
This person was killed by Zhao Yun, but the cultural relics unearthed in the tomb made the Chinese people laugh, and the Japanese blushed

This person was killed by Zhao Yun, but the cultural relics unearthed in the tomb made the Chinese people laugh, and the Japanese blushed

As we all know, Japan is one of the most advanced countries in Asia, and many of the high-tech they invented are beyond the breakthrough of the Chinese people. For example, Chen Qiushi once told a joke in "I Am an Orator", he said that when China was filming an anti-Japanese drama, the actor shouted at the camera: "Down with Japanese imperialism!" "But I didn't know that almost all the cameras used for shooting were made in Japan." However, this is only the situation in modern times, in ancient times, Japan was only a small vassal state of China, and their need to learn a lot from China, so there was the existence of "sending Envoys to the Tang Dynasty".

This person was killed by Zhao Yun, but the cultural relics unearthed in the tomb made the Chinese people laugh, and the Japanese blushed

However, there is a very traditional Chinese style of the object, but the Japanese insisted that it was invented by them, and even many countries believe in this view. Although China has the intention to compete, it has lost the object and cannot produce evidence. This object is lacquered clogs. The shape of the lacquered clogs is similar to that of modern clogs – there is a hole in the front to tie a rope, and two holes in the back to make the shape of the clogs, which is called "lower clogs" in Japan. Just when the Chinese people were powerless, the matter finally took a turn for the better.

This person was killed by Zhao Yun, but the cultural relics unearthed in the tomb made the Chinese people laugh, and the Japanese blushed

In 1984, an ancient tomb was accidentally unearthed in Ma'anshan, Anhui Province, which was confirmed to be the tomb of Zhu Ran, a famous general of the Three Kingdoms. His tomb is relatively well preserved, and a large number of cultural relics have been unearthed, one of which is a pair of lacquered clogs, and there is no difference from the clogs mentioned in China's historical materials. It should be known that Zhu Ran died in 249 AD, which has a history of nearly 1,800, that is to say, china's invention of lacquered wooden sandals has been at least 1,800 years, much earlier than the emergence of Japanese "lower steamed". Therefore, when this item was unearthed, the experts in our country cheered, and the Japanese experts who insisted that the clogs were one of the Japanese inventions were punched in the face. Of course, although the Japanese made many unforgivable mistakes against China, their basic courtesy was still there, so after the lacquered clogs were unearthed, they did not become angry, but welcomed this cultural relic, went to their national exhibition, and sent people to Zhu Ran's tomb for study and investigation.

This person was killed by Zhao Yun, but the cultural relics unearthed in the tomb made the Chinese people laugh, and the Japanese blushed

So who is this Zhu Ran, who proved that the lacquered clogs belonged to China with a funerary object? He was one of the famous generals of Eastern Wu during the Three Kingdoms period at the end of the Han Dynasty. Although in the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", he only appeared twice, one was to help Ma Zhongsheng capture Guan Yu's father and son, and the other was after the Battle of Yiling, when pursuing Liu Bei, he was stabbed by Zhao Yun under the horse, which looked very weak, but in real history, he was worthy of the title of famous general.

This person was killed by Zhao Yun, but the cultural relics unearthed in the tomb made the Chinese people laugh, and the Japanese blushed

According to records, his original surname was Shi, and he was the nephew of Zhu Zhi, a heavy minister of Eastern Wu, and because Zhu Zhi was childless, he passed him to his knees, so Zhu Ran came to Jiangdong at the age of thirteen and became a companion with Sun Quan. Later, Sun Ce was assassinated, Sun Quan was forced to take over the burden of Jiangdong, and Zhu Ran was also arrested by his old classmate Zhuang Ding and served as the chief of Yuyao. Because of his superior ability, Sun Quan gave him heavier and heavier tasks, and after he captured Guan Yu with Pan Zhang, he was given the position of general of Zhaowu. From this time on, Zhu Ran moved towards the goal of a famous general. The Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms Zhu Ran records: "The Huwei general Lü Meng was ill, and Quan asked: 'If the secretary of state is not uplifted, who can replace him?' Meng Zhi said: "Zhu Ran has more than enough courage to guard, and foolishly thinks that he can do it." 'Mengpao, Quan Fei Ran Festival, Zhenjiangling. ”

This person was killed by Zhao Yun, but the cultural relics unearthed in the tomb made the Chinese people laugh, and the Japanese blushed

This means that when Lü Meng fell ill, Sun Quan asked, Who can be your successor? Lü Meng replied that Zhu Ran's courage and population were enough to hold this position. So Sun Quan let Zhu Ranzhen guard Jiangling and gave him the power to fake festivals. Being able to be recognized by Lü Meng and reused by Sun Quan shows Zhu Ran's ability. And soon after, he also proved that Sun Quan and Lü Meng did not look away - in 222 AD, after the Battle of Yiling, Jiangdong was attacked by Cao Wei again, and it is mentioned in the Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms: "Wei sent cao Zhen, Xiahou Shang, Zhang Guo, and others to attack Jiangling", at that time, Zhu Ran's army broke out of the plague, and was surrounded by layers, there was no supply of grain and grass, and the reinforcements Pan Zhang, Zhuge Jin and others were also blocked and could not provide him with help, and in such a critical situation, he actually defended for six months. Cao Wei took the initiative to choose to retreat. Since then, he has threatened the enemy country.

This person was killed by Zhao Yun, but the cultural relics unearthed in the tomb made the Chinese people laugh, and the Japanese blushed

After the analysis of the whole article, it is not difficult for us to know that Zhu Ran not only made great contributions to the motherland because of the lacquered clogs unearthed in the tomb, but also his deeds and prestige during his lifetime were also shocking.

This person was killed by Zhao Yun, but the cultural relics unearthed in the tomb made the Chinese people laugh, and the Japanese blushed

All the information in this article comes from books such as "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", "Notes on the Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms", "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" and other books, and the editor guarantees the authenticity of the content, and there is no innuendo and no politics involved.

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