
The saying that "Most of the people who slaughter dogs and those who have negative hearts are readers" actually comes from Guangxi

"Learn the art of literature and martial arts, the goods have been the imperial family", the meaning of this sentence is very straightforward, that is, no matter how much talent there is, the ultimate purpose is still to serve the imperial family. In ancient times, among those who eventually learned the art of literature and martial arts, there was no shortage of readers who had achieved fame and power, but it had to be admitted that a considerable number of people ended up with a tragic end that was left behind for thousands of years. Like the Northern Song Dynasty's prime minister, Cai Jing, Zhongjin Shi and Di, starting from Kaifeng Province, all the way to the Northern Song Dynasty, the cultural level is extremely high, and he is the first-class calligrapher of the Northern Song Dynasty, but in history, he has been called the "head of the six thieves". And for these traitors, even the modern dynasty game Sparrow Flying Blue Sky or a Pin Official, etc., must use them to be clowns, which can be seen to be a stink for thousands of years.

The saying that "Most of the people who slaughter dogs and those who have negative hearts are readers" actually comes from Guangxi

Even in the Battle of XinghuaShigang, the Northern Song Dynasty also orchestrated songs in its own history to damage these two traitors: "Hit the bucket (Tong Guan), splash the vegetables (Cai Jing), it is a good world on earth." ”。 It is also that there are too many such cases, so there are "mostly slaughtered dogs, and most of the negative hearts are readers." So is this statement correct? In fact, this sentence was not said at the beginning, the original version should be called "Fighting righteousness from the slaughter of dogs, negative hearts are mostly readers." This is the famous couplet of the Ming Dynasty poet Cao Xuejun. Legend has it that it originally originated from the dog Tu Xu Wu. After arriving at the Qing Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty poet Huang Zhong changed it to "Fighting Righteousness and Slaughtering Dogs", which felt easier to understand.

The saying that "Most of the people who slaughter dogs and those who have negative hearts are readers" actually comes from Guangxi

In fact, the reason why this sentence came out is also a source. It is said that during the Ming Dynasty's apocalypse period, a group of imperial relatives lived in Guilin City. After they have eaten and drunk enough, they always like to raise fighting dogs to fight each other, and use them for gambling entertainment. And the three officials of the prime minister's door, the domestic slaves of the emperor are also consciously superior to others by serving the emperor themselves, not only do they not pay attention to the people, but even the local government is arbitrarily bullied. Whenever they are idle and bored, it is the time for the people to suffer. Because they will bring out fighting dogs and let the animals tear up passers-by at will for fun. And the people, even the official officials of the government, can only let them be arrogant, and they dare not speak out.

The saying that "Most of the people who slaughter dogs and those who have negative hearts are readers" actually comes from Guangxi

Later, Cao Xuetuo appointed Dao Guangxi as the Right Senator. He was a man of integrity, and he was particularly unseen in this kind of behavior. Before he arrived, he had heard about the actions of the emperors in Guilin, and when he arrived at the office, he saw that it was not the case. Enraged, he decided to beat them up. On this day, the emperor's domestic slave was bored again, and began to let the dog bite people again, and as a result, a show was glued by the dog, and the bitten screamed. At the critical moment, a butcher ran out and cut off the dog's head with a knife, saving Xiucai's life. When the imperial family's household slaves saw that someone dared to kill emperor Emperor Zong's fighting dog in a big way, he immediately tied up the butcher and sent it to the official palace along with the dead dog, asking the official government to sentence him to death and pay for the dog's life.

The saying that "Most of the people who slaughter dogs and those who have negative hearts are readers" actually comes from Guangxi

It was Cao Xueqi who, after reading the complaint in detail, was not afraid of the Imperial Family,and sentenced his butcher to not guilty, and even sentenced the Imperial Family to compensate Xiucai for medical expenses. Emperor Huangzong was naturally dissatisfied with his face, so he asked for a retrial. They bribe Xiucai, saying that Xiucai is the dog's friend, and the dog plays with him. The child butcher maliciously kills, and should be punished. Cao Xueqiao was furious after hearing Xiucai's confession and ordered xiucai to be struck with a staff, but xiucai could not hold back, and recruited how emperor emperor used heavy money and threats to force him to make a false confession. The truth of the case is out to the world. Cao Xueqi was sentenced heavily: the butcher was not guilty; Xiucai, befriended the dog, took revenge for the favor, stripped away the meritorious name, and became a dog for the emperor! And indignantly wrote on the case file: "Every time the righteous slaughtered the dog, the negative heart is mostly a reader."

The saying that "Most of the people who slaughter dogs and those who have negative hearts are readers" actually comes from Guangxi

But then again, although this sentence was said out of indignation. But taken together, it seems that this is also true, but in fact it is not all correct. This involves a question of quantity. The reason why many readers have been left with a lot of stink for thousands of years, but that is also because most of the people who hold the power of the empire are from the reading people, that is, the dog slaughter generation wants to sell it, and there is no place to sell it. If they had that right, would you dare to say that they would not have left a stink for eternity? For example, Gao Li, people are born to play football.

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