
Three quit school and two resigned, set "genius and madman" in one of The Wang Yuan, why was he banned by Microsoft?

author:Childlike student observation

Some people say that Wang Yan is China's "craziest student", who was sent to Tsinghua University to study for a doctorate but voluntarily dropped out, and then went to Cornell University and still dropped out.

Three quit school and two resigned, set "genius and madman" in one of The Wang Yuan, why was he banned by Microsoft?

Turning around and going to Indiana International University Bloomington, this third phD path, no doubt, is still cut off by his own hands. What the hell is this person thinking?

Although there is no doctorate, Wang Yan has also been favored by many heavyweight companies. But he entered Google and quit, and resigned after coming to Microsoft for less than a year.

Some say he's a genius, some say he's a "lunatic." Behind the various decisions, is it too sober to live, or is it completely arrogant? What is his current situation? Listen to the childlike student observation and then go on.

Three quit school and two resigned, set "genius and madman" in one of The Wang Yuan, why was he banned by Microsoft?

Because his father had taught students who were admitted to Tsinghua University, Wang Yan, a young man in Sichuan, grew up in the story told by his mother.

Mothers often admonish their children to study hard and be admitted to Tsinghua University, thus becoming the "pride of the village" of a new generation. Listening to his mother's words, the little child studied hard and his grades have always been excellent.

It may be that he listened to his mother's urging him to become a talent, and with the increase of age, when the rebellious period of the teenager came, Wang Yu began to be dissatisfied with his mother's day and night instructions, and he did not like his mother to compare him with others at every turn.

Three quit school and two resigned, set "genius and madman" in one of The Wang Yuan, why was he banned by Microsoft?

At that time, Wang Yan liked physics knowledge the most, and he was willing to spend a lot of time doing physics experiments, but his mother often blocked it.

Mothers want their sons to spend their time reviewing multiple disciplines to get high scores instead of studying one subject.

But Wang Yan did not want to become an examination machine, and worked hard every day for the score on the paper. The more his mother said, the more irritable he became, so that in the college entrance examination, he was emotionally disturbed and did not play steadily, and finally fell behind Tsinghua with a difference of two points and entered the 985 university Sichuan University to study computer science.

Three quit school and two resigned, set "genius and madman" in one of The Wang Yuan, why was he banned by Microsoft?

At this time, Wang Yan seemed to have a backbone, but the talent in him was even more dazzling. His consistently excellent results made him a legend of Sichuan University.

On the occasion of graduation, he was granted a guaranteed place for master's and doctoral studies at Tsinghua University. Although he went around, Wang Yao also fulfilled the Qinghua dream that his mother had placed on her child.

Don't look at Tsinghua gathered outstanding students from all over the country, Wang Yao is still a dazzling presence here.

Adored by classmates and loved by mentors, this genius figure has gained widespread attention for his sharp and unceremonious pointing out the drawbacks of Windows and promoting Linux. Coupled with the frequent high-quality papers in his hands, Wang Yan has always been proud of the spring breeze.

Three quit school and two resigned, set "genius and madman" in one of The Wang Yuan, why was he banned by Microsoft?

Can you imagine that such a brilliant genius who can have a good future will resolutely drop out of school because of dissatisfaction with the education system?

In another year, she will be able to get her doctorate, but Wang Yan will go away with an article called "The Crushing of Tsinghua's Dream: An Application for Withdrawal from Tsinghua University."

He became the first doctoral student in Tsinghua Park to voluntarily drop out. The doubts and dissatisfaction with the shortcomings of China's higher education in his article have also caused great repercussions in a small range.

Three quit school and two resigned, set "genius and madman" in one of The Wang Yuan, why was he banned by Microsoft?

Disobeying the established life plan, Wang Yan went abroad through the GRE examination, was admitted to the well-known cornell university, and once again launched a charge against the doctorate degree in computer science.

It should be known that the computer department of Cornell University is extremely famous in the world, and there are countless fields and scientists who have gone out from here.

But no one expected Wang Yan to still leave halfway. After studying for two years and submitting an application for withdrawal, Wang Yan turned to Indiana University Bloomington.

Three quit school and two resigned, set "genius and madman" in one of The Wang Yuan, why was he banned by Microsoft?

It's as if life is going to toss and turn. Wang Yan soon made the decision to withdraw from the top school for the third time. At the same time as dropping out of school, he also wrote an article, "Saying Goodbye to a Doctorate."

At this point, Wang's academic career was all over, and the reason for his withdrawal from school three times was the same, that is, he was dissatisfied with the current education system, or he did not find a school that allowed him to study and do research with peace of mind.

