
Ying Yue: Ranked among the seven sons of Jian'an, it is a pity that it has not been established

Ying Yue: Ranked among the seven sons of Jian'an, it is a pity that it has not been established

Did not borrow wine to pour the North Sea, and the long labor literature was taken from the south. From ancient times to the present, there are a large number of people who have worked tirelessly, some people have scattered along the road of writing, and some people have gradually become famous.

This article is about Ying Yue yáng, the word Delian liǎn.

Ying Yue is a native of Nanton, Runan County, Yuzhou,

The Wu guo camp also has a fellow villager in Nanton County, that is, the world-famous Ru Chengbing.

During the Three Kingdoms period, the counties of Runan, Yingchuan, Nanyang, and Wu were full of talents, which was related to their high population density and the local cultural landscape

。 In particular, the two counties of Runan and Yingchuan often confronted each other, such as Chen Qun and Kong Rong, who debated for which side of the Ruying people were more excellent, and the Yingchuan people Chen Qun naturally favored the Famous Yingchuan scholars Xun Yu, Xun You and others, and Kong Rong specially wrote "The Theory of Ru Ying's Advantages and Disadvantages".

Ying Yue's Runan Ying clan was also a well-known family in the world, and Ying Yue's grandfather Ying Wei was also a great Confucian during the han Huan Emperor's time, and the official was a lieutenant.

And Ying Feng's memory is very good, people at that time praised him as "Ying Shi Uncle reading, five elements under the bottom", the so-called "five elements under" refers to the ability to read five lines of text at the same time when should be bought to read.

The Ying family is famous for its articles, and Ying Yue's uncle Ying Shao is also erudite

His works include "Customs and Customs", "Han Guanyi", etc., of which "Customs and Customs" is also called "Customs and Customs" in the "Book of Later Han", after all, "White Tiger Tongyi" is also known as "White Tiger Tong". When Ying Shao was serving as the Taishou of Taishan, he also tried to meet Cao Song, but Cao Song eventually killed Zhang Minkǎi's hands, and Ying Shao was afraid that Cao Cao would find him to settle accounts and defected to Yuan Shao.

"Write customs and customs, use the name of the debate class, and explain the suspicion of the times."

Although the text is not classic, future generations obey its good news

。 ——" The Book of the Later Han Dynasty : The Biography of Yingfeng

Ying Yue: Ranked among the seven sons of Jian'an, it is a pity that it has not been established

The brothers Ying Yue and Ying Xuan still chose to join Cao Cao's camp, their family was rooted in Runan County, remember how many people Were collected when Manchu cleaned up Runan County?

Although the Yuan clan of Runan, for many years, after Cao Cao defeated Yuan Shao, it was time to change the rules, and the ignorant family would just clean up the situation.

"He recruited five hundred of his subordinates, led him to attack more than twenty walls, lured him not to surrender to the canal marshal, and sat on it to kill more than ten people, and all of them were peaceful for a while" - "Romance of the Three Kingdoms, The Biography of Man Pet"

Ying Xuan and Ying Xuan were also known for their literary talents, and Ying Xuan was first appointed by Cao Cao as a subordinate of The Imperial Household.

Cao Cao considered not only virtue but also talent when choosing subordinate officials for his heirs. Ying Wei was transferred from Cao Cao to Cao Zhifu and served as Marquis Shuzi of Pingyuan, and Liu Zhen zhēn also held this position, and at the same time there should be only one person who served as Marquis Shuzi of Pingyuan. And Xing Yong yóng shi as the Marquis of Pingyuan, note that this "Shuzi" is a position, not a plain and unprovoked demotion.

Ying Yue: Ranked among the seven sons of Jian'an, it is a pity that it has not been established

Ying Wei later moved to the post of General of literature in the Five Senses, which was changed from Cao Zhifu to Cao Pi's side,

It was also during this period that Wang Cang, Xu Gan, Chen Lin, Ruan Yu, Ying Yue, Liu Zhen and others got together, and then took an extra hole to gather the "Seven Sons of Jian'an"

。 Note that the "Seven Sons of Jian'an" was mentioned by Cao Pi in his book "Classics", and he was not among the seven sons of Jian'an.

Except for Kong Rong, it is more maverick

In order to greet Cao Cao and Cao Pi, Ying Wei and others have made many articles, and from time to time they will come to a poem that suits the scene, and there are always some works of praise and praise.

Chen Lin and Ruan Yu were also responsible for the writing of the Chinese text in Cao Wei's army. Taking rosemary as an example, Cao Pi, Cao Zhi, Ying Yue, Chen Lin, and Wang Yue all wrote about rosemary.

Ying Wei wrote dozens of articles, and few of them were passed down to future generations.

Cao Pi commented that he was "gentle and not strong", which means that there is little impassioned momentum in Ying Yue's writing. In the twenty-second year of Jian'an (217), Ying Yue, Wang Yue, Xu Gan, Liu Zhen, and Chen Lin all died

This is from the large-scale outbreak of the epidemic, the death of many friends makes Cao Zhi, Cao Pi are full of emotion, Cao Zhi wrote "Say the Epidemic Qi", Cao Pi sighed "The epidemic is several times, the soldiers are carved down, who is left alone, can he live his whole life?" ”

Ying Wei and others did not leave a biography, which is also a pity.

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