
I was slapped in the face the first time I opened the home field! LCK News Agency vs. KT upset T1

I was slapped in the face the first time I opened the home field! LCK News Agency vs. KT upset T1

Game Horseshoe

2024-06-29 19:31

★ Game Horseshoe Original

I was slapped in the face the first time I opened the home field! LCK News Agency vs. KT upset T1

T1 played home for the first time

In the past ten years, there has never been a team in the LCK that has independently left the home stadium of the Korean league and sold tickets at its own home. This year's T1 has taken the first step, but in the eyes of many people, it seems that it is a little too late, and the four-time champion Faker and T1 are indeed still the players and teams with the strongest ability to attract gold in South Korea's LOL, but if they had done home related content earlier, SKT Club may be far more profitable than it is now. What was even more unexpected was that the home court sold tickets, and the opponent was still the old news agency rival KT, and it was in a very bad state that the opponent T1 actually lost.

I was slapped in the face the first time I opened the home field! LCK News Agency vs. KT upset T1

In the third game, Faker delivered 2 kills in a row

T1 won the first game, but was crushed by KT in the second game, and in the third game, Faker gave Deft a blood at the beginning, and then was caught in the middle lane and allowed BDD to get a kill, and the perfect start of Double C gave KT a chance to beat T1. Even though T1 played some good counter-attacks in the middle of the game, they were eventually controlled by KT and lost this Bo3 for the first time at home in 33 minutes.

I was slapped in the face the first time I opened the home field! LCK News Agency vs. KT upset T1

KT beats T1

The 5,000-person venue was a bit of a library, because as T1's home show, T1 fans bought tickets accounted for the majority. KT won 2-1 in the end, but the cheers they received were still too small for the huge T1 home stadium. KT had a terrible start to the summer season, playing with illness in the top laner, and they only had a 1-4 record for their first win before playing against T1, while T1 only lost to GenG with a 4-1 record. This away win also made the whole KT team excited. This will obviously be disappointing for fans who buy T1 home tickets for the first time.

I was slapped in the face the first time I opened the home field! LCK News Agency vs. KT upset T1

T1 is still waiting for the version?

T1 is last year's champion, and the team that has never missed the LCK finals in recent years, no one dares to say that they are weak. Even though it has looked shaky lately, many feel that T1 can still play at the World Championship at a dominant level as long as future changes are favorable. Too far away S14 let's not talk about it for the time being, T1 is about to play in the Esports World Cup held in Saudi Arabia in July, and the first opponent is BLG, because both teams have recently lost the game unexpectedly, it seems that it is really difficult to say who can win in the end.

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  • I was slapped in the face the first time I opened the home field! LCK News Agency vs. KT upset T1
  • I was slapped in the face the first time I opened the home field! LCK News Agency vs. KT upset T1
  • I was slapped in the face the first time I opened the home field! LCK News Agency vs. KT upset T1
  • I was slapped in the face the first time I opened the home field! LCK News Agency vs. KT upset T1

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