
The wayward genius Wang Yan, who gave up his doctorate from top universities 3 times, was banned by Microsoft globally, Wang Yan's reading career ii, Wang Yao's work experience III, Wang Yao's current situation IV, conclusion

author:There is no trace of night

In china's five-thousand-year history, prodigies and geniuses have been emerging in an endless stream, as far as the ancient Sima Guang and Zhongyong, both of which are more well-known ancient prodigies, who have shown a high IQ that is different from ordinary people since they were young, as recent as he Jasper, a 14-year-old college entrance examination in Henan in the 1980s.

In fact, in China, where there are many people, prodigies and geniuses have always emerged in an endless stream, and the reason why geniuses are called geniuses is because their ideas and ideas are different from ordinary people. Wang Yan is a very maverick genius, he has dropped out of the world's top universities three times, and finally even been banned by Microsoft worldwide.

The wayward genius Wang Yan, who gave up his doctorate from top universities 3 times, was banned by Microsoft globally, Wang Yan's reading career ii, Wang Yao's work experience III, Wang Yao's current situation IV, conclusion

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="3" > First, Wang's reading career</h1>

Geniuses are called geniuses because the minds of geniuses are often incomprehensible to ordinary people, and they tend to be mavericks. As the old saying goes: Tigers don't go with jackals. That is to say, geniuses will not be friends with ordinary people, because ordinary people cannot understand the ideas of geniuses. Wang Yan is the best example, and Wang Yan's ideas are simply incomprehensible to ordinary people.

Wang Yan was born in a small rural area in Sichuan, the family is not rich, but his parents are teachers, usually pay great attention to Wang Yao's education, and Wang Yao has shown a higher intelligence than ordinary people since he was a child, Wang Yao has been called a genius by the eight townships of Shili since he was a child, and his achievements have always been very top-notch.

The wayward genius Wang Yan, who gave up his doctorate from top universities 3 times, was banned by Microsoft globally, Wang Yan's reading career ii, Wang Yao's work experience III, Wang Yao's current situation IV, conclusion

When everyone was full of hope for Wang Yan's college entrance examination results, he let everyone break through the glasses, because he did not play well in the college entrance examination, but he was admitted to Sichuan University, but this did not erase his aura of genius, he was also a very prominent presence in Sichuan University, with excellent academic performance, after graduating from Sichuan, he was directly guaranteed to tsinghua university for master's and doctoral studies.

When Wang Yan was in high school, computers were already very popular, and Wang Yan showed a very strong interest in computers, and even drummed up computers himself, wanting to understand the principles of computers, which also laid a deep seed for his future talent in computers. Wang Yan studied computer science at Sichuan University, so she was sent to Tsinghua University to study computer science.

The wayward genius Wang Yan, who gave up his doctorate from top universities 3 times, was banned by Microsoft globally, Wang Yan's reading career ii, Wang Yao's work experience III, Wang Yao's current situation IV, conclusion

Wang Yan is indeed very talented in computers, often asked questions at Tsinghua University, even the teachers and professors of Tsinghua University are dumbfounded, so the professors of Tsinghua University are very optimistic about him, thinking that he will become a great instrument in the future, and may even become a milestone figure in computers.

It was in this environment that Wang Yu made the decision that made everyone drop their jaws, and he was going to withdraw from Tsinghua University. Tsinghua University is the dream of many hard students, but how many people can not reach the place, and Wang Yan wants to withdraw from Tsinghua University, which is the first time he has given up his doctorate from a top university.

The wayward genius Wang Yan, who gave up his doctorate from top universities 3 times, was banned by Microsoft globally, Wang Yan's reading career ii, Wang Yao's work experience III, Wang Yao's current situation IV, conclusion

Wang Yan bluntly said that he was very disappointed in the education method of Tsinghua University, and he believed that the domestic education methods were too rigid for him to accept. So he relied on his own strength to be admitted to the world-class famous university - Cornell University, which is very famous for its computer major. This is no longer the institution that students from all over the country want to go to, but the university that the whole world wants to go to, but Wang Yu made the same decision again, and he once again gave up the opportunity for a doctorate from a top university.

