
Psychology opens the Zhang Buckle Incident: The repeated repetition of the three scenes in the brain is the main cause of the revenge crime

author:Li Man

"A bloody knife, three lives", but the murderer Zhang Koukou is called a "hero" by some people? Some people even conclude: A hundred years later, the new Ranger biography will have his name "Zhang Koukou".

Psychology opens the Zhang Buckle Incident: The repeated repetition of the three scenes in the brain is the main cause of the revenge crime

Buckle buckle

Is Zhang Koukou a hero or a criminal? His revenge twenty years after his mother was killed, is it really as simple as revenge? Open the Zhang Kou Kou incident from a psychological point of view, and everything will be answered.

There is a professional term in psychology, called PTSD, Chinese called post-traumatic stress disorder, refers to the person suffered a major natural disaster, traffic accidents, sudden death of relatives and other accidents, the emergence of unusually strong stress-related disorders.

Usually, if the accident happened in the person's childhood or adolescence, then the stress disorder will be more intense.

Judging from various later events, Zhang Koukou witnessed his mother being beaten to death on August 27, 1996, and he was only 13 years old, and he was destined to suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder.

On the same day, Zhang Koukou's mother Wang Xiuping had an argument with her neighbor Wang Xiaojun's family again, and the reason why it was said "again" was because the two families had been having a holiday before this. Previously, their relationship was good, but because of the homestead dispute, the Zhang family suffered a loss, and the two families were incompatible.

Psychology opens the Zhang Buckle Incident: The repeated repetition of the three scenes in the brain is the main cause of the revenge crime

According to the post-restoration, it was Wang Xiuping who initially caused the dispute, and after she saw Wang Fujun, the second son of the Wang family, she spat on him and said a few words loudly. Wang Fujun, who felt insulted, insulted Wang Xiuping, and during the dispute between the two sides, Wang Zhengjun, the third son of the Wang family, also joined in.

After the dispute between the two sides, the surrounding villagers went to watch, and Zhang Koukou was among them.

Because the people around knew that the two families had a holiday, they didn't dare to dissuade them, but just watched. The more noisy the two sides became, the more angry they became, and both sides picked up the guys and prepared to do it. Zhang Koukou's mother took out a flat pole from home, and the two brothers of the Wang family picked up the wooden stick.

On one side are two young and vigorous men, and on the other side is a woman, and the difference between strength and weakness is very obvious. During the fight, the two strong men quickly gained the upper hand, and suddenly, I don't know whether it was the second or third child of the Wang family, a stick hit Wang Xiuping's head, and Wang Xiuping immediately fell to the ground.

Only then did the people around react: something big had happened. Completely stunned, Zhang Koukou hurriedly hugged his mother, and he was horrified to find that his mother's nose and mouth were full of blood, and the blood was still "gurgling" in her throat. Zhang Koukou kept shouting "Mom", his eyes staring at a loss, his brain was completely occupied by fear and hatred.

Zhang Koukou watched his mother breathe in his arms, and under the huge stimulation, he didn't even know that he was crying, and he didn't cry a word during the whole process.

What emotions need most is "sparse", especially when a huge accident occurs, if the emotion cannot be "sparse", it will cause a huge blockage. The result of the blockage will be the induction of post-traumatic stress disorder. Zhang Koukou did not cry after witnessing his mother's death, an anomaly that is typical of post-traumatic stress disorder.

The crowd of onlookers grew, and the police arrived at the scene, and they confirmed the fact that Zhang Koukou's mother died. In order to further verify the cause of Wang Xiuping's death, the police arranged for a forensic doctor to conduct an autopsy on the body on the spot.

The autopsy site of Zhang Koukou's mother, Wang Xiuping, was arranged not far from the village, and Zhang Koukou followed her mother every step of the way, and naturally witnessed the whole process.

Psychology opens the Zhang Buckle Incident: The repeated repetition of the three scenes in the brain is the main cause of the revenge crime

Buckle buckle

The child, who had just lost his mother, had been staring at his mother being stripped of his clothes and beheaded in public...... Later, he saw the forensic doctor stitch his mother's body together, and his eyes gradually turned blood-red.

The people around were not aware of Zhang Koukou's situation, and they all stared at Wang Xiuping's corpse in unison. In such a situation, no one even noticed that Zhang Buckle was taken away from the scene, after all, there were too many people and the scene was too complicated.

