
The Jurchens marched south and the Northern Song Dynasty went all out to seek peace, and seeking peace without self-improvement was ultimately self-inflicted


In the first year of Jingkang, the situation changed abruptly. Jin Taizong suddenly ordered another attack on the Song Dynasty, and the Jurchen army marched south like a tide. The Northern Song Dynasty court was in chaos and hurriedly sent a mission to sue for peace. For a time, people inside and outside Kaifeng City were panicked. Liu Cen, Zong Ze, Li Ruoshui and other delegations traveled from place to place, hoping to resolve the crisis. However, the Jurchen appetite grew. From asking for money to asking for land, from three towns to two rivers, their ambitions are constantly expanding. The Northern Song Dynasty blindly sought peace, but failed to stop the pace of the Jurchen iron hoof. Taiyuan was lost, Zhending fell, and peace talks came to naught. Song Qinzong hesitated, and the court was divided in opinion. Seeing the Jurchen army approaching Bianjing, could the Northern Song Dynasty still have any way to save itself? How will this protracted tug-of-war end?

Jin Taizong suddenly ordered an attack on the Song Dynasty, and the Jurchen army moved south

On August 14 of the first year of Jingkang, the news that Jin Taizong Wanyan Sheng ordered another attack on the Song Dynasty spread like a thunderbolt throughout the Northern Song Dynasty. Behind this decision, in fact, there are complex political games within the Jin State and strategic considerations for the Song State.

Since the first attack on the Song Dynasty in the sixth year of Taihe (1126), there has been a debate within the Jin Kingdom about whether to continue southward. The main battle faction, led by Mu Han, believed that it should be pursued by victory and annexed the Northern Song Dynasty in one fell swoop; On the other hand, the Lords and factions, represented by the disobedience, advocated recuperation and consolidation of the land they had gained. Kim Taejong vacillated between the two factions, and it was only at this point that he finally made a decision.

There were three reasons for Jin Taizong to order another attack: first, the Northern Song Dynasty had not been able to fully fulfill the treaty of the Maritime Alliance, especially the arrears of the military expenses; Second, the demand for land and population within the Jin Kingdom was becoming more and more urgent, and the rich Central Plains region of the Northern Song Dynasty was undoubtedly the best choice; Third, the rulers of the Jin State were worried that the Northern Song Dynasty might counterattack after recuperation, so they decided to strike first.

This decision of Kim Taejong was immediately put into action. The Jurchen army was divided into two routes, east and west, and advanced to the south. The Eastern Route Army was led by Hu Libu, mainly commanded by generals such as Wanyan Zongbi and Wanyan Zonghan; The Western Route Army was led by Mu Han, and the generals under his command included Wushu, Chu Jian and others.

The Eastern Route Army set out from Youzhou (now Beijing) and moved south along the eastern foot of Taihang Mountain, aiming directly at Kaifeng; The Western Route Army set out from Datong and crossed the Taihang Mountains, intending to take Taiyuan first and then go south to the Central Plains. This strategy of separate attacks can not only disperse the defensive forces of the Northern Song Dynasty, but also serve as horns and coordinate with each other.

Faced with the menacing Jin soldiers, the Northern Song Dynasty court suddenly fell into chaos. Zhao Huan of Song Qinzong convened the ministers of civil and military affairs to discuss countermeasures, but the opinions of the court and the central government were different, and there was no agreement. The main battle faction such as Li Gang, Chongshi Dao and others advocated all-out preparation for war and defending the city; The main and faction led by Wang Hao and Liang Shi believed that peace should be negotiated with Jin as soon as possible to avoid military disasters.

In a heated debate, Song Qinzong finally adopted the opinion of the Lord and the faction. He believed that the Northern Song Dynasty military strength was not enough to resist the Jin soldiers, and that peace could only be achieved through diplomatic means. As a result, a series of peace missions were quickly formed and sent to the camp of the Jin army.

At the same time, the Song court did not completely abandon military preparations. Song Qinzong ordered to strengthen the defense of Kaifeng City and mobilize surrounding troops for vigilance. However, due to the long-term peace, the Northern Song army's combat effectiveness was low and morale was low, and these preparations had little effect.

