
Two pairs of couplets in Qian Zhongshu's living room

Two pairs of couplets in Qian Zhongshu's living room

Samurai swords, warriors hanging, people's favor, habits also. Since the early spring of 1977, after moving from the cramped dormitory building of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences to the relatively wide Sanlihe apartment in Beijing, two couplets had hung in the living room.

One is a pair of lines written by Zhang Zhidong:

Thousands of miles of wind and clouds are enlightened

Qianjiashan Guo Jing Zhaohui

One is a seal book joint sentence written by Wu Dayi:

Two points of flowing water and three points of bamboo

Nine days of spring and one sunny day

And the couplet written by Zhang Zhidong was seen with my own eyes when I visited Qian Zhongshu thirty-eight years ago.

In 1983, I went to visit Mr. Qian Zhongshu in Sanlihe Qianfu in Beijing, when I was working at Wuxi Daily, Qian Zhongshu was a Wuxi celebrity and always wanted to interview him. But he never gave interviews to reporters, he said a famous saying, you eat eggs, why do you need to know the hen that lays eggs? However, as a journalist, I was always unwilling, so I ventured into Beijing to try it.

After arriving in Beijing, I wanted to make a phone call through Li Shenzhi, director of the Institute of American Studies of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and a famous scholar from Wuxi, to make a phone call. Li Shenzhi said to me, this method is not working, once the phone call Qian Lao will definitely refuse, then it will not be seen, only directly break into the door, maybe you can see it, it depends on your luck?

So A colleague and I went straight to the door, knocked on the door, after a while to open a door, Elder Qian saw us, the look seemed to be a little hesitant, we greeted in Wuxi township tone, Elder Qian smiled and said, it is a fellow countryman, he welcomed us into the door. Sat down in the living room and made us tea. That day, Yang Dai was out, and Qian Zhongshu was at home alone. We state our identity out of respect. Qian Lao smiled, pointed at us and said, today you don't want to be a reporter, don't record, don't take pictures, let's chat with our fellow villagers. Qian Lao said humorously and humorously: "Now some people say that I am a national treasure, and you don't look like a giant panda!" As he spoke, he laughed. The conversation between us unfolded in such a relaxed atmosphere.

There are always people who say that Qian Zhongshu is arrogant and high-minded, but in fact, it is not. He chatted with us in the countryside about the past of his hometown, kind and easy-going, and I felt that Qian Lao was just like a township party.

Two pairs of couplets in Qian Zhongshu's living room


The legacy of the previous generation

During the conversation, I paid attention to the living room environment, very spacious, but the furnishings are extremely simple, a few sofas, a small writing desk, two bookshelves in the corner, there are not many books, most of them are foreign language reference books. The most conspicuous thing is that on the wall behind the sofa hangs a couplet written by Zhang Zhidong, a famous minister of the late Qing Dynasty:

Hanging there, it feels like the aura is great. I couldn't help but go to the couplet and admire it, and Qian Zhongshu said lightly, these are all left by the previous generation. Elder Qian sat in front of this couplet, with a leisurely look and a pleasant smile, and I thought it would be nice to take a "group photo" of Elder Qian and this couplet. However, due to the agreement of "not recording and not taking pictures", it is enough. I still think it's a bit of a shame. The photo below is from the Internet.

Two pairs of couplets in Qian Zhongshu's living room

Qian Zhongshu said that the previous generation, I did not ask at that time, may include his father Qian Jibo, and Yang Dai's father Yang Yinhang. Qian Zhongshu and Yang Dai did not have a hobby of collecting, and the ancient calligraphy and paintings in the family were donated by the two parents. Mainly what Qian Jibo left behind. There are also gifts from Yang Dai's previous generation, after Qian Zhongshu and Yang Dai were engaged, his father-in-law Yang Yinhang gave a meeting gift to his son-in-law Qian Zhongshu, including the calligraphy masterpiece "Daguan Ti" inscribed by Liu Hu, author of "The Journey of the Old Remnant". Although Qian Zhongshu's father, Qian Jibo, was not a big collector, he was fond of antiquities and collected a lot. In the early days of liberation, Qian Jibo donated more than 50,000 books and more than 200 cultural relics such as oracle bones, porcelain jade, ancient coins, calligraphy and paintings collected over the years to wuhan huazhong university (now central China Normal University) where he taught. In addition, he donated more than 1,000 pieces of inscriptions and paintings and more than 1,000 kinds of Fang Zhi to the Cultural Relics Management Committee of Southern Jiangsu in his hometown and other departments. Only a few are left to the children for a thought.

