
Dizziness and diarrhea, post-00 college students discharged a live worm, only because of the winter "lazy cancer" committed

author:Beiqing Net

Xiao Wang (pseudonym) is a college student, 19 years old. Recently, he often felt dizzy and diarrhea, and what shocked him even more was that once he had diarrhea, he found that there was a worm in his stool, and he was still alive! Xiao Wang, who had never encountered such a situation, was frightened and rushed to Hangzhou Xixi Hospital, affiliated to Zhejiang University School of Medicine.

Dizziness and diarrhea, post-00 college students discharged a live worm, only because of the winter "lazy cancer" committed

Huang Qian, deputy chief physician of the Department of Infection, received Xiao Wang, who was highly suspicious of this parasite, and after completing the relevant examinations, it turned out that this white strip worm was a tapeworm.

How can Xiao Wang's good end be infected with tapeworms?

Doctor Huang further inquired, it turned out that the weather had been cold recently, Xiao Wang was too lazy to go out except for class, and his free time was basically in the dormitory, rarely went to the canteen to eat, all of them ordered takeaway, and ate takeaway barbecue for several days in a row. After learning about this situation, Dr. Huang immediately had a recipe in mind, eating raw, undercooked beef or pork can cause tapeworm infection, and Xiao Wang's tapeworm disease is likely to be caused by eating unclean or uncooked roast meat.

After the diagnosis was confirmed, Dr. Huang used the method of integrative medicine to deworm him.

Dizziness and diarrhea, post-00 college students discharged a live worm, only because of the winter "lazy cancer" committed

According to Physician Huang, taeniasis is an infectious disease of the intestine caused by eating water and food contaminated with tapeworm larvae, which is contagious and can be transmitted through feces and mouth. Adults mainly parasitize the human intestine, and survive by plundering a large amount of human nutrients, which can lead to a series of intestinal reactions such as abdominal discomfort, indigestion, diarrhea and so on. The harm of larvae in the human body is much greater, and can enter the eyes, brain, liver, lungs and other parts, resulting in serious consequences such as headaches, inflammation of internal organs, seizures and so on.

Dizziness and diarrhea, post-00 college students discharged a live worm, only because of the winter "lazy cancer" committed

The main symptoms of taeniasis include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss, dizziness, cramps, malnutrition, etc. Treatment usually followed by post-infection is deworming.

Doctors remind that in daily life, it is necessary to pay attention to hygiene, prevent tapeworm infection, and if diarrhea and other symptoms are found, it is necessary to go to the hospital in time.

1. Pay attention to household environmental hygiene, wash your hands before meals and after going to the toilet;

2. Pay attention to diet, nutritional balance, and avoid eating undercooked foods, especially meat;

3. Kitchen stoves and boards and other pots and pans should be disinfected regularly;

4. If you have the habit of keeping pets, you should also pay strict attention to hygiene care, regular parasite examination, usually to a large extent to avoid infection with tapeworm disease.

Source: Xiaoxiang Morning News