The cruel scenes of that day pierced Zhang Koukou's heart like a steel nail and were never removed.

After the incident, Wang Zhengjun, the third son of the Wang family, who was not yet 18 years old, was disposed of as a murderer. Because he was a minor, he was sentenced to only seven years in prison. In addition, the Wang family paid 8,000 yuan for the funeral expenses of the Zhang family and 1,500 yuan in compensation. The Zhang family did not choose to appeal or appeal.

The reason why the Zhang family did not choose to appeal or appeal is most likely because Zhang Koukou's father was too honest. Zhang Koukou himself was extremely dissatisfied with this verdict, but after all, he was a child, and he didn't know what to do no matter how dissatisfied he was.

Zhang Koukou later heard that it was not Wang Zhengjun, the third son of the Wang family, who used a wooden stick to beat his mother to death that day, but the second son Wang Fujun, who was already an adult. But because Wang Xiaojun, the son of the Wang family, was the director of the party affairs office in the local township government, the villagers were afraid of him, so they made false testimony for the Wang family.

Psychology opens the Zhang Buckle Incident: The repeated repetition of the three scenes in the brain is the main cause of the revenge crime

Wang Fujun

In this way, Zhang Koukou inevitably believes that the Zhang family has not really been punished.

Wang Zhengjun was later released early after spending only three years in prison. One life, three years in prison. With such a result, how can Zhang Koukou figure it out.

Seeing his mother being beaten to death and dissected, his temperament changed drastically, and he became indifferent. He had less and less conversations with his father, and he didn't say a word with his sister for many days.

When he encountered such a change in adolescence, Zhang Koukou should have received psychological intervention, but in the countryside a few decades ago, very few people had heard the word "psychology", and who would have thought of giving Zhang Koukou psychological help?

What's even more terrifying is that at that time, false news reports on the incident abounded, and under the influence of public opinion, the people around him did not understand and reject Zhang Koukou, which also deepened his psychological trauma.

Zhang Koukou has no intention of studying, for a teenager who has been plagued by nightmares for a long time, it is even more difficult to sink down and study. After graduating from junior high school, due to the poverty of his family and the fact that Zhang Koukou's grades were not top-notch, his father no longer sent him to school.

At this time, Zhang Koukou felt that the sky had become overcast, and the estrangement between him and his father was also deepened as he no longer provided for himself to go to school. After the death of his mother, his father, who was not careful, almost never gave Zhang Buckle care. As a result, he missed his mother more and more.

Zhang Koukou slowly attributed the cause of his misfortune to the loss of his mother, and he often thought in the dark: "If my mother hadn't been killed......"

The more he thought about it, the more he couldn't figure it out, and the blocked part of him got bigger and bigger.

In 2001, 18-year-old Zhang Koukou was conscripted into the army and served for two years in an armed police force in Xinjiang. At this time, Zhang Koukou's face had faded away from the immaturity that an ordinary 18 teenager should have, and his face looked a little cold. He rarely laughs, and when he does, he purses his lips. Perhaps, deep down in his heart, he tends to think that if he laughs, he will give people the feeling of being a bully.

Psychology opens the Zhang Buckle Incident: The repeated repetition of the three scenes in the brain is the main cause of the revenge crime

Zhang Koukou took a photo when he was a soldier

Zhang Koukou has undergone special training in the army for two years, and his physical fitness is getting stronger day by day. Like his comrades in the army, when he is free, he also thinks about what he will do in the future.

Serving in the army did not bring him a change of fate, and two years later, after being demobilized, he became the unemployed Zhang Koukou again. In order to survive, he went out to work. He also wants to mix up his appearance, but he has no skills and no one to help him, and the result can be imagined.

Over the years, he has been like a huge shadow hanging over him. He changed places a lot, but the same nightmare was never far away.

Zhang Koukou has been tormented enough by nightmares, and he is sure that if he does not take revenge, he will never be at ease, and nightmares will always haunt him. After making up his mind for revenge, Zhang Koukou began to prepare for revenge.

He first used the money he earned to renovate his home, and then saved a sum of money for his father's retirement. That's right, if you want revenge, it means that your father will have no one to take care of him for the rest of his life, and the only thing he can do is to leave enough money for his father.

At the end of 2017, Zhang Koukou, who was ready for everything, returned to his hometown. At this time, Zhang Koukou was 34 years old, he had a girlfriend but never married her, and he knew that he still had unfinished business.