With the approach of the Jin soldiers, people inside and outside Kaifeng City were panicked. Rumors spread in the market, some people said that the Jin soldiers had broken through Taiyuan, and some people said that Jin Taizong would personally lead the army south. The people hoarded food, and the wealthy began to quietly move south.

Just when the Northern Song Dynasty was busy coping, the Jurchen army had already driven straight into the realm of no one. The Eastern Route Army soon captured the important town of Zhending in Hebei, while the Western Route Army approached the city of Taiyuan. The defense line painstakingly managed by the Northern Song Dynasty was like a fictitious in front of the Jin soldiers, and they were defeated and retreated.

The Jurchens marched south and the Northern Song Dynasty went all out to seek peace, and seeking peace without self-improvement was ultimately self-inflicted

Faced with such a critical situation, Song Qinzong had no choice but to speed up the pace of seeking peace. Little did he know, however, that this diplomatic effort, which seemed to defuse the crisis, was actually pushing the Northern Song Dynasty into an even more dangerous situation. The Jurchens' appetites were far greater than they imagined, and the weak attitude of the Northern Song Dynasty only fueled their ambitions.

The Northern Song Dynasty sent several missions to sue for peace

Faced with the pressing of the Jin soldiers, the Northern Song court decided to send a number of missions to try to resolve the crisis through diplomatic means. These missions went to Kim Taejong, the Eastern Route Army, and the Western Route Army, respectively, in the hope that reconciliation could be reached at different levels. However, this multi-pronged diplomacy strategy not only failed to achieve the desired results, but instead exposed the Northern Song Dynasty's misunderstanding of the Jurchen power structure.

The first to be sent was the Liu Cen Mission. Liu Cen was a veteran diplomat in the Northern Song Dynasty and had participated in negotiations with Jin on several occasions. The main task of his trip was to directly sue for peace with Jin Taizong Wanyan Sheng. Liu Cen and his entourage risked the danger to travel through the war-torn area and finally arrived at Jin Taizong's whereabouts.

In his meeting with Jin Taizong, Liu Cen expressed the sincerity of the Northern Song Dynasty and put forward a series of conditions for peace talks, including increasing the annual currency and ceding some border areas. However, Kim Taejong's attitude was unexpectedly tough. Not only did he reject the Northern Song Dynasty's proposals, but he also made even more demanding demands, including the cession of the entire Hebei and Hedong regions.

The failure of Liu Cen's mission made the Northern Song court realize that it was not enough to negotiate with Jin Taizong. As a result, the Song court decided to negotiate with the marshals of the two armies of the Jin State at the same time.

Zong Ze was sent to the Eastern Route Army and did not negotiate with him. Zong Ze was a famous anti-Jin general in the Northern Song Dynasty, and this envoy can be described as a general's envoy. After Zong Ze arrived at the camp of the Eastern Route Army, he found that his attitude of separation was milder than he imagined. The separation did not focus on two issues: one was the unpaid military expenses, and the other was the return of the Khitan and Youyun officials who fled to the Northern Song Dynasty.

In many meetings with the Confession, Zong Ze found that the Eastern Route Army did not have strong territorial claims, but was more concerned with immediate interests. This gave Zong Ze hope for negotiations. He promised that the Northern Song Dynasty would make up the cost of the army as soon as possible and assist in finding the fugitive officials. However, Zong Ze also realized that although he was the commander of the Eastern Route Army, he could not decide the entire battle situation.

At the same time, Li Ruoshui was sent to the Western Route Army to negotiate with Sticky Han. Li Ruoshui's trip can be described as a hardship. He first went to Hebei to see Zhu Lifu, and then entered Shanxi through Jingcheng, and finally met Sticky Han.

To Li Ruoshui's surprise, Sticky Han's attitude was not completely different from separation. Mu Han didn't care about military expenses and defecting officials, he was more concerned with territorial issues, especially the ownership of the three towns (Taiyuan, Zhongshan, and Hejian). Muhan made it clear that peace talks would not have been possible if the Northern Song Dynasty had not ceded these regions.

