
lent bank cards, phone cards, and Alipay for others to commit fraud, and Luo Ning was punished for four more people!

author:Luoning City Affairs Li Xinguang
lent bank cards, phone cards, and Alipay for others to commit fraud, and Luo Ning was punished for four more people!

Rent, lend, sell bank cards, Alipay accounts to others to transfer money and help withdraw cash, provide mobile phones, phone cards for others to make fraudulent calls, so as to easily get "profits" and take a "shortcut" to make money? This couldn't be more wrong! This is helping to break the law and commit crimes!

Luoning Public Security continued to carry out the "card breaking operation" to crack down on illegal rental, lending bank cards, Alipay accounts, phone cards and other illegal and criminal acts in a strict and fast manner. Recently, four more people have been administratively punished.

lent bank cards, phone cards, and Alipay for others to commit fraud, and Luo Ning was punished for four more people!

Case 1

Recently, the suburban police station received clues to verify that Yang's bank card in the jurisdiction was suspected of fraud. According to the clues, the police quickly arrested Yang, and through Yang, they arrested their accomplice Zhao. After the two were brought into the case, they confessed to the illegal fact that they provided two bank cards and an Alipay account to help others transfer money and launder money. At present, the offenders Yang and Zhao have been administratively punished.

lent bank cards, phone cards, and Alipay for others to commit fraud, and Luo Ning was punished for four more people!

Case 2

Recently, the suburban police station received clues to verify that Zhang's phone card in the jurisdiction was suspected of fraud. According to the clues, the police acted quickly, questioned Zhang, and arrested his accomplice Fan. After the two arrived at the case, they confessed to the fact that they provided two mobile phones and a phone card for others to make fraudulent calls and made illegal profits. At present, the offenders Zhang and Fan have been administratively punished.

Relevant Legal Links

◆The first paragraph of Article 31 of the "Law of the People's Republic of China on Countering Telecommunications Network Fraud" stipulates that no unit or individual may illegally buy, sell, lease, or lend telephone cards, Internet of Things cards, telecommunications lines, SMS ports, bank accounts, payment accounts, Internet accounts, etc., and must not provide assistance with real-name verification; The above-mentioned cards, accounts, account numbers, etc., must not be opened by impersonating the identity of others or fictitious agency relationships.

◆Article 44 of the "Law of the People's Republic of China on Countering Telecommunications Network Fraud" stipulates: Where the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 31 of this Law are violated, the unlawful gains shall be confiscated, and the public security organs shall impose a fine of between 1 and 10 times the unlawful gains, and where there are no unlawful gains or the unlawful gains are less than 20,000 RMB, a fine of up to 200,000 RMB shall be imposed; where the circumstances are serious, they are to be detained for up to 15 days.

Source: Luoning Public Security


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