
He was a modern Chinese military scientist who married a Japanese nurse and had a daughter married to Qian Xuesen


Jiang Baili was born in a family in northern Zhejiang, his grandfather was jiang Guangxu, a famous bibliophile in the Qing Dynasty, Jiang Baili grew up in the sea of books since childhood, he was intelligent since childhood, and his family had high expectations of him. He was also quite talented in the military, and later went to Japan to study, graduated from the best Japanese Army non-commissioned officer school at that time, and graduated with better than all the graduates of his japanese class, and took the sword of the Japanese emperor with the first place. Jiang Baili was a famous military scientist during the Republic of China, the first person to bring modern Western military thinking to China, and wrote a number of military theoretical works, such as "National Defense Theory", which laid the foundation for China's modern national defense theory. Jiang Baili is a person worthy of our respect and commemoration, and her wife is also an amazing person.

He was a modern Chinese military scientist who married a Japanese nurse and had a daughter married to Qian Xuesen


In 1912, Jiang Baili, then principal of the Baoding Army Officer School, was admitted to the hospital, the first regular army school in modern Chinese history. The reason why Jiang Baili was hospitalized was to fight for a breath, and he was proud that he was determined to run the best military academy, but the Beiyang government, represented by Yuan Shikai, regarded this school as a decoration. When he first became principal, he made school rules, but anyone who was in the school, whether it was the principal, faculty, or students, was punished for any mistake. His reforms angered Yuan Shikai, so the Beiyang government repeatedly withheld military expenses, making it difficult to carry out military work, Jiang Baili felt that he had failed to live up to the promises made at that time and did not run the school well, so in the presence of the whole school, he immediately shot a pistol in the chest.

Fortunately, after many rescues in the hospital, Jiang Baili finally recovered a life on the death line, and in order for him to recover better, the upper echelons asked the Japanese side to send a doctor and nurse to take care of him, and this nurse named Sato Yaden later became his wife. Jiang Baili never expected that he would meet his future wife in this hospital.

He was a modern Chinese military scientist who married a Japanese nurse and had a daughter married to Qian Xuesen


The reason why Sato stood out in the nursing academy and was selected to come to Baoding was not only because of her rich medical knowledge, but also because of her gentle and understanding personality. At first, Jiang Baili rarely spoke, his face was always dark, and Sato was not reluctant during daily nursing, but took good care of him from the side. Gradually, Jiang Baili found that the girl next to him was a very kind person. Sato also admired the officer who had won the emperor's sword, and was always unhappy to see him, and thought of many ways to unravel him.

The first to have a feeling of liking and attachment is Jiang Baili, Sato is actually not a beauty in the traditional sense, and her appearance is only beautiful, but as soon as she sees her, Jiang Baili can't help but feel joy. Maybe love is not liked because it is beautiful, but because it is beautiful because it likes. Although love can bring sweetness, it is also accompanied by bitterness. Jiang Baili, who is not afraid of anyone at work, is very shy in front of love, and when he wants to express his admiration for Sato, Sato has already left Baoding because of work transfers.

He was a modern Chinese military scientist who married a Japanese nurse and had a daughter married to Qian Xuesen

Later, when Jiang Baili resolutely resigned from his post as the principal of the military academy and went to Beijing to recuperate, he actually met this person who haunted his soul. The second encounter made Jiang Baili realize that the woman in front of him would make his soul home. So he expressed his desire to marry Sato's sincerity to the Japanese legation, but was gently refused by Sato, because her good friend and attending doctor had advised her, the gap between the two identities was too large, and they were of different nationalities, if they ignored the real problem just because of a momentary love, the future marriage was likely to have a bad outcome. Sato listened to his friend's advice and returned to Japan from China.

But Jiang Baili is a person who gives up lightly, he has written many letters to Sato fanatical pursuit thousands of miles away, and Sato is sweet and painful. In fact, she had fallen in love with this handsome and kind Chinese officer as early as Baoji, and this time his determination to infatuate the boy impressed Sato even more. However, her parents strongly refused, until Sato put a thick stack of love letters in front of his father, and he finally relaxed after reading them.

In 1914, Sato came to China to marry Jiang Baili, the rush of thousands of rivers and mountains, the anxiety and bitterness of day and night, etc., they finally harvested the fruits of love and held hands with each other to go to the marriage hall. Life after marriage is more satisfactory than imagined, one is empathetic and kind, and one is obsessed with serious care. Jiang Baili also gave Sato a Chinese name called Jiang Zuomei.

He was a modern Chinese military scientist who married a Japanese nurse and had a daughter married to Qian Xuesen


After the marriage, the two were very affectionate and lived a simple and happy life, Chiang Baili studied the military and presided over the military academy, and in his later work "On National Defense", he summed up the operational strategy against Japan, which gave Chiang Kai-shek an important reference at that time. Jiang Zuomei, on the other hand, is mainly responsible for taking care of the family so that Jiang Baili can concentrate on learning. The two had a total of five daughters, and in addition to the early death of the eldest daughter, the other four daughters had good achievements. In particular, the third daughter, Jiang Ying, is a famous singer, and later she married Mr. Qian Xuesen, a famous and scientific person in China, and Qian Xuesen was able to return to China smoothly, and the fourth daughter also played an important role.

In 1938, Jiang Baili died of illness, Jiang Sato was very hurt, but she did not give up her life and hope, she took Jiang Baili's unfinished anti-Japanese will, resolutely walked to the forefront of the War of Resistance Against Japan, as a nurse on the battlefield to save the lives of Chinese soldiers, as a Japanese, this is really admirable, which also shows that this Japanese nurse who married into China has completely regarded herself as a Chinese.

He was a modern Chinese military scientist who married a Japanese nurse and had a daughter married to Qian Xuesen


In 1978, the 88-year-old Jiang Zuomei passed away, and after her death, her tombstone only wrote three words "Jiang Zuomei", which shows the recognition of the old man who has experienced vicissitudes for his Chinese identity and the open-mindedness of not being famous and profitable, and facing life calmly.

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