
Starting from the "Liao History and Geography", let's talk about the population of the "Five Capitals" prefectures and counties in the Liao Dynasty

The "History of Liao" was revised in the third year of the Yuan Dynasty (1343), more than two hundred years after the death of the Liao, the classics were scattered and did not exist, and the master was forced by the gong order, and within a year, the book was written in a hurry, and where the omissions and mistakes were and even contradicted each other, everywhere. Later historians Li Yan and Feng Jiasheng proofread the "History of Liao" and made a lot of supplements. Regarding the population of the Liao Dynasty, although those who have studied the population of the Song and Jin Dynasties have been involved, they are mostly confined to the old sayings of the "Liao History and Geography", and it is difficult to peek at the whole leopard.

Starting from the "Liao History and Geography", let's talk about the population of the "Five Capitals" prefectures and counties in the Liao Dynasty

I. Records of the Population of Prefectures and Counties in the History of Liao

The History of Liao, vol. 37, "Geographical Chronicle", records that during the Liao Dynasty, "the general capital was five, the government was six, the prefecture, the army, and the city were six out of one hundred, nine were two out of two in the two hundred counties, and sixty were in the country." The counts of each province in Zhiwen are Beijing Five, Fu Twelve, Prefecture, Army, and City 160, and County 217. Its establishment time began when Taizu first established the Khitan state, and at the latest in the sixth year of the Tianzuo Emperor Tianqing (1116), Shangjing ascended jinshan to Jingzhou, spanning the entire liao generation. Some of these provinces, prefectures, military, cities, and counties have records of the number of households, but none of them are years.

The number of prefectures, prefectures, military, and cities that lack the number of households in the LiaoShi And Geography is Tokyo Province, and the number of households in the eighty-two provinces, prefectures, military, and cities in the whole province is the number of households in the 66 provinces, prefectures, military, and cities. In Zhongjing Province, there are only 24 provinces and only one county in Gaozhou. Shangjing Province lacks Jing, Zhao Erzhou, Hedong, Jingbian, Pibei River, Tower Lazy Lord (Wang) four cities households. Xijing Province also lacked the number of households in Yunnei, Yongbyon, Dongsheng and Tiande. Only 42% of the total number of households in the five capitals is recorded, and only 42% of all provinces, prefectures, military and cities are recorded.

Starting from the "Liao History and Geography", let's talk about the population of the "Five Capitals" prefectures and counties in the Liao Dynasty

History of Liao? Bing Wei Zhi records the number of "Five Capital Township Ding", the Liao system should produce "Military Soldier Ding" two per household, and the average number of township Dings per household in the vast majority of the five capitals is two Ding, if you refer to the original text of the two Zhi, you will find that where the average number exceeds or is less than two Ding, most of them are caused by the error of the record. Among them, the three prefectures and armies that surpassed the two Dings, the sex Ofo Prefecture of Nanjing Province, the Feng Prefecture of Xijing Province, and the Jinsu Army.

The "Geographical Chronicle" contains the "four thousand households" in Guiyi County, which belongs to Zhuozhou, and the "Bing Wei Zhi" contains the errors of "Ding 80,000" and "80,000" and "8,000", so that the average number of Dings per household in the province reaches "4.12" Ding. If Jia Lizheng is correct, it should still be two dings; the "Geographical Chronicle" of Fengzhou in Xijing Province records that Tongxian II: Fumin County "Household 1,200", Zhenwu County "Taizu Shen book in the first year, cut Tuhun back, attacked it, captured his people to the east, only the township soldiers 300 people defended." The record is the early Liao Dynasty Taizu period, "Hou more county" that is, there is no record of the number of households, but the "Bing Wei Zhi" also counts the three hundred soldiers in the former township into the ding number, combined with "Fumin County Ding 2,400, Zhenwu County 300 Township Soldiers" to 2,700, so that the average number of Ding out of the township per household increased to "2.25".

