
In the Battle of Nanma, Hua Ye fought a company only a thousand meters away from Hu Lian's division, so why didn't he capture him alive?

In May 1947, the East China Field Army completely annihilated Zhang Lingfu's reorganized 74th Division at Menglianggu. After the recuperation, in July, Hua Ye issued the "Nanzi No. 21 Combat Order".

The goal of the "21st Operational Order" was to annihilate Chiang Kai-shek's other main force, Hu Lian's integrated 11th Division. To this end, Chen Yi and Su Yu concentrated four columns and surrounded 5 regiments of Hu Lian's 11th Division in the Nanma area of Mengyin County.

If this battle is successful, Chiang Kai-shek's "five main forces" will be annihilated by two of the top integrated divisions.

In the Battle of Nanma, Hua Ye fought a company only a thousand meters away from Hu Lian's division, so why didn't he capture him alive?

On July 17, Hua Ye's four columns formed multiple roads and encircled the enemy in Nanma, successfully encircling Hu Lian's entire 11th Division. The next morning, the various armies braved the torrential rain, waded through the mountains and waters, and all threw themselves into battle. After a day of heavy fighting in the rain, several columns in Huaye destroyed and occupied all the enemy's peripheral positions and continued to attack the enemy's main position.

Hu Lian's life was in danger.

The 9th Column was responsible for attacking the enemy in the north and west directions against the southern Ma. The three divisions braved the torrential rain to continue to advance, fighting the enemy's blood.

The 26th Division forcibly took Gushan Mountain, successfully separated the enemy's entire 25th Division from the entire 11th Division, and occupied Fujiazhuang, attacking the spearhead directly at Nanma, where the headquarters of the enemy's 11th Division was located.

In the Battle of Nanma, Hua Ye fought a company only a thousand meters away from Hu Lian's division, so why didn't he capture him alive?

In the rolling hills of western Nanma, Hu Lian led his troops to see that the situation was not good, and they rushed to build a coherent Group of Zimu Forts up and down the mountain overnight. The 77th Regiment of the 26th Division conquered three enemy forts and took control of an offensive position. The enemy then attacked with all its might on the nameless heights held by its 3 battalions.

The 3rd Battalion was outnumbered and was in danger.

The 76th Regiment, as the second echelon of the division, was ordered to rush to reinforce the 77th Regiment.

Liu Shaoyi, commander of the 2nd Battalion, led 6 companies to deploy first, and the machine gun company concentrated 6 heavy machine guns to cover from the flank. The 6th Company charged several counter-charges in a row, destroying the enemy who attacked the nameless heights. Enemy corpses are piled up.

The 6th Company continued to compress in the direction of Nanma.

In the Battle of Nanma, Hua Ye fought a company only a thousand meters away from Hu Lian's division, so why didn't he capture him alive?

They entered a low-lying place only a thousand meters away from Nanma and encountered the enemy Yizimubao group. Liu Shaoyi carefully observed the terrain, and with experience, he realized that the enemy bunker group was lurking in a low-lying deep valley, and I would be completely exposed to the enemy's fire net during the day, making it difficult to launch an attack, so he suggested to the regiment commander that it was best to attack at night.

However, the regimental commander replied: "Orders have been received to lay down the enemy group fort before 3 p.m. to clear the way for the night attack on Namma." ”

Liu Shaoyi never bowed to difficulties, and after accepting the task, he immediately redeployed, ordered the 4th Company to creep forward covertly, and then launched an attack on the whole battalion after the 4th was connected to the group fort, and the machine gun company strengthened the fire cover from both flanks.

As expected, after the 4th Company launched an attack, due to its lack of cover, coupled with the rain and slippery road, it was difficult to secretly and quickly meet the enemy. The first platoon was all killed and wounded by enemy fire on the hillside, and the blood stained the ground red.

In the Battle of Nanma, Hua Ye fought a company only a thousand meters away from Hu Lian's division, so why didn't he capture him alive?

Liu Shaoyi couldn't hold back, jumped up from the command post, grabbed off his shirt, and with his bare back, pulled out his shell gun, shouted, swung his gun at the enemy, and prepared to run away.

"Liu Shaoyi, what are you going to do?"

