
Was Song Jin's first peace talk a traitorous move by Zhao Zhuo or Qin Ju?

How did the Two Song Dynasties resist gold? In fact, it can be divided into three stages:

The first stage is the defensive period, the second stage is the stalemate period, and the third stage is the counter-offensive period.

Because of the influence of the traditional literature and political propaganda of the Song Dynasty, many people consciously or unconsciously abstracted the anti-Jin war into several story paragraphs, opening their mouths and closing their mouths about How Zhao Shuo, how Qin Juniper was, and how Yue Fei was.

In fact, in the process of resisting the Jin Dynasty, the Southern Song Dynasty has been carrying out a front around thousands of miles and in an area of millions of kilometers, and it lasted for fifteen or six years before the results were achieved.

Was Song Jin's first peace talk a traitorous move by Zhao Zhuo or Qin Ju?

Historians recognize that the Song-Jin War began in 1125 AD, in 1127 AD, the fall of Bieliang, the establishment of the Southern Song Dynasty, and the formal conclusion of the Song-Jin Peace Conference in 1141 AD.

It was not until 1132 AD that Yue Fei gradually entered the upper echelons of the army, in other words, seven years after the Song and Jin wars, Yue Fei was considered to have entered the ranks of senior generals.

It was not until 1138 AD that Qin Juniper officially began to preside over peace talks, in other words, thirteen years after the Song and Jin wars, Qin Juniper officially became the chief consul of the Southern Song Dynasty.

In this sense, Yue Fei and Qin Juniper did not become the protagonists of the Song-Jin War for a long time, especially Qin Juniper, which lasted a shorter time.

We often think that as long as Zhao Zhuo dares to resist, he can do what he wants, but in fact, this view is not accurate.

In the five or six years at the beginning of the Song and Jin wars, the Northern Song Dynasty perished, and the Southern Song Dynasty insisted on playing "space for time", which gradually got rid of the fate of being hanged by the Jin army.

This stage can be called the strategic defensive stage of the Great Song Dynasty. At this stage, the Jin army attacked all the way, capturing more and more cities and conquering more and more areas.

At this stage, the Song army could not carry out any effective counterattack, could only passively dodge and evade, and could only exchange space for time, allowing the Jin army to occupy more and more extensive territory.

But after these five or six years, the Jin army could no longer afford to continue to expand, and even in some places, it would be counterattacked by the Song army.

Many people believe that this is the result of Yue Fei's birth, but the problem is: in the five or six years before that, Yue Fei could only transfer from Hebei to the Central Plains, from the Central Plains to Huainan, and then from Huainan to Jiangnan.

With Yue Fei's step-by-step ascension, it means that the Southern Song Dynasty is no longer unilaterally beaten by the Jin Army, but this is not the credit of Yue Fei alone, because during this period, the army generals who rose step by step were not only Yue Fei alone, but Yue Fei's reputation in later generations was the greatest, so we regarded Yue Fei's ascension as a landmark event.

Was Song Jin's first peace talk a traitorous move by Zhao Zhuo or Qin Ju?

There are three main reasons why the Southern Song Dynasty was able to get out of the defensive period and gradually enter the stalemate period.

First, when the Jin army went all the way south and gradually reached the Qinling Mountains and the Huai River, the advantages of the cavalry were no longer obvious, so it was difficult to continue to expand further downwards.

Second, after occupying a vast area, the Jin army also needs a period of time to digest, if it can not effectively digest these military occupation areas, let alone continue to expand forward, that is, these military occupation areas, may also gradually get out of control.

Third, in the five- or six-year-long war, the Southern Song Dynasty also gradually honed some more capable armies. Although it is said that the Southern Song Army can only exchange space for time and the enemy advances and retreats in the face of the main force of the Jin Army, it is difficult for the Jin Army to be called a hanger when attacking them. Against this backdrop, the Jin Army was finally powerless to continue the sweep.

In the years before the Song and Jin wars, wherever the Jin army passed, through the bluff play, it could achieve one huge victory after another.

Because the Song army, which has long become the scum of the war, faced with the attack of the Jin army, it is often a simple contact that will collapse, or even collapse without a fight. Therefore, the Golden Army only needs to bypass a few hard bones (a limited number of fortified cities), just like entering the cotton field and picking the fruits of victory at will.

In the face of this kind of war, the Jin Army naturally became more and more vigorous, because the cost of this kind of war was too low and the harvest was too great.