It was also after this that Wang Yu had a very appropriate title - china's craziest student.

Being admitted to three top universities, Wang's excellence is beyond doubt. Although he does not have a Doctorate, he is still favored by the world-renowned technology company Google.

Three quit school and two resigned, set "genius and madman" in one of The Wang Yuan, why was he banned by Microsoft?

At the end of the 4-month internship period, the leader gave the evaluation that "the cooperation with Wang Yao is the most advanced and capable one of the most advanced technologies I have encountered in the 20 years of working with interns".

But the parties not only chose to leave before turning positive, but also expressed their incomprehension about the company system in a "My Story with Google" and called it one of the "most evil companies" in the world.

Time came to 2012, through the Interview of Microsoft, Wang Yan successfully joined it with outstanding strength. But this time the entry time will be a full year, and he posted again and left Microsoft. However, the reason for this resignation has changed, no longer thinking that the system is unreasonable, but feeling that Microsoft is "short-sighted".

Three quit school and two resigned, set "genius and madman" in one of The Wang Yuan, why was he banned by Microsoft?

Great workload and high work standards, but the company is not willing to give employees and pay to match the pay, Wang Yan believes that Microsoft is "sick". Good people and reliable code are not cabbage, and he is not willing to work hard for them.

Unexpectedly, Wang Yan's "painful criticism" this time kicked to the iron plate. Microsoft did not let him leave quietly, but issued a "ban order" to its own subsidiaries around the world, and even said hello to all its partner companies and refused to hire Wang.

After that, the direction of things can be imagined, and Wang Yu began to hit a wall in the process of finding a job. With the idea of never accepting defeat, he returned to his motherland and planned to start his own business.

Three quit school and two resigned, set "genius and madman" in one of The Wang Yuan, why was he banned by Microsoft?

It just so happened that China's computer industry also became a popular major sought after by mathematicians at that time, and there were more and more relevant talents entering the society, coupled with Wang Yan's own personality problems, his entrepreneurial road had many twists and turns, and finally gave up.

Since then, the growth path of this genius seems to be over.

It is said that most of the "geniuses" and "prodigies" have some places that ordinary people can't understand, some have strange tempers, and some have slightly strange behaviors.

Wang Yan is an undeniable smart person, which can be seen only from his three admissions to prestigious universities for his PhD and twice his entry into well-known enterprises. But this smart man may be dealing with things in a way that is biased.

Three quit school and two resigned, set "genius and madman" in one of The Wang Yuan, why was he banned by Microsoft?

Before we really set out for the future, we may all have a fantasy about the road under our feet, it may be thorny or it may be full of flowers.

But when you think about it, most people will move forward with the idea that they can overcome everything and achieve the future. There is a difference between the fantasy and the real.

Sometimes it looks like a flower, but it actually contains defects; sometimes it seems to be able to cut off thorns, but it will also fall all over the body.

Nine times out of ten, and what kind of mentality and behavior should be used to cope with unsatisfactory face, this may be where Wang Yao wants to learn.

Three quit school and two resigned, set "genius and madman" in one of The Wang Yuan, why was he banned by Microsoft?

Whether he drops out of school or leaves, Wang Yan will always write articles to criticize or express opinions, and his eyes will only stay in these schools or enterprises, where he considers "extremely bad".

I found a problem, but I didn't think about adapting or changing, adjusting my mindset or reflecting from my own perspective. Most of the major decisions in Wang's life have the meaning of complaint and dissatisfaction.

Society does not turn for the sake of someone's thoughts, and by doing so, he can only influence his own future. Some people say that Wang Yan grew up like this, in part because his mother deepened his rebellion and extremism towards the world when he was young. Do you agree with that?

Three quit school and two resigned, set "genius and madman" in one of The Wang Yuan, why was he banned by Microsoft?

In 2020, the news of Wang Yao came out again, and some people said that he had joined Huawei earlier and passed the follow-up evaluation to become a director-level figure at rank 22.

Neither Huawei officials nor Wang Yu made any response to this. So netizens have ridiculed that maybe at some point in the future, when a new article appears, people will know the real situation of Wang Yan.

Of course, there are also many people who send blessings to him, hoping that this powerful person can understand how to coexist peacefully with society, so as to serve the country and realize his own value.

Three quit school and two resigned, set "genius and madman" in one of The Wang Yuan, why was he banned by Microsoft?

Which of these two guesses do you prefer? Everyone is welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss.

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Childlike student observation

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