Li Ruoshui's mission, although it did not reach a settlement, helped the Northern Song Dynasty clarify an important misunderstanding. Previously, the Northern Song Dynasty had always believed that the status of the Confession was higher than that of the Sticky Han, so it focused on negotiations with the Eastern Route Army. But through on-the-spot visits, Li Ruoshui found that the power structure of the Jurchens was far more complex than he imagined.

First of all, the marshals of the east and west are independent, and no one can control anyone, and they are jointly responsible to Jin Taizong. Secondly, although he did not make a great contribution to the first attack on the Song Dynasty, he was older and more experienced, and his influence within the Jurchens should not be underestimated. Finally, there was a subtle rivalry between the Sticky Han and the Confession, especially on the issue of attacking the Song Dynasty.

These discoveries made the Northern Song court realize that in order to successfully resolve the crisis, it must deal with Jin Taizong, the Separation and the Sticky Han at the same time, and not make a single breakthrough. However, this multi-front diplomacy also brought new problems: the demands of the parties were often contradictory, and the Northern Song Dynasty could not satisfy everyone's appetite at the same time.

To make matters worse, as the war progressed, the Jurchens' asking prices continued to rise. At first, it was just a request to make up the military expenses, but later it became a cession of the three towns, and finally even a surprising demand with the Yellow River as the boundary. The blind concession of the Northern Song Dynasty not only did not bring peace, but instead inspired the Jurchens to have greater ambitions.

The Jurchens marched south and the Northern Song Dynasty went all out to seek peace, and seeking peace without self-improvement was ultimately self-inflicted

Just as the Northern Song Dynasty envoys were rushing to and from various military camps, the battle situation was quietly changing. On the third day of the ninth month, the Western Route Army led by Mu Han conquered Taiyuan, and this important defense line of the Northern Song Dynasty was lost. The fall of Taiyuan not only broke the balance of negotiations, but also gave the Jurchens greater bargaining chips.

Faced with the deteriorating situation, the Northern Song court was caught in a dilemma. Will we continue to make concessions or will we resist? This difficult choice will determine the fate of the Northern Song Dynasty.

The Jurchen appetite grew

As the war progressed and the Northern Song court repeatedly retreated, the Jurchens' demands became more and more demanding. From the initial cost of making up the army, to ceding the three towns, to using the Yellow River as the boundary, their appetite seems to be endless. This escalating demand not only reflects the Jurchens' contempt for the power of the Northern Song Dynasty, but also exposes their complex internal power game.

Initially, when Jin Taizong Wanyan Sheng ordered another attack on the Song Dynasty, its main purpose was to force the Northern Song Dynasty to fulfill its previous maritime alliance. At that time, the Jin state demanded mainly economic compensation, including making up the arrears of the army and increasing the annual coin. This may seem reasonable, but in fact it is a hidden mystery. At this time, the Jin State was facing internal economic pressures and was in dire need of large amounts of wealth to keep its armies running and pacify the tribes.

However, when the Northern Song Dynasty showed weakness and quickly sent an embassy to sue for peace, the Jurchen ambitions began to swell. The Western Route Army led by Mu Han first made territorial claims, demanding the cession of the three towns (Taiyuan, Zhongshan, and Hejian). This request was not only a strategic consideration, but also a reflection of the political ambitions of Sticky Han within the Jin State.

As an older generation of Jurchen generals, Mu Han has always hoped to consolidate his position in the Jin State through military exploits. The demand for the cession of the Three Towns would not only expand the territory of the Jin State, but also win him personal honor. At the same time, this requirement is also a challenge to the commander-in-chief of the Eastern Route Army. He did not make a great contribution to the first attack on Song Zhong, and Mu Han's move was undoubtedly to prove that he could also achieve significant results.

Faced with the demands of Sticky Han, the Northern Song court was in a dilemma. Cession of the Three Towns would mean the loss of an important strategic barrier, but a refusal could lead to the continuation of the fighting. In the heat of the debate, the Lord and the faction eventually prevailed. They believe that the cession of some border areas is acceptable, as long as it can be exchanged for peace.