The famous scholar Jiang Deming's "Dream Book huairen" book has an article entitled "Explanation of Qian Jibo's Collection", which talks about Mr. Qian Jibo's donation of cultural relics and books when he was teaching at Huazhong University, and Jiang Deming occasionally obtained a mimeographed volume of Qian Jibo's "Explanation of Cultural Relics Gifts", which records: 211 pieces of gifts, from the Shang Dynasty to the Han, Tang, Song and Yuan dynasties, up to the Ming and Qing dynasties, there are ten categories, including Yin Ruins tortoise shells, old jade, bronzes, historical currency, ancient pottery, ancient porcelain, old ink, ancient Tuo, calligraphy and painting ink, books and stones, etc. Jiang Deming said: "In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, intellectuals were happy to enjoy the prosperous world, and they were willing to dedicate the rare treasures they had worked hard for all their lives to the public family free of charge, which aroused my respect for Mr. Qian Jibo. ”

Two pairs of couplets in Qian Zhongshu's living room

Mr. Qian Jibo

The demeanor of the older generation is also passed on to future generations. Before her death, Yang Dai also donated all the belongings of her and Qian Zhongshu, including the cultural relics left to them by the previous generation. According to reports, Mr. Yang Dai donated more than 250 sets of precious cultural relics to the National Museum, including celebrity calligraphy and paintings, albums, ink, handwriting, inscriptions, seals, books, manuscripts, and stationery and daily necessities used by Mr. and Mrs. Qian Zhongshu.

In particular, it is worth mentioning that the manuscript of the "Futang Teacher's And Friend's Codex Jinghua" left by the modern scholar Tan Xian, which was compiled by Qian Jibo in the donation, has a total of more than 500 pages and more than 1,000 pages, including many letters and letters of famous courtiers and masters of the late Qing Dynasty, which has great documentary value for the study of modern history. Qian Jibo cherished it very much during his lifetime, and also wrote a short biography for some of the authors of the letters. After Qian Jibo's death, it was treasured by Qian Zhongshu and Yang Dai, who decided to donate this volume to the National Museum of China before his death, and at the same time granted the copyright to the People's Literature Publishing House. I also have this set of letters, which I read and read from time to time.

Two pairs of couplets in Qian Zhongshu's living room

Photocopy of "Futang Teacher's And Friends Codex Jinghua"

Among the items donated by Yang Dai also include two pairs of couplets hanging in the living room of her home. These two couplets became the partners in the lives of the two old people, watching each other and silently accompanying each other.


Couplet of Zhang Zhidong

The couplet of Zhang Zhidong that I saw in Qianfu is not written by Zhang Zhidong, it is a collection sentence, the previous sentence "Ten Thousand Miles of Wind and Clouds Open Wei Guan", is a sentence in the poem "Zhang Zhong's Book Of Grass Hall Gives Heavy Rain" by the famous Jin Dynasty scholar Yuanhao, and the next sentence "Qianjiashan Guo Jing Zhaohui" is a sentence in the famous work of Du Fu of the Tang Dynasty, "Eight Songs of Autumn Xing".

Zhang's main book caotang gave heavy rain

Kim · Meta good question

The tree frog whistled the rainy season, and suddenly the silver arrow flew around the mountain.

The great waves of the Yangtze River are about to collapse, and the thick ground is as high as the sky.

Thousands of miles of wind and clouds are magnificent, and the hair of a hundred years is still majestic.

As soon as Changhong came out of the forest, the ruins of Silent Li Village fell into the sky.

Eight Songs of Autumn Xing (Part 3)

Don Du fu

Qianjia Mountain Guo Jing Chaohui, Ri Ri Jiang Lou sits cuiwei.

The fishermen of Xinsu are still general, and the swallows fly in the early autumn.

Kuang Heng's anti-neglect merit is thin, and Liu Xiang's heart is violated.

Classmates and teenagers are not cheap, and the five lings are light and fat.

This collection of sentences is selected from the poems of different dynasties and different famous artists, but the artistic conception is integrated, and it is a superior work in the collection. Qian Zhongshu's vision of appreciating ancient poetry is very high, and he chooses to hang this link in the living room, indicating that he is very much in favor of this collection.

