
Two years ago, an old Japanese woman exposed the historical truth of Unit 731 and spent more than 30 years denouncing the atrocities committed by the Japanese army

In 2020, a 90-year-old lady in Tokyo, Japan, sat in front of her window, reading the newspaper as usual, and from time to time she looked up at the window, as if remembering something.

If you pay a little attention to the newspaper in the hands of the old man, you will find that all of them are Chinese font,

Why would an old man read Chinese newspaper?

This is indeed a bit of a surprise.

After a while, the old man stood up and prepared to put on his clothes, as if he was going to go out, and the family saw the situation and quickly surrounded him, but the old man refused:

What do you do? I didn't go far away, just walked in my yard.

Two years ago, an old Japanese woman exposed the historical truth of Unit 731 and spent more than 30 years denouncing the atrocities committed by the Japanese army

At this time, pieces of cherry blossoms fell in the sky, as if swearing that his life was coming to an end, and the old man looked up at these cherry blossoms, and a trace of memory came from his mind.

The family members looked at the old man's back and realized that the old man was in grief at this time, and they did not dare to bother, so they had to do the unfinished work in their hands.

Maybe it was the weather getting colder, and after the old man walked around outside for a little while, he returned home, humming a little song along the way, and it seemed that his mood had changed a lot.

Two years ago, an old Japanese woman exposed the historical truth of Unit 731 and spent more than 30 years denouncing the atrocities committed by the Japanese army

However, her children have listened to these songs many times, and each time they feel different from Japanese songs, nor are they popular songs, and when asked about her, she only said:

These songs are the revolutionary songs of the year and some of my favorite songs.

Every time he said this, the old man's face was filled with a happy smile, and the children did not know where she really liked it, but the old man did not say it, and they did not intend to ask.

Why does this old Japanese woman read Chinese newspaper? What is the song she is humming on her lips? What kind of identity does this old Japanese woman have? Time goes back, everything must start from the period of the War of Resistance Against Japan.

Two years ago, an old Japanese woman exposed the historical truth of Unit 731 and spent more than 30 years denouncing the atrocities committed by the Japanese army

In 1931, the Japanese invaders launched the "918 Incident", and the three eastern provinces of our country were captured, and in order to be able to fully control the three eastern provinces, Japan not only sent troops to garrison, but also relocated a large number of native people in the country, and even established Japanese people's residences in the three eastern provinces.

Not only that, the land of the people in northeast China was also forcibly bought and sold by the Japanese invaders, who used extremely low prices to buy land from the hands of our people for farming.

Two years ago, an old Japanese woman exposed the historical truth of Unit 731 and spent more than 30 years denouncing the atrocities committed by the Japanese army

In 1940, Yukiko Yamabe followed her family to the land of China, and her father, as a member of a pioneer group, naturally wanted to bring his young daughter with him.

When she first came to China, she saw a lot of deeds about the Japanese pioneers, who always divided themselves into superior people and divided our people into inferior people, so when they were engaged in particularly hard and dangerous work, they arbitrarily instructed our people, and even more insulted our people at will.

Two years ago, an old Japanese woman exposed the historical truth of Unit 731 and spent more than 30 years denouncing the atrocities committed by the Japanese army

When she was young, she couldn't help but ask:

Why did Chinese be driven out of his home by the Japanese? Why Chinese do such a lowly job and be beaten and scolded by the Japanese?

As time passed, Yamabe Yukiko finally understood one thing, that is, the people of her own country were invaders who invaded other countries, and the crimes they committed against the Chinese people were simply heinous crimes.

Her name is Yukiko Yamabe, she came to China with her parents when she was a child, and due to the Japanese invasion of China, she witnessed the suffering of the people of our country at a very young age, so she decided to make a contribution to the Chinese people.

Two years ago, an old Japanese woman exposed the historical truth of Unit 731 and spent more than 30 years denouncing the atrocities committed by the Japanese army

After the end of the War of Resistance Against Japan, their family was left by the Japanese in the Liaoning region of northeast China, but fortunately the local villagers took in their family, so in the northeast region, they were not severely oppressed.

Sometimes there was a lack of food in her home, and the villagers helped them from time to time, sending some food to her family, which made him feel good about Chinese.

During the Liberation War, the Kuomintang people once passed by her home, when the troops lacked a pot for cooking, when they came to her home, they opened their mouths to ask them for it, and the name was that it was borrowed, but in the end the pot was broken and it was not completely returned.

Two years ago, an old Japanese woman exposed the historical truth of Unit 731 and spent more than 30 years denouncing the atrocities committed by the Japanese army

Later, our army also came to her home, for the same reason as the Kuomintang troops, to borrow a pot from her home, but with the premise of the Kuomintang, her mother hesitated, but later lent the pot for cooking at home to our army.

Finally, when our army returned the pot, in addition to being intact, there were three carrots lying quietly in the pot, and at this moment, Yamabe Yukiko finally understood the gap between the nationalist army and the communist army.

At that time, the conditions were so difficult that everyone who knew the history knew that when the soldiers of our army returned, they also gave their own grain to the common people, which made Yukiko's family particularly moved, so she decided to sign up for the army and become a medical worker in our army.

