
What food do you never eat after studying medicine? After reading the sharing of netizens, I really didn't dare to eat it

author:Brave Haiyan 9U

Netizen: As a doctor who specializes in treating head and neck tumors, I would never touch betel nut myself, and I would advise my relatives and friends not to do it. I've seen too many young people get oral cancer from chewing betel nut.

What food do you never eat after studying medicine? After reading the sharing of netizens, I really didn't dare to eat it

Netizen: I don't dare to buy those pineapples soaked in salt water at the stalls anymore. I remember that during the parasite class, the teacher reminded us that roundworm eggs might be hiding on pineapples.

What food do you never eat after studying medicine? After reading the sharing of netizens, I really didn't dare to eat it

Netizen: The taste of strong wine is really too similar to formalin!

What food do you never eat after studying medicine? After reading the sharing of netizens, I really didn't dare to eat it

Netizen: I remember one time, my friends and I were having dinner at a restaurant near a hospital in the evening. We heard the doctors at the next table discussing their surgical experience, and one of them suddenly said, "Boss, this is not the large intestine!" The other continued, "This should be the sigmoid colon, right?" The last person said, "This pig didn't eat well before he died, and he had ulcers in his intestines." "Since then, I haven't eaten at a restaurant near the hospital.

What food do you never eat after studying medicine? After reading the sharing of netizens, I really didn't dare to eat it

Netizen: Since I learned about stomach ulcers, I have no interest in sweet and sour tenderloin.

What food do you never eat after studying medicine? After reading the sharing of netizens, I really didn't dare to eat it

Netizen: When I was a child, I always heard adults say that rushing eggs is the most nutritious, but since I studied medicine, I learned that hard-boiled eggs are actually easier to be absorbed by the body, and raw eggs and scalded eggs may also have bacteria. So, I don't eat washed eggs anymore.

What food do you never eat after studying medicine? After reading the sharing of netizens, I really didn't dare to eat it

Netizen: I basically don't have time to have lunch.

What food do you never eat after studying medicine? After reading the sharing of netizens, I really didn't dare to eat it

Netizen: I used to like to eat chicken neck, but since I learned the knowledge of the lymphatic system, I don't even dare to look at chicken neck.

What food do you never eat after studying medicine? After reading the sharing of netizens, I really didn't dare to eat it

Netizen: Since I saw the surgery for Bartholin's cyst, I will never eat black fungus again.

What food do you never eat after studying medicine? After reading the sharing of netizens, I really didn't dare to eat it

Netizen: One day at breakfast, a patient came to me and asked, "Doctor, my leucorrhea has been a little abnormal recently, what's going on?" I asked her what the color, the smell, and so on were different from usual. She replied, "I can't tell, like the porridge soup you drink." I was taken aback: "Oh my God! I haven't eaten yet! ”

What food do you never eat after studying medicine? After reading the sharing of netizens, I really didn't dare to eat it

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