By the way, stick a little tip, let's talk about the collection. Ji lian, also known as set sentences, is a kind of intifatal form, and it is also a kind of word game of ancient rioters. As the name suggests, it is to pick up other people's poems and phrases into couplets. Shen Kuo's "Mengxi Pen Talk" said that the form of jilian began with the Song Dynasty King Jinggong, which is not necessarily accurate. According to other documents, the jilian existed before Wang Anshi. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, this word game was more prevalent, and Liang Shanzhou, a famous scholar and scholar of the Qing Dynasty, was a good collector of links, and his books were linked, and many series of sentences were collected.

But this game is not everyone can play well, not only to learn well, but also to dabble in a wide range, wide vision, and full of understanding. You write your own couplet, it doesn't matter if it's good or bad. Good people give a thumbs up, and no one cares if it's not good. The set is different, if the set is not good, it will spoil other people's sentences, which is to be scolded. Although jilian is not original, it is more difficult than original. Therefore, I am not a master, and generally dare not play this game. Zhang Boju told a small story of Ji lian in the "Suyue Lou Lianyu": In the third year of Tongzhi, Zeng Guofan led the Xiang army to attack Jinling, and Zhang Lianqing of the Eren people gathered the lianhe as a he, Lianyun:

Tianzi pre-opened the Lin Pavilion to wait

Xianggong newly broke Cai Zhou hui

These two sentences are from the Poems of the Tang Dynasty poet Cen Participating han Yu. Zeng Guofan was greatly rewarded, and he specially donated five hundred gold. Some of the staff members in the Zeng clan were quite dissatisfied, and there was a lot of discussion, believing that this gathering was not a work, and that "Cai" was not right against "Lin" and not in battle. Zeng Guofan said, you must have read the sentence "Zang Wen Zhongju Cai" in the Analects, but have you read Zhu Zi's commentary? Cai this place is rich in large turtles, the monarch is good to use Cai turtle divination, the "Cai" here is metaphorically known as a turtle, the turtle and the lin are in good order? The crowd was amazed.

Although the author is not a gentleman, he is also a good hanging link, and there have been two pairs of sets hanging in the study, one is the set of the Jiangnan Daru QianmingShan:

The saint dissolves it in water

There is no wave in this world

Two pairs of couplets in Qian Zhongshu's living room

The upper link is the pipe clause, and the lower link is the Zhuangzi sentence. (See image above). This couplet is called "flowing water pair", which means that the joint sentence is not neat in the text, but the upper and lower contexts must be connected with each other. This invisible finish is more difficult than the tangible work.

The author also hung a collection written by the modern calligraphy master Wang Fu'an:

Two acres of good land, three rafters of thatched houses, and repair bamboo as hedge plum households

Autumn water is bright, the mountains are a lane, and the breeze is a neighbor with the moon

This collection of four song dynasty poets Yang Zemin's "Man Tingfang", Wang Xin's "Nanxiangzi", Chen Liang's "Nian Nu Jiao", and Xiang Zichen's "Huan Xi Sha" is more difficult, and also shows the profound academic skills of the collectors.


Wu Da Liang's couplet

Let's talk about the seal book couplet written by Wu Dayi in Qian's living room, and the joint sentence is:

This is also a set of links, but slightly reluctant. Shanglian "two points of flowing water and three points of bamboo" is not an extant verse, but is taken from Su Shi's "Water Dragon Yin , Sub-rhyme Zhang Zhifu Yang HuaZi": "Three points of spring color, two points of dust, one point of flowing water", and in the Ming Dynasty Li Tangbin's miscellaneous drama "Wutong Leaf": "Shaohua will be exhausted, three points of flowing water and two points of dust". The next link "Nine days of spring and one day of sunshine" is from the first sentence of Wu Dayi's own poem "Zheng Jiayi to Xindian Yi", I have Wu Dayi's "Poetry of Wu Dayi" in my bookcase, after checking the table of contents, turn to that page, the whole poem is:

Zheng Jiayi to Xindianyi

Qing · Wu Dayi

Nine days of spring and one day of sunshine, Zhan Gengwang peng is the most concerned.

The pastor of the people knows what to do, and since ancient times, he has been cultivating for the province.

The ditch is the same as the perfusion, and the boundary of the tunnel is clear.

Sankoro-iku Konokunimoto,Isao Kashikita Zonei.

