
This person captured Guan Yu before his death, and after his death, a cultural relic was unearthed from the tomb, which caused a sensation in Japan

Introduction: In June 1984, the Ma'anshan Textile Factory started construction in a village forest farm in Ma'anshan, but during the excavation process, the workers found an ancient tomb, which they immediately reported to the government, and it was confirmed that it was the tomb of Zhu Ran, a famous military master of Eastern Wu during the Three Kingdoms period.

We all know a lot of famous figures in the Three Kingdoms period, such as Zhuge Liang, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, etc., but most people may not know who Zhu Ran is. Let's take a look at Zhu Ran, a famous minister of Eastern Wu.

This person captured Guan Yu before his death, and after his death, a cultural relic was unearthed from the tomb, which caused a sensation in Japan

This person captured Guan Yu alive a thousand years ago, and the cultural relics unearthed from the tomb a thousand years later caused a sensation in Japan

Zhu Ran, literally "Yifeng", was an ancient Danyang native. In Zhu Ran's youth, he often studied with Sun Quan, so the relationship between the two of them was very good, and he also used Zhu Ran very much after Sun Quan took power. Of course, Sun Quan also attaches great importance to his talent.

Zhu Ran's initial position was Yu Yaochang, and Zhu Ran had extraordinary ability and made a lot of merit. After that, his official position became higher and higher. He eventually achieved the position of Left Grand Sima Right Army Division of Eastern Wu. In Romance of the Three Kingdoms, his actual abilities were weakened.

In the novel, it is said that he was killed by Zhao Yun when chasing Liu Bei, is an inconspicuous small role, and is not valued, which may be why when it comes to the famous generals of the Three Kingdoms, we can't think of Zhu Ran. And this is not the case, Zhu Ran was not only not killed by Zhao Yun, but also very long-lived, a brave and resourceful figure.

This person captured Guan Yu before his death, and after his death, a cultural relic was unearthed from the tomb, which caused a sensation in Japan

Therefore, the historical plot in the novel is for reference only, and some of them are indeed not true. Moreover, the evaluation of Zhu Ran in the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is very high, and the Zhu Ran described in it is an excellent general with courage and strategy and courage.

In fact, some of the novels are also true, for example, he captured Guan Yu alive, this plot is real, but it is completely false to say that he was killed by Zhao Yun, his life expectancy is much longer than Zhao Yun, and this period is also the peak of Zhu Ran's career.

This person captured Guan Yu before his death, and after his death, a cultural relic was unearthed from the tomb, which caused a sensation in Japan

In the battle against the enemy countries, many famous generals were defeated, such as Cao Zhen, Zhang Gao, Xiahou Shang, etc. Moreover, in a battle between Eastern Wu and Cao Wei, Sun Quan initially sent Sun Sheng to lead the battle, but was quickly defeated by Cao Jun.

Later, Sun Quan sent Zhu Ran to fight, although Eastern Wu's troops were insufficient, he still used strategy to delay for 6 months, and finally Cao Jun could not hold on and had to withdraw back to the camp. The victory in this battle made Zhu Ran famous.

Zhu Ran eventually lived to the age of 68, which was a high life expectancy at that time. He did not die in battle, but died of illness, and with his position and ability in Eastern Wu at that time, his death caused Eastern Wu to lose a major general, when Sun Quan said sadly: "Sufu raised his mourning, and mourned for it."

This person captured Guan Yu before his death, and after his death, a cultural relic was unearthed from the tomb, which caused a sensation in Japan

The discovery of Zhu Ran's tomb once again made Zhu Ran famous, and his tomb is the earliest and largest of the Eastern Wu tombs found today. And especially the funerary products inside, it is very historical reference value, and the discovery of some funerary products even alarmed Japan.

We now think of the symbol of the Japanese national characteristics are kimono and clogs, and with the excavation of the cultural relics of Zhu Ran's tomb, it was found that there were clogs in them, which broke the fact that clogs were the products of japanese inventions.

The Tomb of Dongwu also has a history of 1700 years, although there are historical records that China had clogs 3,000 years ago, but there is nothing to prove, and the country where clogs are popular now is Japan, so Japan does not recognize that clogs originated from China. The discovery of clogs in Zhu Ran's tomb has physical evidence, indicating that the clogs were transmitted from China to Japan.

This person captured Guan Yu before his death, and after his death, a cultural relic was unearthed from the tomb, which caused a sensation in Japan

According to historical records, clogs actually began in the Han Dynasty, in the Wei and Jin Dynasties popular with China, but clogs are made of wood is too hard, worn for a long time will hurt the feet, and later with the development of the textile industry, soon with soft cloth instead of hard wood.

However, later ancient people will still wear clogs at special times, for example, Li Bai wore Xie Gongshan to climb in order to pursue Xie An, there is a feeling of admiration for the ancestors, and it will be more convenient to wear clogs to climb the mountain.

The clogs excavated from Zhu Ran's tomb are similar to the clogs that are popular in Japan, both in shape and structure, and you can prove that the clogs are not as the Japanese claim, but the Japanese people themselves invented the items.

This person captured Guan Yu before his death, and after his death, a cultural relic was unearthed from the tomb, which caused a sensation in Japan

Conclusion: In fact, Chinese clogs are not without traces in Japan, as recorded in the "Book of Han geography", when there were many small islands around Lelang County that often came to pay tribute to the Han Dynasty. The "Uighur Kingdom" was the predecessor of Japan. In fact, the Japanese have always been good at learning, and often sent international students to study in the Han Dynasty, and in the late Tang Dynasty, the japanese students and missions brought back to Japan a large number of cultures, customs and even systems that they learned and learned. We need to learn this from the Japanese, and we should pass on and promote traditional Chinese culture.

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