
Xu Shu recommended two people in his lifetime: a loyal minister and a traitorous minister, and both became heavyweights in the Three Kingdoms

Xu Shu recommended two people in his lifetime: a loyal minister and a traitorous minister, and both became heavyweights in the Three Kingdoms

Introduction: In the early period of the Three Kingdoms, many strategists emerged, they were exhaustive, but they did not help their lord to unify the world, and finally made a situation where the Three Kingdoms were established. But there was one man who, although he did not have many ideas and did not have too much sense of existence, did what other courtiers could not do. The biggest role of this person in the Three Kingdoms was to recommend two capable people, but these two people were loyal and one adulterous, one victory and one defeat, which can be described as a heavyweight figure in the Three Kingdoms, and even these two people also affected the development of the Three Kingdoms.

Xu Shu recommended two people in his lifetime: a loyal minister and a traitorous minister, and both became heavyweights in the Three Kingdoms

This person is Xu Shu, and the most common understanding of him is that sentence after the break, Xu Shu entered the Cao camp and did not say a word. Xu Shu was previously a strategist under Liu Bei, who was resourceful and one of the indispensable strategists in the early Three Kingdoms period, when Cao Cao was so powerful that he held Xu Shu's mother hostage, and in desperation, Xu Shu had no choice but to leave Liu Bei. However, when Xu Shu was leaving, he told Liu Bei to go to Zhuge Liang, first, Zhuge Liang was his good friend, and second, Zhuge Liang was indeed talented, and with his help, Liu Bei's great cause could be accomplished.

Xu Shu recommended two people in his lifetime: a loyal minister and a traitorous minister, and both became heavyweights in the Three Kingdoms

Xu Shu was originally a sword-dancing teenager who was arrested by the government for killing people, but was fortunately saved and met Zhuge Liang in Jingzhou. After Liu Bei learned the reason for Xu Shu's departure, he could not bear to be embarrassed by him, so he let him go, at this time Xu Shu felt very sorry for Liu Bei, so he recommended Zhuge Liang. Zhuge Liang was a loyal vassal of Shu Han, and he spent his life planning for Shu Han, although he ultimately failed to realize the grand vision of unifying the three kingdoms, but such efforts were also touching.

Xu Shu recommended two people in his lifetime: a loyal minister and a traitorous minister, and both became heavyweights in the Three Kingdoms

Although Xu Shu left Liu Bei and came to Cao Ying, he did not make any substantive suggestions, but brought misfortune to Cao Cao. At that time, Cao Cao admired Xu Shu very much and hoped that he could assist him, but Xu Shu was always unwilling to contribute to the strategy, so Cao Cao could not let go, could not kill, and could only raise him. Later, Cao Chong suddenly died of illness, and Xu Shu was a little sad as a teacher, so he asked to leave. Cao Cao could not kill anyone he used, so Cao Cao asked Cao Pi to do it.

Xu Shu recommended two people in his lifetime: a loyal minister and a traitorous minister, and both became heavyweights in the Three Kingdoms

At that time, Cao Pi was busy fighting with Cao Zhi for the throne, and he was not willing to kill Xu Shu at all, and even had the heart to recruit him. Xu Shu thanked Cao Pi for his grace not to kill, so he recommended his high disciple Sima Yi to him, and Cao Pi, who had Sima Yi, was like a tiger, cao zhi was not their opponent at all, and since then Sima Yi has assisted Cao Pi and other generations of Cao family. It was just that Sima Yi's assistant was not for the public, but for the private, and he laid a good foundation for the Sima family, and also gave the Sima family the ability to unify the chaotic world.

Xu Shu recommended two people in his lifetime: a loyal minister and a traitorous minister, and both became heavyweights in the Three Kingdoms

It is also very coincidental that Sima Yi and Zhuge Liang are both talents recommended by Xu Shu, but the temperaments of these two people are far apart, and they are also each other's biggest competitors. Sima Yi consumed Zhuge Liang and killed four generations of the Cao family, becoming the last big winner, during which Xu Shu's recommendation was indispensable.

Xu Shu recommended two people in his lifetime: a loyal minister and a traitorous minister, and both became heavyweights in the Three Kingdoms

Conclusion: Xu Shu was one of the few loyal counselors in the Three Kingdoms, and although he submitted to the two lords successively, he did not do anything against loyalty. When filial piety and loyalty clashed, I believe that many people do not know how to choose, Xu Shu chose filial piety, but did not violate loyalty, because he recommended Zhuge Liang, who was better than himself, to the old lord, and even when he went to others, he also adhered to the practice of unspoken loyalty, such a person is admirable.

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