Just as he was bare-chested and ready to rush toward the enemy with the other two platoons, Yan Chuanye, the regimental chief of staff, hurried to arrive and drank him. Then, Chief of Staff Yan Chuanye conveyed the regimental headquarters order:

"Stop attacking."

Due to the heavy casualties of Liu Shaoyi's battalion, on July 20, the superior ordered the 2nd Battalion of the 75th Regiment to replace the 2nd Battalion of the 76th Regiment and continue the attack on the enemy in Nanma.

The 4th Company was the main attacking company of the 2nd Battalion. The commander of the 4th Company, Zhang Xilai, was an old company commander with rich combat experience, and he found a deputy company commander and 3 platoon commanders to make detailed attack deployments.

Deputy Company Commander Liu Wanqi personally led 3 platoons to blast the bunker.

In the Battle of Nanma, Hua Ye fought a company only a thousand meters away from Hu Lian's division, so why didn't he capture him alive?

The front is open and open without any cover. It was raining heavily. The warriors' eyes are difficult to open, and the enemy situation is difficult to see. And the mountain is muddy, and when you step on it, you make a "chirping" sound, and even your shoes can't be pulled out.

Liu Wanqi led 3 platoons to attack the bunker, and each step forward was very difficult. "Da-da Liu Wanqi walked in front and was shot and killed. Sun Tongxin, the 3rd Platoon, immediately commanded the troops to turn around and crawl forward between the gaps in enemy fire.

The 7th class first successfully completed the task of clearing the deer. Unexpectedly, when blasting the bunker, there were successive accidents.

Platoon 3 was the blast platoon, and it was also the strongest platoon in the 4th Company, everyone was an old demolitionist, and as long as the rearguard fire suppressed the enemy, they had no bunkers that they could not blow up. The 8th squad rushed up first, and the soldiers delivered 3 packs of explosives in a row, and firmly erected the explosive packs on the bunker. However, the fuse was damp, and the warriors could not pull the fire.

Class 8 blasting failed. The 9th class sent two packs in succession. But, too, the fuse can't pull the fire. When the enemy saw it, he was even more anxious, and the enemy soldiers on the upper floors of the mother fort (with two upper and lower floors) held machine guns and shot straight at them. The 3 platoons of fighters all fell around the bunker, and those who did not die were wounded.

In the Battle of Nanma, Hua Ye fought a company only a thousand meters away from Hu Lian's division, so why didn't he capture him alive?

Zhang Xilai was extremely angry and ordered to concentrate fire on blocking the mother fort and the sub-fort in front, and the other warriors used cluster grenades to eliminate the enemy in the fort. The fire cover was so good that the enemy could not move. The 2nd platoon, Led by 2 Platoons, quickly rushed to the enemy bunker and threw grenades into the holes of the bunkers, but unexpectedly, one by one, bundles of grenades were thrown into the bunkers, but they still did not explode because of the moisture.

Platoon leader Sun Shousuo and several soldiers suffered casualties on the side of the enemy bunker.

Seeing this situation, the battalion commander Wang Fugui resolutely ordered the 4 companies to strengthen fire cover, rescue the wounded, and quickly retreat. Zhang Xilai personally led the fighters, rushed to the front position, tied a leg-wrapped cloth to the foot bones of the wounded, dragged them down, and saved the wounded.

The next day, the superiors came with an order: evacuate the battlefield!

It turned out that the battle of nanma offensive and defensive was fought for four or five days, and the competition between the two sides was very fierce. Chen Yi saw that Nanma could not be attacked for a long time, wasting up his troops in vain, and the enemy's various siege troops were getting closer and closer, so he ordered the initiative to withdraw from the siege on the 21st.

In the Battle of Nanma, Hua Ye fought a company only a thousand meters away from Hu Lian's division, so why didn't he capture him alive?

After the war, Zhang Xilai said fiercely:

"If it wasn't for God's help, I would have run through this kilometer in a row to catch Hu Lian!" It's a pity to damage my ace 3 row! ”

Since nanma and the subsequent battle of Linqu were not fought well, but suffered many casualties themselves, the entire Huaye participating troops were shrouded in an indignant mood, and in August, Chen Yi came to jiuzhong and said:

"Although our sacrifice was a little bigger, two battles and one dozen battles dragged the main force of the Jiaodong enemy, and on the whole it was a victory!" As for Hu Lian, this time God helped him, we didn't catch him, he ran the monk can't run the temple! ”

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