Two years ago, an old Japanese woman exposed the historical truth of Unit 731 and spent more than 30 years denouncing the atrocities committed by the Japanese army

When she first came to the army, she was naturally a little uncomfortable, on the one hand, because of her identity, on the other hand, she had never participated in the battle, and did not understand how hard the war really was.

In order to quickly integrate herself into the unit, she consulted a female nurse who had participated in the Long March of the Red Army, and from time to time went to the countryside to do medical work.

Gradually, she gradually integrated into the army, and also participated in various battles with the people in the army, and also saved many soldiers of our army in many battles, but sometimes the soldiers were more emotional, and she was also very afraid in her heart, fortunately, there was a head nurse who often chatted with her.

Two years ago, an old Japanese woman exposed the historical truth of Unit 731 and spent more than 30 years denouncing the atrocities committed by the Japanese army

After the end of the Liberation War, she really could not resist the persuasion of her grandfather, and finally returned to Japan with her parents, and her memory in China has not been forgotten, after all, she participated in the People's Liberation Army for 8 years, and her heart likes the atmosphere in the PLA troops, the soldiers have love, and the leaders also joke with the soldiers and sing songs from time to time.

Later, she learned that many of the problems left over from the war of resistance against Japan had not been solved in the last few years, so Yukiko Yamabe decided to put her work aside and devote herself to collecting information on the Second Sino-Japanese War, and later joined the Tokyo Japan-China Friendship Association.

Two years ago, an old Japanese woman exposed the historical truth of Unit 731 and spent more than 30 years denouncing the atrocities committed by the Japanese army

In order to cover up the historical truth, the Japanese government fabricated a lot of false information about the period of the War of Resistance Against Japan out of thin air, which made Yukiko Yamabe very resentful, so she stood up and made public the information she collected, and also held various anti-war activities.

In 1980, the site of the Japanese "731" germ unit was discovered in the Harbin area of northeast China, and after learning of this incident, Yamabe Yukiko immediately left for China to prepare for evidence collection.

Two years ago, an old Japanese woman exposed the historical truth of Unit 731 and spent more than 30 years denouncing the atrocities committed by the Japanese army

When she stepped into China again, she was very surprised to see the changes in China, and she did not expect that in just a few decades, China's development was so rapid that she could not see the damage caused by the war.

Later, she came to Harbin, found local residents, interviewed everywhere, and when the residents told the inhumane crimes of the Japanese army, her face was covered with tears, and her heart was as painful as a needle.

After returning to her country, she made this matter into a video material, and also personally made several translations of the content, announcing the Japanese army's germ warfare to the world.

Two years ago, an old Japanese woman exposed the historical truth of Unit 731 and spent more than 30 years denouncing the atrocities committed by the Japanese army

Originally, she thought that this matter would be over, and she could live a good life in peace and stability, but what she did not expect was that in China, she heard that the bombs and biological and chemical weapons abandoned by the Japanese army in China were still killing the Chinese people, and even more so, there was a matter of killing the Chinese people.

Upon learning of this incident, Yamabe Yukiko re-entered China and launched an investigation into the matter, and later through her continuous efforts, she finally pointed out all the 700,000 poison gas bombs that were planted in China after Japan's defeat that year, and because of these gas bombs, more than 2,000 chinese people were victimized.

Two years ago, an old Japanese woman exposed the historical truth of Unit 731 and spent more than 30 years denouncing the atrocities committed by the Japanese army

For these victims, Yukiko used her own name to help them ask the Japanese government for compensation, and several workers in the process of construction, because of the poison gas bomb, resulting in years of suffering from illness, she took out some of her savings and gave some help to these victims.

An old Japanese woman once came to China to be the People's Liberation Army, and after the end of the War of Resistance, she returned to Japan and spent half her life dealing with Sino-Japanese friendly relations.

Two years ago, an old Japanese woman exposed the historical truth of Unit 731 and spent more than 30 years denouncing the atrocities committed by the Japanese army

A few years later, 18 Chinese workers crowded the halls of the district court in Tokyo, Japan, all quietly waiting for the judge's readout.

After a while, the judge took out the official documents in his hand, told the workers about the Crimes of Japan, and apologized on behalf of the Japanese army, and finally, thanks to the efforts of Yukiko Yamabe, the workers were compensated.

Today, Yukiko Yamabe has reached the age of 91, and in addition to reading some newspapers, she looks out the window from time to time and recalls the stories of that year, and she often runs in the cause of Sino-Japanese friendship, so she is often excluded.

Two years ago, an old Japanese woman exposed the historical truth of Unit 731 and spent more than 30 years denouncing the atrocities committed by the Japanese army

But she didn't care, she thought:

Only mutual equality can be exchanged for true friendship.

You know, today's peace is not easy to come by, and this should be well known to all people.

Two years ago, an old Japanese woman exposed the historical truth of Unit 731 and spent more than 30 years denouncing the atrocities committed by the Japanese army

A little girl, from childhood was violated by the war, naïve she was forced to come to China because of the war, saw the true face of Japan's invasion of China, felt the great centripetal force of our soldiers, experienced 8 years of military career, from an ignorant little girl, to now have a strong sense of justice, and will carry out practical actions of a Japanese People's Liberation Army. Such a kind Japanese old man, we should pay tribute to her, respect the veterans, and remember history!

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