However, far from quelling the Jurchens' ambitions, the Northern Song concessions further stimulated their greed. With the fall of Taiyuan, the asking price of the Jin Kingdom rose again. This time, they made an even more astonishing demand: to use the Yellow River as the boundary and cede the entire Hebei and Hedong regions.

This request was not only made out of military and economic considerations, but also reflected the ambition of the rulers of the Jin State for Chinese civilization. Although the Jurchens had a military advantage, they always had mixed feelings about the Central Plains Dynasty culturally. By occupying these areas, they hope to gain more Han Chinese population and cultural resources, thereby accelerating their own "sinicization" process.

Faced with such harsh conditions, even the Lord and the faction found it difficult to accept. The cession of the area north of the Yellow River would not only mean the loss of large tracts of fertile land and a large number of people, but would also cause the Northern Song Dynasty to completely lose its ability to compete with the Jin state. For a time, the court once again fell into a fierce debate.

At the same time, there were also disagreements within the Jin State over how to deal with the Northern Song Dynasty. The radical faction led by Wanyan Zongbi (later Jin Xizong) advocated the destruction of the Song Dynasty in one fell swoop and the complete unification of the Central Plains; On the other hand, the moderates, represented by the Separation of Privies, believed that the Northern Song Dynasty should be retained as a vassal state in order to avoid the management problems caused by the excessive scope of rule.

This internal disagreement has led to frequent inconsistencies in the negotiations between the Kim state. Sometimes, they would suddenly make seemingly unreasonable demands, such as asking the Song court to hand over certain ministers; Sometimes there are unexpected back-offs on certain issues. This capricious attitude not only confused the Northern Song court, but also made negotiations more difficult.

As the war progressed, the Jurchens' asking price continued to rise. From the initial economic compensation, to the cession of important border towns, to the Yellow River as the boundary, their appetite seems to be never-ending. Every concession made by the Northern Song Dynasty became a reason for them to make higher demands.

The Jurchens marched south and the Northern Song Dynasty went all out to seek peace, and seeking peace without self-improvement was ultimately self-inflicted

This escalating demand actually reflects the Jurchens' contempt for the power of the Northern Song Dynasty. They believed that as long as the pressure continued, they could force the Northern Song Dynasty to accept any conditions. However, they ignore the important fact that even the weakest regime can be desperate in the face of the threat of national extinction.

When the Jurchens' demands had touched the core interests of the Northern Song Dynasty, peace talks became less and less likely. The Northern Song court was faced with a difficult choice: should it continue to back down, or should it rise up and resist? This choice is not only related to the fate of the Northern Song Dynasty, but will also determine the future pattern of the entire Central Plains.

In the Song Dynasty, "the monarch and the ministers will meet" to achieve civil and military unity

In the face of the Jin soldiers' pressing and increasingly demanding requirements, the contradictions within the Northern Song Dynasty court became increasingly acute. The controversy between the main war faction and the main peace faction became more and more intense, and the people's hearts in the court fluctuated. At this critical juncture, Song Huizong took an extraordinary measure - "the monarch and the minister will meet", trying to unite the civil and military officials to tide over the difficulties together.

"Monarchs and Ministers Meeting" is an extremely rare political ritual in ancient China. Normally, courtiers must bow down when they see the emperor, and the emperor is on a dragon chair and does not need to return the salute. However, in this special ceremony, Song Huizong made an exception and stepped down from the throne and personally saluted the civil and military officials. This move not only broke the traditional concept of hierarchy of monarchs and ministers, but also reflected the determination of the emperor and his courtiers to face the national disaster together.

The ceremony was held in the Taiji Hall of the Kaifeng Imperial Palace. Early in the morning, hundreds of civil and military officials gathered outside the hall and waited for the emperor to summon them. When Song Huizong appeared at the gate of the palace in his regular clothes, everyone was surprised. It was customary for the emperor to wear a crown dress on important occasions, rather than the civilian clothes worn on a daily basis.

Song Huizong slowly walked down the steps and came to the front of the ministers. He looked around, his gaze sweeping over the faces of each minister. Then, to everyone's surprise, he bowed deeply. At this moment, the entire Taiji Hall was silent, and everyone held their breath.