The stage of hanging the Song army gradually passed, and even if the Jin army could defeat the Song army, it would always have to pay a certain price and bear certain risks, and there might not be any obvious gains. After this kind of war has been fought for a long time, the motivation of the Jin Army to continue the war will naturally become smaller and smaller.

The subsequent stage of strategic stalemate lasted for about six or seven years, and the sign of the consolidation of this stage was the gradual establishment of the five major group armies of Liu, Han, Zhang, Yue, and Wu.

When the establishment of the five major group armies of Liu, Han, Zhang, Yue, and Wu was completed, it meant that in theory, the Southern Song Dynasty entered a period of counter-offensive.

In this sense, more than ten years after the founding of the Southern Song Dynasty, the Southern Song Dynasty said that the main battle was not a luxury. Because, from the theory, after the establishment of the five major group armies is completed, the Song army can completely engage in large-scale field battles with the Jin army.

Prior to this, the Southern Song Dynasty only had a hundred thousand or so pieces of government troops, plus the warlords, rebels, and rogues who claimed hundreds of thousands, millions, and each with their own intentions, and the main battle was a standard luxury.

Of course, the establishment of the five major military groups of the Southern Song Dynasty and the ability to fight a large-scale decisive battle with the Jin army do not mean that the Song army can definitely defeat the Jin army, nor does it mean that the Song army can restore the Central Plains in the north, nor does it mean that the Song army can directly attack the Yellow Dragon.

Because although the Southern Song Dynasty continued to consolidate its rule during the stalemate period and built up five powerful military groups, the Jin State did not sleep, and at this stage, the Jin State continued to sinicize, and the centralization of power was continuously strengthened, becoming a powerful Northern Dynasty.

Looking at Chinese history, as long as the northern and southern dynasties coexisted, the Central Plains region usually belonged to the sphere of influence of the northern dynasties. The Southern Dynasty was only able to take advantage of the chaos in the north for a limited time to achieve limited domination over parts of the Central Plains.

Because in general, from a military point of view, when the Southern Dynasty and the Northern Dynasty competed for the Central Plains, the difference in offensive and defensive costs was too large. Therefore, the Southern Dynasty could usually only accept the fact that the Northern Dynasty ruled the Central Plains. If we ignore this fact and forcibly occupy the Central Plains, we will not be able to gain more than we lose.

Was Song Jin's first peace talk a traitorous move by Zhao Zhuo or Qin Ju?

As for the Song-Jin peace talks, we always think that the Southern Song Dynasty suffered losses, and even the result of Zhao Shuo and Qin Ju's traitors.

However, in my opinion, the first peace talk between Song and Jin was that the Southern Song Dynasty took advantage of it.

As we all know, the Song and Jin dynasties held on for six or seven years, and the Southern Song Dynasty never really killed back to the Central Plains, nor did it really kill back to the northwest. When the Song and Jin dynasties negotiated peace, the Jin State directly ceded the Central Plains and the Northwest to the Southern Song Dynasty.

In the face of this kind of windfall, the top brass of the Southern Song Dynasty could not believe their eyes, so much so that many of the main warrior factions believed that this must be a conspiracy of the Jin Dynasty.

In the view of the main war faction, because we were bounded by Jianghuai and Qinling, the Jin army could not break through, so we wanted to use the peace talks to deceive our army back to the Central Plains, and then use the advantages of cavalry to annihilate our living forces.

As for Qin Juniper, who presided over the peace talks, we should kill him, because he nominally helped us to fight for land, but in fact helped Jin Guo play conspiracies.

In the face of this view of the Great Song Dynasty's main battle faction, I really doubt that this is really the main war faction? Later generations scolded Zhao Zhuo and Qin Ju as they should be, but that was because they conspired to kill Yue Fei, not because of peace talks.

At least during Song Jin's first peace talks, I think Zhao Zhuo and Qin Ju did a good job.

At the time of the first peace talks between Song and Jin, Zhao Zhuo and Qin Ju believed that if they were subject to the Jin state and paid a little protection fee every year, they would be able to recover the central plains and the northwest without bloodshed, and this account would not be lost.

The main war faction believes that the Golden State has given us such a large piece of land for no reason, and it must have a conspiracy. Therefore, in order to obtain such a piece of land, we must not claim to the Jin Dynasty and pay protection fees.

In fact, the Jin Dynasty planned to cede this land to the Southern Song Dynasty, and there was no conspiracy. Because the consul who presided over the peace talks in the Golden State was lazy and lazy, he was finally executed on charges of treason, treason, and gold adultery.

The statement announced by the Jin Dynasty to the outside world was: Our soldiers threw their heads and spilled blood, and they managed to conquer the Central Plains and the Northwest, but they were directly returned to the Song Kingdom by the traitors.