The wayward genius Wang Yan, who gave up his doctorate from top universities 3 times, was banned by Microsoft globally, Wang Yan's reading career ii, Wang Yao's work experience III, Wang Yao's current situation IV, conclusion

Eventually, he entered Indiana University to study for a doctorate, but the university did not make his heart settle, and he once again gave up his doctorate from a top university, which was actually the third time he had given up his chance. He believes that foreign graduate students are a kind of cheap labor, foreign universities are hung up on the title of graduate students and doctorates, let you go to help work, Wang Yan is even more disappointed in this, and finally decided not to study anymore and start working.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="24" >2nd, Wang's work experience</h1>

Although he did not get a diploma from a prestigious school, his study experience in three prestigious schools and his maverick way of doing things attracted the attention of many large companies, and his computer professional ability was really very strong. So he accepted the olive branch from Google and began to work at Google, a Fortune 500 company that would definitely work hard if an ordinary person went in.

The wayward genius Wang Yan, who gave up his doctorate from top universities 3 times, was banned by Microsoft globally, Wang Yan's reading career ii, Wang Yao's work experience III, Wang Yao's current situation IV, conclusion

But genius is genius, their thinking is incomprehensible, Wang Yan in the first project accepted by Google company quarreled with the director, he was not satisfied with the supervisor's approach, and finally completed a big project by himself, which shows that Wang Yao's ability is really very, very strong, just when Google was ready to train him, he resigned from Google.

After leaving Google, Wang Joined Microsoft, which can be described as the leading leader in the world's computer industry, but Wang Yan is very dissatisfied with Microsoft, he feels that his ability does not match his salary, and he does not get the attention he deserves.

The wayward genius Wang Yan, who gave up his doctorate from top universities 3 times, was banned by Microsoft globally, Wang Yan's reading career ii, Wang Yao's work experience III, Wang Yao's current situation IV, conclusion

So he resigned from Microsoft very willfully, and also sent a long article to accuse Microsoft, which even has the word that Microsoft collapsed is only a matter of time, Microsoft is a world-class boss, how can it bear this anger, so he ordered a complete ban on Wang Yao, and his small company and his partners can not accept him.

There is no grandfather here, there is a place to stay, Wang Yan turned around and joined Microsoft's nemesis - Intel Corporation. Microsoft and Google can not control the people, Intel naturally can not keep this prodigal son, soon he also left the Intel company. Wang Yan must be very disappointed in this kind of enterprise, his ability can not be played well, nor has he been respected, for his arrogant genius, it is certainly difficult to accept, he said that he will return to the embrace of the motherland, will serve the motherland, will devote himself to the cause of education.

The wayward genius Wang Yan, who gave up his doctorate from top universities 3 times, was banned by Microsoft globally, Wang Yan's reading career ii, Wang Yao's work experience III, Wang Yao's current situation IV, conclusion

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="25" >3, the current situation of Wang Yao</h1>

In fact, it is difficult to find the trace of Wang Yao now, his blog has been deleted, his Weibo has not been updated for a long time, no one knows where he went, only that he returned to China.

He is very disappointed in the IT industry, he feels that the computer industry is still very immature, and listed a lot of shortcomings, for the world's education is also very disappointed, he can also list a lot of shortcomings in the education industry, maybe genius is like this, will never be satisfied with the status quo, can not tolerate a grain of sand in the eyes.

The wayward genius Wang Yan, who gave up his doctorate from top universities 3 times, was banned by Microsoft globally, Wang Yan's reading career ii, Wang Yao's work experience III, Wang Yao's current situation IV, conclusion

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="26" >4</h1>

Although Wang Yan is willful, but this is a genius, can not tolerate a grain of sand, will always be brave to point it out, although not understood by the world, but he also does not want to go against the inner voice, nor does he want to lose himself.

Genius is called genius because he is different from ordinary people, and ordinary people cannot understand. Maybe we will never understand his approach, maybe the world does not agree with him, but I still hope that he can continue to be himself, to be the proud prodigal son.

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