Except for the township soldiers, there were 1,200 households, 2,400 Ding, still 2 dings; Jin Sujun's "Geographical Chronicle" records that "in the twelfth year of Chongxi," he cut down three hundred households of Yan people, and defended the Qiu army from one thousand shizhi." The "Bing Wei Zhi" uses "one thousand anti-autumn soldiers" as the number of township dings, so that the average number of township dings per household is as high as "3.33". According to the anti-Autumn Army, it is not from the Yan people, which is not enough evidence. The above can be seen that in the Liao Dynasty, each household produced two "soldiers and soldiers", which seems to be a regular system.

Starting from the "Liao History and Geography", let's talk about the population of the "Five Capitals" prefectures and counties in the Liao Dynasty

Among the prefectures where the average number of people per household is less than two, Liaoyang Province, Tokyo Province, is the most prominent. The Geographical Chronicle records that there were "46,040 households" in Liaoyang Province. The Bing Wei Zhi records that there were 4,400 Ding in Liaoyang Province, with an average of 0.35 people per household. According to the nine counties of Liaoyang Province, there are no households in the three counties of Sushen, Quy Nhon and Hue, and there are a total of 7,200 households in the six counties of Liaoyang.

Compared with the number of Ding in the Bing Wei Zhi that coincides with the average number of households per household and the 4,604 households in Liaoyang Province, except for the 7,200 households in the six counties with records, the average number of households in each county is 1,000 outdoors, and if the remaining three counties are 33,404 households, the average number of households in each county is 10,000 1,135 households, which is nearly ten times the difference, and some scholars believe that this statistic of the "History of Liao" is problematic according to the fact that the number of households in Liaoyang Province is exactly the same.

According to the three histories of Liao, Jin, and Song, in the third year of the Yuan Shun Emperor's reign (1343), they were revised under the auspices of Cheng Xiang, and Lian Zhongshan Hague, who was responsible for compiling the "History of Liao", only slightly compiled the existing historical materials at that time, and did not have time to examine, so there was a strange incident that the number of households in Jin Liaoyang Province was attributed to the Liao Dynasty. Another example is Linhuang Province, Shangjing Province, where the Lizhi records "36,500 households" and the Bing Wei Zhi records that there are 40,000 Ding, with an average of 1 person per household. According to the number of households in the ten counties under the jurisdiction of the province, there are 22,500 households in the eight counties such as Linhuang, of which 4,000 are in Xuanhua County. The number of township dings is also 4,000, one household and one ding, which shows that the total number of households in the province is 36,500 is also unreliable. In particular, there are 4,000 households and 1,000 dings in Fengzhou in Shangjing Province, and the average number of people in each household is only 0.25 people, and the mistakes are even more obvious.

Starting from the "Liao History and Geography", let's talk about the population of the "Five Capitals" prefectures and counties in the Liao Dynasty

2. Estimates of the population of Liaodai prefectures and counties

In the Liao Dynasty, the number of ninety-nine provinces, prefectures, armies, and cities accounted for 58% of the total number of provinces, prefectures, and cities. Among them, there are those who are placed in Bohai, female direct households, Migratory Han households, and jingjing people; there are those who are placed in the households of various officials, accounts, and courtiers. The population figures can only be deduced from the relevant situation. In the case of Zhongjing Province, only the Liao Dynasty emperors conquered Goryeo and captured 5,000 households of the "remnants of the Three Kingdoms" of Buyeo, Silla, and Goryeo, and the number of households in One County, Goju, on the banks of the TuHe River (Laoha River) in the far north. In the twenty-fifth year (1007), the city of Dadingfu was built with the construction of Xuanyan and Jilianggong, "actually Hanhu".

