
This way the lotus leaf cake is soft, add it more nutritious and healthy, sandwich everything delicious, my family often makes


This way the lotus leaf cake is soft, add it more nutritious and healthy, sandwich everything delicious, my family often makes

This way the lotus leaf cake is soft, add it more nutritious and healthy, sandwich everything delicious, my family often makes

"The plan of the day lies in the morning", breakfast is the most important meal in three meals a day, breakfast is eaten well, the mood is good, the mood is happy and the work efficiency is higher. Breakfast has to be full and well eaten, so that we have enough energy to cope with the heavy work. I myself attach great importance to breakfast myself, thinking about what to eat for breakfast the next day before work every day, and preparing the ingredients for breakfast in advance.

This way the lotus leaf cake is soft, add it more nutritious and healthy, sandwich everything delicious, my family often makes

My family often makes a variety of Chinese noodles for breakfast, such as steamed buns, buns, hair cakes, dumplings and noodles. Recently I fell in love with a pasta called lotus leaf cake, which is a specialty of the northern region. The first time I made a lotus leaf cake, I felt that its method was slightly more steps than the steamed bun, I personally felt that as long as the steamed bun was done well, it was not difficult to make a lotus leaf cake, the lotus leaf cake had its special features compared to the steamed bun, the lotus leaf cake was thin, soft and fluffy, and it was delicious to eat directly. The shape of the lotus leaf cake is more beautiful than the steamed bun, like a fan, and the lotus leaf cake has a beautiful and clear pattern, like an exquisite lotus leaf. Lotus leaf cake is a beautiful and delicious pasta, and adults and children cannot resist the charm of lotus leaf cake. Lotus leaf cake can be put in meat and vegetables, I used bell pepper and chicken breast to fry a dish, the lotus leaf cake is stuffed to the bulge, one bite down has a wheat flavor lotus leaf cake and fresh pepper and taste of chicken breast, such lotus leaf cake every bite is very satisfying.

This way the lotus leaf cake is soft, add it more nutritious and healthy, sandwich everything delicious, my family often makes

I make my own ruffles with whole wheat flour, and I use half whole wheat flour and normal medium gluten flour, which has an outer layer of bran and a strong wheat flavor. The bran of whole wheat flour contains more trace elements, minerals, vitamins and a variety of amino acids, the taste of whole wheat flour is relatively rough, and the combination of whole wheat flour and medium gluten flour to make lotus leaf cake can take into account both taste and nutrition.

【Whole Wheat Lotus Leaf Cake】

【Ingredients】Whole wheat flour 200 g, medium gluten flour 200 g,

220 g of water, 10 g of granulated sugar, 6 g of dry yeast powder.


This way the lotus leaf cake is soft, add it more nutritious and healthy, sandwich everything delicious, my family often makes

Step 1 Put the dry yeast powder into the water and stir well, let stand for 10 minutes, most of the yeast water into the whole wheat flour and medium gluten flour, add sugar, mix all the ingredients evenly, look at the state of the dough to decide whether to add all the yeast water. Knead the dough into a soft, smooth dough.

This way the lotus leaf cake is soft, add it more nutritious and healthy, sandwich everything delicious, my family often makes

Step 2 Cover the whole wheat dough with plastic wrap, loosen for 15 minutes, divide the dough into two parts and roll into a cylinder. Here, pay attention to sprinkle dry powder on the operating table to prevent the dough from sticking to the operating table.

This way the lotus leaf cake is soft, add it more nutritious and healthy, sandwich everything delicious, my family often makes

Step 3 Cut out small agents of about the same size.

This way the lotus leaf cake is soft, add it more nutritious and healthy, sandwich everything delicious, my family often makes

Step 4 Flatten the whole wheat dough and roll it out into the shape of a beef tongue.

This way the lotus leaf cake is soft, add it more nutritious and healthy, sandwich everything delicious, my family often makes

Step 5 Turn over the whole wheat dough, brush a layer of oil, and fold the dough in half.

This way the lotus leaf cake is soft, add it more nutritious and healthy, sandwich everything delicious, my family often makes

Step 6 Press out the pattern with a comb on the surface of the dough sheet, you can also use a fork to press out the pattern, put the lotus leaf cake on the steaming plate after making it, use the steaming oven fermentation function, 35 degrees fermentation for 30 minutes.

This way the lotus leaf cake is soft, add it more nutritious and healthy, sandwich everything delicious, my family often makes

Step 7 After the whole wheat lotus leaf cake is fermented, use the steaming oven pure steaming function, steam at 100 degrees for 15 minutes, then simmer for 5 minutes and then remove the steaming plate.

This way the lotus leaf cake is soft, add it more nutritious and healthy, sandwich everything delicious, my family often makes

Step 8 The steamed lotus leaf cake is sandwiched with vegetables and meat, ready to make fried chicken cubes with bell peppers, and a piece of chicken breast is used, which contains high-quality protein and has very little fat content.

This way the lotus leaf cake is soft, add it more nutritious and healthy, sandwich everything delicious, my family often makes

Step 9 Chicken breast cut into slices and then into fine grains, which is the diced chicken, marinated with soy sauce, cooking wine, pepper and starch.

This way the lotus leaf cake is soft, add it more nutritious and healthy, sandwich everything delicious, my family often makes

Step 10: Use half a yellow bell pepper and half a red pepper and cut the red and yellow pepper into cubes.

This way the lotus leaf cake is soft, add it more nutritious and healthy, sandwich everything delicious, my family often makes

Step 11 Heat the oil in a wok, sauté the diced chicken and sauté until it turns color.

This way the lotus leaf cake is soft, add it more nutritious and healthy, sandwich everything delicious, my family often makes

Step 12 Add yellow and red peppers, sauté over high heat and season with a pinch of salt.

This way the lotus leaf cake is soft, add it more nutritious and healthy, sandwich everything delicious, my family often makes

Step 13 Whole wheat lotus leaf cake into the pepper fried chicken cubes, how much filling to put what filling can be decided according to their own preferences.

The materials used in the lotus leaf cake are very common, and the materials and methods of steamed buns are similar, but the lotus leaf cake is more popular in terms of appearance, texture and taste. Make your own lotus leaf cake at home looks good and delicious, and any ingredients are delicious, try it!

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