The moment he returned to his hometown, the scene of his mother being beaten to death and dissected twenty years ago was recreated, and the great pain enveloped him. He was already strong enough, and he had already experienced a lot, but even so, the moment he set foot in his hometown, he became the helpless 13-year-old child again.

It was also this time that he went home, and Zhang Koukou felt so clearly that his father was old, he was still wearing the dark tunic he used to wear twenty years ago, but his face had changed, his face was wrinkled like a knife, and his black hair had turned white.

Psychology opens the Zhang Buckle Incident: The repeated repetition of the three scenes in the brain is the main cause of the revenge crime

Zhang Buckle Father

The moment he saw his father, Zhang Koukou's revenge was shaken, he should provide for his father, he only had his father left. But when he thought of the pain and loneliness his father had endured all these years, his revenge was strengthened again.

Since his mother's death, his father has never married, and for twenty years, his daughter has married, and his son has also gone out to work, and he has been living alone. Zhang Koukou knew that he was troublesome to cook alone, so he often didn't eat. When he was sick and had a fever, there was no one around him to take care of him, so he carried it hard.

The pain that his father endured, Zhang Koukou also counted it on the Wang family.

Psychology opens the Zhang Buckle Incident: The repeated repetition of the three scenes in the brain is the main cause of the revenge crime

Zhang Koukou's hometown

Zhang Koukou came back to have a very sad New Year, because he could always hear the laughter from the neighbors. The laughter of the Wang family is harsh to Zhang Koukou, his mother was beaten to death by them, but they don't have to be punished, but they live so prosperously, who can accept it?

Zhang Koukou felt a huge injustice, and he looked at his father who sighed in the dim room, and his heart was even more uncomfortable.

February 15, 2018 is Chinese New Year's Eve, which is the day of revenge carefully selected by Zhang Koukou. He hadn't told his father beforehand, and he didn't want him to worry.

The village where Zhang Koukou is located has the custom of worshipping ancestors on Chinese New Year's Eve, and on this day, all men in the family must go to the ancestral grave to worship. The ancestral tomb of the Wang family is on the edge of the village, and the route of their ancestor worship has already been figured out.

At about eleven o'clock in the afternoon, Zhang Koukou pinned a sharp knife to his waist and went out, he had already listened to the sound of firecrackers and estimated the time when they would return to worship their ancestors. Zhang Koukou wears a "long-brimmed hat" and a black mask, and black gloves on his hands. This outfit looks like it's prepared.

Zhang Koukou was the first to kill Wang Xiaojun, the boss of the Wang family, and he was sure that if it weren't for him, the court would not have given the murderer of his mother a light sentence. After Wang Xiaojun was stabbed by Zhang Koukou, he immediately rolled into the dry ditch on the side of the road, and Zhang Koukou was worried that the person was not dead, so he jumped into the ditch to mend the knife.

Psychology opens the Zhang Buckle Incident: The repeated repetition of the three scenes in the brain is the main cause of the revenge crime

After the incident, Zhang Koukou identified the scene

Subsequently, Zhang Koukou blocked Wang Zhengjun on the way into the village, he is the third child of the Wang family, and he is the "minor" who thinks he is a murderer. Zhang Koukou hated him to the core, and the knife was naturally extremely ruthless. Wang Zhengjun lay face down on the ground after being stabbed, and quickly swallowed his breath.

After Wang Zhengjun fell, when Zhang Koukou was mending the knife on his back, he was bumped into by Wang Hanwa, a cousin of the Wang family, and he hurriedly shouted: "Express 110!" Someone immediately called the police.

Zhang Koukou realized that time was pressing, and he accelerated the pace of revenge. He walked straight towards Wang Zixin's house, and after entering Wang Zixin's house, he stabbed Wang Zixin to death with red eyes, he was the father of Wang's brother.

Psychology opens the Zhang Buckle Incident: The repeated repetition of the three scenes in the brain is the main cause of the revenge crime

Zhang Buckle Buckle Family

After killing Wang Zixin, before fleeing the scene, he pointed to Wang Zixin's wife Yang Guiying and said, "Yang Guiying, you are a woman, I won't kill you today." ”

Subsequently, he burned Wang Xiaojun's car, because the time was too urgent, he did not kill Wang Fujun, the second eldest of the Wang family, and left the scene. The reason why he used "leave" instead of "fleeing" was because when he left the scene, he swaggered away, and he also said as he walked:

"The revenge of 22 years ago has finally been avenged! killed three people, and this year's New Year will be lively. The only regret is that I didn't catch the dick. ”

Zhang Koukou killed someone, but he was the same as no one, this characteristic is also the embodiment of post-traumatic stress disorder. In the eyes of the world, the murder of his mother has long passed, but the scenes of that day have been constantly reproduced in his mind, which means that with him, this matter has never passed.

