
In addition to Xun Yu and Guo Jia, Yingchuan also had the "Four Great Masters", all of whom made great contributions to Cao Cao

"Ruying Duoqishi" was the consensus of people at the end of the Han Dynasty and the Wei and Jin Dynasties. Ru refers to Runan County, and Ying refers to Yingchuan County, which belonged to Yu Prefecture during the Eastern Han Dynasty. During the Eastern Han Dynasty, Runan County and Yingchuan County, which were located in the Central Plains and adjacent to Luoyang and Nanyang, the imperial hometown, were areas with developed Confucianism and high cultural level, and were also places where talents were concentrated.

In addition to Xun Yu and Guo Jia, Yingchuan also had the "Four Great Masters", all of whom made great contributions to Cao Cao

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the world was in chaos, and the wise men si de Ming, many scholars in Ruying and Ying chose Cao Cao, and gradually formed a group of counselors. The most famous of course are Xun Yu, Xun You (Yingchuan County, Yingchuan County), Guo Jia (Yingchuan Yang Zhai), and Zhong Xuan (Yingchuan County Changshe County). In fact, in addition to top talents such as Xun Yu and Guo Jia, There are four other people in Yingchuan who are also known as the "Four Famous Scholars of Yingchuan", and they all become Cao Wei's heavy subjects.

In addition to Xun Yu and Guo Jia, Yingchuan also had the "Four Great Masters", all of whom made great contributions to Cao Cao

In the beginning, he was also famous with the same county Xin Bi, Chen Qun, and Du Raid, and was known as Xin, Chen, Du, and Zhao Yun. - "Romance of the Three Kingdoms"


Xin Bi (辛比), courtesy name George, was a native of Yangzhai County, Yingchuan County (present-day Yuzhou, Henan). Born in the Xin clan of Longxi, he defected to Yuan Shao, the pastor of Jizhou, in his early years, and refused to be recruited by Sikong Cao Cao. After the Battle of Guandu, he followed Yuan Tan of Qingzhou. After Cao Cao captured Yecheng, he successively served as a huilang, a xiangfu changshi, and a wei state attendant, and supported Cao Pi as a shizi. After Cao Pi ascended the throne, he was appointed as the Marquis of Zhongzhong and Guangping Pavilion.

In addition to Xun Yu and Guo Jia, Yingchuan also had the "Four Great Masters", all of whom made great contributions to Cao Cao

One of the most famous things about Sinpi is "leading the way". In the first year of the Huang Dynasty (220), Cao Pi, who had already claimed the title of emperor, wanted to migrate 100,000 households from Jizhou to Luoyang. At that time, there was a drought for many years, and the locust plague was rampant, and the courtiers all thought that it was not appropriate to do so in the year of famine, but Cao Pi insisted on doing it. Xin Bi, who was serving as an attendant at the time, resolutely objected and advised again, wanting Cao Pi to take back his life. Cao Pi was very angry and said to Xin Bi, "I don't want to talk to you about this. ”

Xin Bi said calmly, "Since Your Majesty does not think that the subjects are not inferior, let the ministers accompany the attendants." The discussion of the secret room, the discussion of the court, the subject should ask questions and respond, pick up the omissions and fill in the gaps, how can His Majesty not consult with his subordinates? Moreover, what the minister is talking about is not a personal private matter, but a matter of social safety, and the minister cannot but say it. Cao Pi was speechless and stood up to go back to the harem, Xin Bi grabbed his clothes and did not let go, and Emperor Wen of Wei forcefully took back his clothes and returned to the palace.

In addition to Xun Yu and Guo Jia, Yingchuan also had the "Four Great Masters", all of whom made great contributions to Cao Cao

After a while, his anger subsided slightly, and he came out again and asked XinBi, "George, why are you so bitterly against me?" Xin Bi said sincerely: "In such a famine year, forcibly relocating them to Henan without food to help them will make them resentful and lose the hearts of the people, so I have to strive for Your Majesty to take back their lives!" Finally, Emperor Wen of Wei ordered the relocation of 50,000 households.

Emperor Ming of Wei ascended the throne, and Xin Bijin was made the Marquis of Yingxiang and served as Wei Weiqing. Zhuge Liangtun soldiered Weinan, and Xin Bi served as an emissary to control the great general (Sima Yi). In the third year of Cao Wei's reign (235), he died of illness while serving as a Wei Wei (衛尉), with the courtesy name Su (苏) and was worthy of the temple court of Emperor Wen of Wei.

In addition to Xun Yu and Guo Jia, Yingchuan also had the "Four Great Masters", all of whom made great contributions to Cao Cao

Chen Qun

Chen Qun (陈群), courtesy name Changwen, was a native of Xuchang County, Yingchuan County (present-day Xuchangdong, Henan). Chen Qun is more familiar to everyone, he is the grandson of Chen Yi, the chief of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and the son of Chen Ji of the Great Hongxu. Chen Qun was born from the famous Yingchuan Chen clan, and was promoted by Liu Bei to Yuzhou in his early years. When Cao Cao entered Xuzhou, he was made a subordinate of Sikong Xicao and later transferred to the military of Counselor Xiang. When Cao Cao was enfeoffed as duke of Wei, he served as the imperial historian of the State of Wei. Marquis wuting of Fengchang.