Immediately afterwards, Song Huizong said: "The country is in danger, and I share the heavy responsibility with you. I hope that you will do your best to serve your country. After saying that, he saluted the ministers again.

This scene shocked the ministers present. Some people subconsciously wanted to kneel on the ground to return the salute, but were stopped by Song Huizong. He said: "Today's meeting will not distinguish between kings and ministers, but only on state affairs. "

Next, Song Huizong invited the ministers to express their opinions one by one. The first to speak was Li Gang, a representative of the main battle faction. Li Gang made a generous statement, pointing out that the demands of the Jin State had exceeded the bottom line of the Northern Song Dynasty, and continued concessions would only lead to greater losses. He suggested that the peace talks should be stopped immediately and that all efforts should be made to prepare for war.

Cai Jing, a representative of the main peace faction, disagreed. He believed that the current strength of the Northern Song Dynasty was not enough to compete with the Jin state, and that continuing the war would only hasten the country's demise. He offered to accept Jin's terms in order to buy time to recuperate.

The argument between the two sides is getting more and more intense, and it is about to get out of control. At this time, the seed master who had been silent stood up. Among the seed divisions was a famous general of the Northern Song Dynasty, who had rich experience in the War of Resistance against Jin. He proposed a compromise plan: while actively preparing for war, while continuing negotiations, in order to delay time.

The statement made by the seed master was echoed by many. After listening to the opinions of all parties, Song Huizong bowed to the ministers again. He said, "I have listened to your opinions. The current national crisis requires us to be united. Whether it is the main war or the main peace, the purpose is for the safety of the country. From now on, I hope that everyone can put aside their prejudices and discuss state affairs together. "

This ceremony of "meeting the monarchs and ministers" was unprecedented in the history of the Northern Song Dynasty. It not only alleviated the contradictions within the imperial court, but also greatly boosted the morale of civil and military officials. When many ministers left the Taiji Hall, they shed tears of emotion.

The Jurchens marched south and the Northern Song Dynasty went all out to seek peace, and seeking peace without self-improvement was ultimately self-inflicted

However, the impact of this ritual goes far beyond that. The news soon spread throughout Kaifeng City, and the people praised the emperor's benevolence. For a time, the whole city was filled with an atmosphere of common hatred. Many people took the initiative to invite Ying to join the army, donated money if they had money, and made powerful contributions, forming a situation in which the whole people resisted the gold.

After the "monarch and the minister will be in charge", the decision-making efficiency of the imperial court has been significantly improved. Although the debate between the main battle faction and the main peace faction continues, it is no longer as tense as before. Everyone realizes that unity is more important than contention in the face of national difficulties.

The ceremony also had a positive impact on the military. When the soldiers heard that the emperor had personally saluted his ministers, they were deeply moved. Many generals said that since the emperor can put down his body, they should go all out to protect their families and defend the country.

However, "the monarch and the minister" is not a panacea. Although there was a temporary consensus within the imperial court, the predicament faced by the Northern Song Dynasty was not fundamentally improved. The Jin soldiers are still pressing, the peace talks are deadlocked, and the clouds of war still hang over this ancient dynasty.

In the coming days, how will the Northern Song Dynasty deal with the pressure of the Jin State? Peace talks or war? This choice is not only related to the rise and fall of a dynasty, but also will determine the future direction of Chinese civilization.

The peace talks broke down, and Song Jin went to war again

Although Song Huizong temporarily alleviated the contradictions within the imperial court through the "meeting of monarchs and ministers", the peace talks eventually broke down in the face of the increasingly demanding demands of the Jin state. As the positions of the two sides became more tough, the dark clouds of war once again hung over the land of the Central Plains.

The fuse for the breakdown of the peace talks was an ultimatum put forward by the state of Jin. They not only demanded that the Song Dynasty cede the entire Hebei and Hedong regions, but also demanded that the Son of Heaven pro-dynasty and the New Year's coins be doubled. This demand has actually touched the core interests of the Northern Song Dynasty, and even the main peace faction is difficult to accept.

