are far away from drugs, you are far away from AIDS; if you are far away from AIDS, you are also far away from death.

"They are sick, not sinners!" Confessions of an HIV

Some people say that the most deadly thing about pornography and gambling drugs is drug use. Once contaminated, you will lose your life at any time.

Marijuana, opium, methamphetamine, heroin, ecstasy... Drugs have not left humanity since they were born. It stimulates the pleasure brought by the brain and makes countless people sink.

Either lured by others, or out of curiosity, or to relieve the overload pressure for a long time, as long as you try drugs a little, you will fall into the abyss. Since your first drug use, you have been in a state of ruin and your family has been coming to you.

"They are sick, not sinners!" Confessions of an HIV

When drugs "master" you, you are bound to be trapped in it and difficult to extricate yourself. "One day to take drugs, lifelong drug" is not just lip service, but drugs themselves have a strong seductive force. It is like the devil, as long as it is touched once, it will not escape the clutches of the devil.

Don't touch the drugs! Not once!

Manga source: No Closing Drawing Society

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