Among the nine counties directly under its jurisdiction, the five counties of Fushu, Shunong, Wending, Shengping, and Jinyuan were all "analyzed by the jingmin" in the second year of Kaitai (1013). Among the ten prefectures under its command, the prefectures of Hui, Yu, Ze, Wu'an, and Bei'an were also placed in the form of captured Han households. Most of these newly established prefectures and counties in Hanhu were agricultural populations, and Nakazawa Prefecture was "refined and trapped in the river and silver rule", and handicrafts also developed, and the population reproduction can be imagined. The Xingzhongfu "Jin Shi And Geographical Chronicle" records: "The city of Ben Tang Yingzhou, Liao Taizu moved the Han people to shizhi, yue bazhou Zhangwu army, Chongxi eleven years rose to the province, changed its name, Jin because of it." Household forty-nine hundred and seventeen". Judging from the "Jin Yinzhi", the xingzhongfu households are actually inherited from the Liao, and there are more than 40,000 households, so the Dading Province, where Zhongjing is located, is even more than this number.

Starting from the "Liao History and Geography", let's talk about the population of the "Five Capitals" prefectures and counties in the Liao Dynasty

Emperor Xingzong relocated the people of Dingzhou to Hongzheng County (present-day Yi County, Liaoning) on the banks of the Ling River (present-day Daling River), which was rich in mulberry hemp in Yizhou, Zhongjing Province, and its "migrant workers weaving red and many skills" became "silk silkworm households" that exclusively exported silk to the Liao government, and the Liao envoys used silk from the neighboring Baichuan Prefecture (present-day Chaoyang County, Liaoning) as a gift for the Song Dynasty. From the development of Nongsang, it can also be seen that the population distribution of the Ling River Basin will not be less, according to the above estimates, the total population of Zhongjing Province will not be less than 100,000 households.

Part of Tokyo Province is the birthplace of bohai. The History of Liao, vol. 34, "Bing Wei Zhi" (兵衛志), said, "In the first year of Tianxian (926), the Bohai Kingdom was destroyed, the local area was 5,000 miles, hundreds of thousands of soldiers, the five capitals, the fifteen provinces, and the sixty-two prefectures, all of which were numerous, and the Khitan was great. "With hundreds of thousands of soldiers, its total population should be more than one million, and in addition to relocating some of them to Shangjing Province and Zhongjing Province, the Liao government is still scattered within the eighty-two provinces, prefectures, and military castles of Tokyo Province. Among them, Xuan, Song, Shen, Sui, Shuang, Long, Lianzhuzhou and Hue City were all placed in Hanhu. Under the joint labor of the Han, Bohai, Female Zhi and other ethnic groups, agricultural production has developed considerably. In February of the sixth year of Emperor Shengzong Taiping (1026), Longzhou "HuanglongFu asked to build a fort barrier and a beacon ten, and ordered it to be built with a gap in agriculture." "It shows the importance that the Liao rulers attach to agricultural production." In the ninth year (1029), Yandi was starving, and it was planned to "move the Liaodong Millet Yan", but because of the "inconvenience of the road", the wealth of the Liaodong can be seen here. Song Qi, a native of Jixian County, Youzhou, who had served as a servant of Emperor Muzong of Liao, called the Liaodong region "hundreds of thousands of households and cultivated more than a thousand miles." "The actual population of Tokyo-do is about 400,000 households.

Starting from the "Liao History and Geography", let's talk about the population of the "Five Capitals" prefectures and counties in the Liao Dynasty

The number of households in Shangjing Province is around 104,400, if the number of households in the six heads of the junzhou city under the shortage of loads is around 100,000. The 160,000 households in Xijing Province, if counted in the number of military households in the four states such as Yunnei, will not be less than 170,000. Coupled with the 247,000 households in Nanjing Province, even the most conservative estimate is that the five capitals, prefectures, military and cities of the Liao Dynasty are about 1.047 million households. The Liao military system "All people who are above fifteen years old and under fifty years are subordinate to the military. "The number of juveniles under fifteen years and above, together with women of the same age, is estimated to be no less than six in each household, then one hundred and forty-seven thousand households, and six hundred and twenty-two thousand.

According to the number of households in the five capitals recorded in the "Liao History and Geography", and with reference to the geographical distribution of the population of various ethnic groups, the "Liao History? The number of dings per household recorded in the Bing Wei Zhi shall prevail, assuming that each household has five mouths, and the inference that the Liao state has 760,000 households, 1.52 million Ding, and 3.8 million mouths. The number of household registrations calculated by it is obviously low.

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