Psychology opens the Zhang Buckle Incident: The repeated repetition of the three scenes in the brain is the main cause of the revenge crime

Buckle buckle

PTSD is scary because their trauma can't get over it. In patients with stress disorder, the main presentation is usually the triad of traumatic re-experience, increased alertness, and avoidance or numbness.

These three main manifestations are all present in Zhang Koukou's body, especially "re-experiencing after trauma", which is almost with Zhang Koukou for life.

After Zhang Koukou turned himself in, when his defense lawyer went to see him, he said: In the past few decades, there have always been three scenes in his mind: the first is the beating of his mother by Wang Zhengjun; The second is that when his mother died in his arms, there was blood in his nose and mouth, and the blood was "gurgling" in his throat; The third was that the mother's body was publicly dissected on the road, and hundreds of people watched the scene. Zhang Koukou saw his mother's scalp cut open and her skull sawed open.

Especially when confronted with the time, place, people, and objects related to the event, he will feel pain. And this is also the reason why he rarely goes home after that, and his mother was beaten to death at home......

From a psychological point of view, although Zhang Koukou is a murderer, he is also a patient. His patient attribute is destined: he killed the three members of the Wang family, which can only be the purpose of revenge.

Zhang Koukou is not afraid of death, but he is afraid of being wronged. When the opposing party's defense lawyer accused Zhang of killing people because he was not mixed well, and he had a hatred of social psychology and then killed people, his reaction was extremely fierce, and he defended himself, saying:

"It's a pretense to say that I avenged my mother, I'm dissatisfied with this society, dissatisfied with life, I killed people, there are many people who are dissatisfied with life in this society, so is everyone going to kill people? Everyone has a reason for killing, right, I'm not a psychopath. ”
Psychology opens the Zhang Buckle Incident: The repeated repetition of the three scenes in the brain is the main cause of the revenge crime

Zhang Koukou defended himself in court

At that time, the judge in charge of trying Zhang Koukou's case was Cao Jianguo, and he finally sentenced Zhang Koukou to death for intentional homicide and intentional destruction of property.

An important basis for Cao Jianguo's sentencing to death was that Zhang "did not regret killing" in court and said: "He never gave up revenge."

July 17, 2019, was the day when 36-year-old Zhang Koukou was executed. On that day, when he was escorted to the court, he looked at death as if he were at home, and yes, he wrote "no regrets about killing" on his face.

After his execution, public opinion was in an uproar, and many people believed that he should not have been executed. After all, he killed to avenge his mother. Five years after he was executed, the judge who tried him that day, Cao Jianguo, was arrested for corruption. Therefore, the Zhang Koukou case once again sparked heated discussions.

Psychology opens the Zhang Buckle Incident: The repeated repetition of the three scenes in the brain is the main cause of the revenge crime

But no matter how the Zhang Koukou incident is hotly discussed, no one has paid attention to his "post-traumatic stress disorder". It is a pity that the "lack of attention" of society for people with "post-traumatic stress disorder" is very likely to lead to the recurrence of similar tragedies.

Looking back, if Zhang Koukou had received the necessary psychological treatment and care after the incident, would he have finally become a "family member of the victim" and a "murderer" 20 years later?

In order to avoid the occurrence of similar cases of Zhang Koukou, it is necessary to establish a sound psychological intervention mechanism and provide psychological assistance to the close relatives of the victims of major traumatic events.

It not only allows the victim's close relatives to abandon the simple concept of justice and no longer seek justice with selfishness, but also prevents the occurrence of secondary disasters.

Of course, going back to the Zhang Koukou incident itself, the fact that the Law on the Protection of Minors has been protecting scum also deserves the attention of the whole society. Such a law on the protection of minors will undoubtedly create more similar tragedies!

Conclusion: "The Zhang Koukou incident reminds us that the psychological assistance mechanism of the society should be improved, and the law on the protection of minors should also be changed. ”

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