After the establishment of Cao Wei, he successively served as Shang Shu Ling, General of the Zhen Army, Zhonghu Army, and Lu Shang Shushi. After Cao Pi's death, Chen Qun was entrusted with the aid of the government. Cao Rui ascended the throne, serving as Sikong and Lu Shang Shushi(叡), and was enfeoffed as the Marquis of Yingyin. Qinglong died of illness in December of the fourth year (February 237) with the nickname "Jing". In the first four years (243), he was entitled to the temple court of Cao Cao. Chen Qun lied to the three generations of Cao Cao, Cao Pi, and Cao Rui, with his outstanding ability to govern the world, devoted himself to his duties, and made outstanding contributions to the construction of the etiquette system and its political system of the Cao Wei regime.

In addition to Xun Yu and Guo Jia, Yingchuan also had the "Four Great Masters", all of whom made great contributions to Cao Cao

Du raid

Du Xun (杜潣), courtesy name Zixu, was a native of Dingling County, Yingchuan County (present-day Xiangcheng County, Henan). Du Xun was the grandson of Jiyin Taishou Dugen. In the early years of Jian'an, he defected to Sikong Cao Cao, and successively served as The Commander of Xi'e County, The Councillor, the Counselor of the Xiang Army, the King of Wei, the Minister of Changshi, and the Lieutenant of The Horse. In the 20th year of Jian'an (215), he accompanied Cao Cao in his conquest of Zhang Lu, who was occupying Hanzhong, and the following year Cao Cao returned to Yecheng to attack the military of Hanzhong. During this period, he successfully persuaded more than 80,000 people from the Hanzhong area to move to Luoyang and Yecheng areas.

During the reign of Emperor Wen of Wei, he served as the overseer of the imperial history and Shangshu, and was made the Marquis of Wupingting. During the reign of Emperor Ming of Wei, he served as a military division of the generals Cao Zhen and Sima Yi, resisted the attack of the Shu state, worshiped Taizhong Dafu, and was given the title of Marquis of Pingyang. He died in office and was given the title of Shaofu (少府), with the title fixed.

In addition to Xun Yu and Guo Jia, Yingchuan also had the "Four Great Masters", all of whom made great contributions to Cao Cao

Zhao Yu

Zhao Yu (赵俨), courtesy name Boran, was a Poet of Yingchuan (颍川阳翟) (present-day Yuzhou, Henan). Zhao Yu has been familiar with the history of the Bible since childhood, and is shrewd and strong. In the second year of Jian'an, after defecting to the general Cao Cao, he started the Langling County Order, and successively served as the Commander of Sikong Province, the Chief of Sikong, the Governor of the Protectorate, and the Fufeng Taishou. Although Zhao Yu was not very famous, he was deeply trusted by Cao Cao and served many times as a heavy duty to join the army.

After the Battle of Guandu, Zhang Liao, Le Jin, and Yu Ban were stationed at Changshe, Yang Zhai, and Yingyin, respectively, and they were not convinced of each other, and their relations were not very good. Cao Cao then appointed Zhao Yu to join the army and participate in the military of Zhang Liao, Le Jin, and Yu Ban. Zhao Yu used the methods of persuasion and guidance to eliminate and resolve contradictions and solve problems, and finally enabled the three generals to eliminate their accumulated grievances and ensure the unity of the army.

In addition to Xun Yu and Guo Jia, Yingchuan also had the "Four Great Masters", all of whom made great contributions to Cao Cao

Because Of Zhao's rule of the army, he was often appointed as the Governor of the Imperial Guard, commanding and coordinating Cao Cao's senior generals to go out on expeditions. In 208 (the thirteenth year of Jian'an), Cao Cao conquered Jingzhou, sent Zhao Yu to serve as the Taishou of Zhangling, and promoted him to the post of Governor of the Capital, supervising the seven roads of Yu Ban, Zhang Liao, Zhang Gao, Zhu Ling, Li Dian, Lu Zhao, and Feng Kai.

After Emperor Cao Pi of Wei succeeded to the throne, he successively served as the Duke of Wei, the Duke of Tuoma, the Taishou of Hedong, the General of Diannong Zhonglang, the Duzhi Shangshu, and the Marquis of Tuting. During the reign of Emperor Cao Rui of Wei, he successively held the posts of Grand Si Nong, General of the Hussars, and Grand Sikong. He died in the sixth year of zhengchu (245) at the age of seventy-five, with the posthumous name Mu.

References: Notes on Pei Songzhi in romance of the Three Kingdoms, And Lu Simian in History of the Three Kingdoms

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