
The national treasure-level cultural relics "group" came to Beijing to explore the ancient Shu civilization exhibition, and invited you to check in

author:Beiqing Net

On June 27th, the exhibition "Exploring the Ancient Shu Civilization - Sanxingdui and Jinsha" was officially unveiled at the Grand Canal Museum in Beijing (East Hall of the Capital Museum), bringing together 265 pieces (sets) of precious cultural relics related to the ancient Shu civilization, showing the historical value and cultural relics charm of the Sanxingdui site to the audience.

On the first day of the exhibition, there was a long queue at the entrance of the exhibition hall, and national treasure-level cultural relics such as Sanxingdui Museum and Jinsha Site Museum in Guanghan, Sichuan Province came to Beijing in groups, attracting many visitors to the exhibition. From the majestic bronze statue to the dazzling bronze head of the bronze mask with a golden mask, all of them reflect the superb bronze casting process.

The national treasure-level cultural relics "group" came to Beijing to explore the ancient Shu civilization exhibition, and invited you to check in

After more than a year of planning, the whole exhibition brought together 265 pieces (sets) of cultural relics with the characteristics of ancient Shu civilization from 12 museums and cultural institutions, including 46 pieces (sets) of national first-class cultural relics. Nearly 50% of the exhibits are cultural relics unearthed from the new No. 6 pit in Sanxingdui, which is an important empirical evidence of the pluralism and integration of Chinese civilization.

The national treasure-level cultural relics "group" came to Beijing to explore the ancient Shu civilization exhibition, and invited you to check in

The exhibition takes the step-by-step curatorial ideas of "discovering Sanxingdui", "interpreting Sanxingdui" and "positioning Sanxingdui", leading the audience to gradually unveil the mystery of the ancient Shu civilization and show its important position and unique value in the history of the development of Chinese civilization.

The national treasure-level cultural relics "group" came to Beijing to explore the ancient Shu civilization exhibition, and invited you to check in

As a new attempt to explore the new curatorial model of "exhibition + cultural creativity + literature and art", the AIGC sci-fi micro-short drama "Sanxingdui: Future Apocalypse" was also released on the opening day, combining the mysterious ancient Shu civilization with future technology. The exhibition will last until October 10, free of charge, without reservation, and the VR immersive exhibition will also be available to visitors soon.

(Reporter Shao Wei, Liu Xuenan)

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