
Psychology: Treat marriage with caution, and love that is certain at first sight is not to be trusted


The writer Hugo said in the book "The Man with the Smiley Face": Love leaves the illusion, as if man has no food. Love needs to be cultivated passionately, whether it is physical love or spiritual love.

This sentence tells us that love is a kind of perceptual psychological activity, and the reason why love makes people blind is because it is always produced because of human spiritual activity.

Before meeting love, many people have a fantasy about the future object of love, there is a standard in the heart, when we see a person of the opposite sex who meets our ideal standards on the outside, we will unconsciously have a good feeling for him, and put our beautiful fantasies about love on that person, so as to fall deeply in love with each other.

Good love, not only need spiritual satisfaction, but also need to consider the reality, the first glance to determine the love is not credulous, only after experiencing the precipitation of time, after understanding each other, and then choose to fall in love with it, in order to make the love relationship more long-term and stable.

Psychology: Treat marriage with caution, and love that is certain at first sight is not to be trusted


Psychologically, there is a well-known "primacy effect", which refers to:

The impact of the first impression formed by the two parties to the exchange on the future relationship is the effect of "preconceptions".

Applying the "first cause effect" to love, we can get a conclusion: at the beginning of the relationship, if the opposite sex leaves a good first impression on each other, then the future communication process between the two of them will be smooth; conversely, if the impression left by the opposite sex on each other is not good, their future communication process will be full of obstacles.

The "first cause effect" in psychology tells us that if men and women have a good first impression of each other, the future development path of the two of them will become smooth.

Psychology: Treat marriage with caution, and love that is certain at first sight is not to be trusted

Although the first impression formed by the opposite sex when interacting is important, the first impression of each other on the other is emotional and superficial.

First of all, when two people of the opposite sex first interact, the first impression they make on each other is likely to be created; second, the impression left by two people of the opposite sex when they first meet is often shallow and one-sided, which is not enough for both parties to deeply understand each other.

Because of this, the love that is determined at first glance is not credulous, and good love should be based on the mutual understanding of the two lovers.

Psychology: Treat marriage with caution, and love that is certain at first sight is not to be trusted


Regarding marriage, the French writer Balzac once said this:

Husbands and wives should know each other and understand each other, and then tolerate and love each other, in order to maintain a happy marriage.

The enlightenment brought to us by this sentence is that in a happy marriage relationship, there should be a deep foundation of love between husband and wife, and the formation of this love requires a gradual process of mutual understanding.

Marriage is a lifelong event that needs to be treated with caution, and it is not enough to be sure that the other party can bring him a happy marriage just by virtue of his beautiful fantasies about love and a good first impression of the other party.

Psychology: Treat marriage with caution, and love that is certain at first sight is not to be trusted

When talking about marriage, judging whether a person's character is good or bad, judging whether a person is worth entrusting for life, he needs to have a certain amount of contact with each other, only after the precipitation of time, after the two understand each other, they can determine whether each other is worth relying on.

Marriage should be treated with caution, and only after time precipitation and thoughtful feelings can there be a possibility of harvesting happiness.

Psychology: Treat marriage with caution, and love that is certain at first sight is not to be trusted


Psychology tells us that we should be cautious about love, and that love that is certain at first sight is not to be trusted.

A happy marriage relationship needs to be based on the mutual understanding and love of the husband and wife, and only by virtue of the beautiful fantasy of love and the good feelings of the lover when they first meet, it is impossible to ensure that a marriage can achieve happiness.

Rousseau once said in the book "New Eloise": A happy couple's life must be based on love.

Mutual understanding between the opposite sex is the basis for the love between the two people, only the husband and wife can gradually understand each other and cultivate true love, and the two of them can harvest a happy marriage.

Psychology: Treat marriage with caution, and love that is certain at first sight is not to be trusted

(Picture from the Internet, invasion and deletion)

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