If you were a Jinguo person, an envoy of your country, and directly ceded the land that the soldiers had brought down to an enemy country, what would you think of such a person?

Later, the Jin state did tear up the peace treaty, because the main peace faction was almost killed, and the main war faction came back to power, so there was no conspiracy at the time of the first peace talks between Song and Jin.

This matter is really interesting to say: the Jin Kingdom and the Song Kingdom made peace, returned the Central Plains and the Northwest to the Song Kingdom, and the Song State bowed down to the subjects and sent the old coins, and both sides were very satisfied. In the end, both sides were liquidated by their own main war factions.

Why did Song Jin have the first peace talks? Obviously, after six or seven years of stalemate, everyone did not want to fight anymore, so the Jin State gave up the land, the Southern Song Dynasty bowed to the subordinates, and the two sides demarcated the border, and the world was peaceful from then on.

I dare not say whether this practice is right or wrong, but no matter how you look at it, the practices of the Lords and factions of the Song and Jin dynasties are far from being traitorous.

Was Song Jin's first peace talk a traitorous move by Zhao Zhuo or Qin Ju?

Although neither side wanted to continue fighting, in the process of the first peace talks between Song and Jin, it was obvious that the lords and factions of the Southern Song Dynasty performed better.

The Jin dynasty's lords and factions initially proposed that as long as the Southern Song Dynasty was subservient and paid tribute on time, the two sides could draw lines on the existing military border, and from then on the well water would not violate the river water.

As soon as the request of the Jin Dynasty was introduced, some people on the Southern Song Side felt good: in the past few years, they had been scared by the Jin State, and if they could maintain the status quo, it would naturally be the best, but Qin Ju did not agree.

Qin Ju believes: The reason why our Great Song Empire can have today and force you to the negotiating table is because we have worked hard to fight, and it is definitely not given by you Jinguo. You can want an armistice, but you must not draw a line along the present military border, and if you draw a line according to the present military border, then we will not be called a vassal or a tribute.

There are also historical records that the person who agreed to draw the line according to the existing military boundary was Qin Juniper, but the Result was that the Southern Song Dynasty's main war faction did not agree, and Qin Juniper was afraid of being liquidated by the main war faction, so he asked the Jin Dynasty to cut off the land in exchange for the Southern Song Dynasty's title of Minister Nagong.

For this point, I do not agree very much, although Qin Juniper has become a negative figure, he cannot arbitrarily plant him.

If Qin Ju really dared to help Jin Guo so nakedly, how could he gain Zhao Zhuo's trust and then rise step by step in the Southern Song Dynasty?

More importantly, when the main battle faction later believed that it should not accept the Central Plains and the Northwest, it said that this was Qin Juniper's idea. This also proves that it was Qin Juli who mainly returned to the land and then called Chennagong, which had little to do with the main war faction.

Was Song Jin's first peace talk a traitorous move by Zhao Zhuo or Qin Ju?

After the first peace talks between Song and Jin, due to the coming to power of the main war faction of the Jin Dynasty, the two sides entered a new stage, that is, the counter-offensive period of the Southern Song Dynasty.

After taking back the Central Plains and the Northwest through the peace talks, should the government send troops to take them? There were divisions within the Southern Song Dynasty.

The main war faction believes that as long as the government is willing to go north, it can recover the Central Plains and even directly attack the Yellow Dragon; the main war faction believes that the pattern of the southern and northern dynasties has been formed, the rule of the Jin state over the north has been stabilized, and the Song army entering the Central Plains to compete with the Jin army is itself a matter of more evil and less luck.

More importantly, even if the Song army recaptured the Central Plains, the cost of maintaining the rule of the Central Plains would be very expensive, and the Southern Song government could not afford it at all.

Which of them is right? This has always been controversial, both then and later.

But one thing is for sure, the results of the Song-Jin peace talks have been maintained for nearly a hundred years. Neither the main war faction of the Jin Dynasty was bent on invading the south, nor was the main war faction of the Southern Song Dynasty bent on the northern expedition, but it could not really change the outcome of this peace talks.

Even when the Jin Dynasty was beaten to death by the emerging Mongol Khanate, the Southern Song Dynasty could not really change the outcome of this peace.

This in itself proves that the result of the first peace talks between Song and Jin was the inevitable outcome of the real game, and it was definitely not a long-planned surrender act by Zhao Zhuo or Qin Ju.

Was Song Jin's first peace talk a traitorous move by Zhao Zhuo or Qin Ju?

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