
Why did the three strongest wizards in the Three Kingdoms all die young? Just because things are too bad

Why did the three strongest wizards in the Three Kingdoms all die young? Just because things are too bad

Introduction: Everyone knows that there were many talented military masters during the Three Kingdoms period, who successfully helped the monarch to conquer the city and land and realize their ideal ambitions with their own intelligence and strategy. The most typical representative of this is Zhuge Liang, before Liu Bei met him, he spent half his life running in addition to running or running, like a dog that lost his family, running from the northernmost Youzhou to the southernmost Jingzhou. However, after getting Zhuge Liang's assistance, it took less than 10 years to transform from a running general into the Emperor of Shu Han who divided the world into three parts, but in the end Zhuge Liang also died of exhaustion. In that era, there were also three wizards, who had a strategy that was not inferior to Zhuge Liang, but all three died young, why is this? Let's find out.

Why did the three strongest wizards in the Three Kingdoms all die young? Just because things are too bad

The first Guo Jia, born in Yingchuan, grew up in a strong academic atmosphere since he was a child, which also allowed him to see through the general trend of the world at a young age. As an adult, he decided to find a Ming Lord to spend his life studying, and after inspecting Yuan Shao in the north, he found that this person was so overjoyed that he could not use it, so he resigned and returned home to work. Later, on the recommendation of his friend Xun Yu, he went to Cao Ying to investigate Cao Cao, and the two men found that each other's concepts and ideas coincided with their own, and Guo Jia officially became Cao Cao's military master. Cao Cao was assisted by Guo Jia and went from being a small warlord who was attacked on all sides to becoming a prince sitting in the Central Plains. Later, he defeated Yuan Shao with a weak victory in the Battle of Guandu with Yuan Shao, and finally annexed Hebei to become the most powerful prince in the world. Just when Cao Cao reached the peak of his power and was preparing to march all the way, the military master Guo Jia fell seriously ill and died, and Cao Cao cried bitterly.

Why did the three strongest wizards in the Three Kingdoms all die young? Just because things are too bad


The second was The Phoenix-chick Pang Tong, who, although ugly in appearance, was extremely intelligent from an early age, and at a young age he could recite the Four Books and Five Classics verbatim, and people at that time called him a wizard. Later, he learned the art of war and the essence of governing the country from Sima Hui, and Sima Hui also called him a person who could stabilize the world, which showed his ability. Cao Cao's southern conquest of Pang Tong officially appeared, and as an internal response to Liu Sun's allied army, he pretended to defect to Cao Cao and used a serial trick to pit Cao Cao, causing Cao Cao's army and dreams to be reduced to ashes. Later, he helped Liu Bei plan Xichuan and became Liu Bei's wartime military division to attack Xichuan, so that Liu Bei truly became a warlord who could plot against the world. However, when he was about to achieve fame, he died young, and Liu Bei was in great pain.

Why did the three strongest wizards in the Three Kingdoms all die young? Just because things are too bad

The third Jiangdong Zhou Lang, born in Shuxiang Mendi, has been reading books since he was a child and is very clear about ancient and modern history. At that time, Sun Ce had just borrowed thousands of troops from Yuan Shu and invited Zhou Yu to serve as his military division, and Zhou Yu successfully took Jianye City, an important town in Jiangdong with meticulous analysis and precise planning. After that, the entire Jiangdong was annexed based on Jianye, which took only 5 years. Later, Cao Cao personally led hundreds of thousands of troops to the south, and he countered all of Cao Cao's troops with tens of thousands of Jiangdong water troops, which not only achieved his prestige but also allowed Eastern Wu to continue for decades. However, it was unthinkable that such an outstanding person only had a short life span of 38 years, and his death also led to the fact that Eastern Wu no longer had a military division that could seek the world, and from then on it could only be in a corner of peace.

Why did the three strongest wizards in the Three Kingdoms all die young? Just because things are too bad

When we carefully observe what they do, we find that they have done the same thing, that is, they have pushed themselves too hard to leave themselves half a way out. At that time, In order to realize his own value and to help Cao Cao win all the wars, Guo Jia had been analyzing the war situation all night; Pang Tong had been ridiculed for his appearance, and he vowed to win the respect of everyone, and from then on, he studied hard day and night, and his health deteriorated; and Zhou Yu, because he had always been superior since childhood, in order to maintain this honor and dignity, what he did was also similar to the two. In the end, although they became the wizards of the time, they also paid the price for overdrawing their lives.

Why did the three strongest wizards in the Three Kingdoms all die young? Just because things are too bad

Conclusion: There is a saying in later generations that the so-called genius is only 1% inspiration and 99% sweat, and I think this sentence is very appropriate for them. Indeed, there are people who are born with extremely high intelligence, those who are more capable than ordinary people, but they just give more things than ordinary people.

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