Under the chanting, I feel that the first sentence of the whole poem, "Nine days of spring and one day of sunshine", is very good, and the rest of the context is average. But the problem is that this good sentence is not Wu Dayi's original, but he "appropriated" the famous sentence of the great poet Lu You of the Song Dynasty, which is one of the most proud sentences in Lu You's life, and he has repeatedly used this sentence in his three poems, namely "Guitang Evening Xing", "Spring Trip", "Even Question in the Garden", and all three poems are also the first sentence, which is a rare phenomenon.

However, this famous sentence of Lu You did not enter the eyes of Qian Zhongshu, and he selected twenty-seven poems of Lu You in his book "Selected Notes on Song Poems", and none of these three poems were selected. Perhaps Qian Zhongshu pays more attention to the artistry of the whole poem and does not care about every word.

Two pairs of couplets in Qian Zhongshu's living room

In his commentary on Lu You in the Selected Notes on Song Poems, Qian Zhongshu also noticed that there were many good sentences in Lu You's poems, which were often collected as poetry associations. Qian Zhongshu said that the Southern Song Dynasty poet Liu Kezhuang admired Lu You, saying that Lu You was good at using classical classics and forming a worklike dual, believing that "the good couples of the ancients were exhausted." Qian Zhongshu does not seem to fully agree with this view, saying that Lu You's poems are mainly embodied in two aspects, one is grief and anger, and he wants to avenge the shame of the country. The second is leisurely and delicate, chewing out the deep and eternal taste of daily life, ironing out the tortuous situation of the current scene. Qian Zhongshu thought that Lu You relied on the second aspect to impress readers for hundreds of years. As for Lu You's poetry association, Qian Zhongshu said somewhat jokingly: "Like the countless guest halls, study rooms and gardens hanging in the old society, Lu You's poetry association is an example. This created the impression that Lu You was an old pilgrim. ”


Preferences of the two hosts

The two couplets in the living room of Qian Zhongshu and Yang Dai's apartment have been replaced and hung, and one pair written by Wu Dayi has been hung for a long time and has been hung repeatedly. I saw a photograph of him in the book "The History of Huai Juxin" written by taiwanese scholar Wang Rongzu when he visited Qian's house in the autumn of 1981, and the couplet written by Wu Dayi hung in the living room. Two years later, when I went to interview Qian Zhongshu in the fall of 1983, the living room wall hung a couplet written by Zhang Zhidong.

Later, Zhang Zhidong's couplet was replaced by Wu Dayi's couplet, and it is unknown when it was changed, but it is certain that from Qian Zhongshu's death in 1998 to Yang Dai's death in 2016, Yang Dai has been hanging on the couplet written by Wu Dayi for nearly two decades. Before Yang Dai's death, Tie Ning, chairman of the China Writers Association, visited Yang Dai many times, and the central leaders went to comfort Yang Dai during the Spring Festival, and the footage taken was this couplet of Wu Dayi, until forty days before Yang Dai's death, Qian Zhongshu's cousin and nephew went to see her, and the couplet hanging at home was still this couplet.

Two pairs of couplets in Qian Zhongshu's living room

These two couplets describe two different scenarios, the length of time they hang out, and also reflect the different habits of the Qian couple. Qian Zhongshu prefers the aura in Zhang Zhidong's joint language, Qian Zhongshu is very elegant on the surface, but in his heart he is arrogant and arrogant, and the characters of Yuedan are stirred up by words. Therefore, I prefer the scene of thousands of miles of wind and clouds, a thousand mountains and mountains. At the same time, I also prefer Zhang Zhidong's majestic calligraphic gestures. In her later years, Yang Dai may prefer the quiet atmosphere of two points of flowing water and three points of bamboo. In the "We Both" written by her family, Yang Dai said that the three people in the family were together, Qian Zhongshu and his daughter Qian Zhen were like buddies, always giggling and noisy, yang Dai mostly looked at them without a sound. Therefore, Yang Dai prefers Wu Dayi's elegant seal body and the scene in the joint sentence. After the "two of us" in Yang Dai's home were separated, Yang Dai's mood was also "nine days of spring and one day of sunshine", so hanging Wu Dayi's couplet was more suitable for his state of mind.

These two couplets accompanied Yang Dai and Qian Zhongshu in their final lives at their Sanlihe apartment in Beijing.

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