After receiving the ultimatum brought by the envoy of the Jin State, Song Huizong immediately convened the courtiers to discuss countermeasures. As soon as the meeting began, it was mired in heated debate. The Lords and Peacers believed that although the conditions were harsh, they should be accepted in order to avoid war; The main war faction was resolutely opposed, believing that accepting these conditions would be tantamount to the destruction of the country.

The controversy lasted for three days and three nights. Eventually, an unexpected figure stepped forward and turned the tide around. This person is Cai Jing, the former representative of the Lord and the faction. To everyone's surprise, Cai Jing actually supported the rejection of Jin Guo's request this time.

Cai Jing made a generous statement in the court: "The minister once advocated peace talks in order to buy time for the imperial court. But now that the golden man and lion have opened their mouths, they have touched the root of my Great Song Dynasty. If we retreat, we will not only not be able to buy peace, but will make the enemy even more unscrupulous. For today's plan, the only way is to rise up and resist! "

Cai Jing's transformation shook the entire court. His speech not only broke the boundary between the main peace faction and the main war faction, but also made more people aware of the seriousness of the problem. In the ensuing discussions, more and more ministers began to support the war of resistance.

In the end, Song Huizong made the decision to refuse Jin's request. He personally drafted a strongly worded reply stating that the Northern Song Dynasty would never accept such harsh conditions. The letter was handed over to the envoy of the Kingdom of Jin, marking the complete rupture of the peace talks.

After receiving the reply, Jin immediately launched a full-scale attack. Their army advanced south in three directions: the Western Route Army, led by Muhan, with the goal of capturing Shaanxi; The Middle Route Army was not commanded by the separation, and it was directed at Kaifeng; The Eastern Route Army was led by Wanyan Zongbi, intending to cut off the Song Dynasty's retreat.

The Jurchens marched south and the Northern Song Dynasty went all out to seek peace, and seeking peace without self-improvement was ultimately self-inflicted

In the face of the Jin soldiers' large-scale southward movement, the Northern Song Dynasty also began a comprehensive mobilization. Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty ordered the recruitment of troops in various places and the mobilization of grain and grass materials. In Kaifeng, there were even cases where the people spontaneously organized volunteers. For a time, the entire North was plunged into the whirlpool of war.

In the early days of the war, the Northern Song army showed surprising tenacity. In Taiyuan, Guo Yaoshi, the general of the Song army, led his subordinates to defend the city and resisted the repeated onslaughts of the Jin soldiers. In Hebei, the cavalry corps led by the seed division repeatedly attacked the supply lines of the Jin army by surprise, causing a lot of trouble to the enemy.

However, as the war progressed, the disadvantages of the Northern Song Dynasty gradually emerged. Not only are the Jin soldiers superior in numbers, but their tactics are also more flexible. They often used the tactic of attacking the east and the west, leaving the Song army exhausted. To make matters worse, due to the long period of peaceful life, the combat effectiveness of the Song army was generally not high, and many soldiers could not even shoot arrows on horseback.

Under these circumstances, the defense line of the Northern Song Dynasty began to gradually collapse. The first to lose was Taiyuan, although Guo Yaoshi led the soldiers to resist bravely, but finally surrendered because of the lack of food and ammunition. The fall of Taiyuan gave the Jin army a springboard to attack the Central Plains.

Next, the iron hooves of the Jin army drove straight in, and soon captured a large area north of Kaifeng. Faced with this situation, Song Huizong began to consider moving the capital to the south. However, this decision was opposed by many ministers. They believed that once Kaifeng was abandoned, it would be equivalent to giving up the entire north, which would be a huge loss for the Song Dynasty.

Just when the imperial court was hesitating, the Jin army was already under the city. Kaifeng City was full of fleeing civilians and panicked officials. On the city wall, the Song army soldiers were on guard day and night, ready to respond to the enemy's attack at any time.

At this time, the Northern Song Dynasty was like a broken ship swaying in a storm, which could capsize at any time. However, it is at such a critical juncture that some people begin to show extraordinary courage and wisdom. Their actions will bring a turning point in this seemingly inevitable war.

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