
What is the difference between those babies who "watch TV" and "never watch"? Hope you already know

What is the difference between those babies who "watch TV" and "never watch"? Hope you already know

Author | Inspector (total 1663 words, about 4 minutes to read)

In today's era, scientific and technological products are no longer something that only a few people can use, and with the increasing enrichment of people's material lives, various electronic products have begun to flow into thousands of households.

However, in such a high-tech era, many children have been exposed to electronic products for a long time at a young age.

Is this phenomenon really good?

What is the difference between those babies who "watch TV" and "never watch"? Hope you already know

A previous study conducted by Harvard University showed that watching electronic products such as TV for a long time every day may cause harm to children's brain development.

When children are very young, they cannot be allowed to watch TV very often, and even when children are not yet two years old, it is not recommended to let them watch mobile phones.

In contemporary times, a variety of technology products represented by television and mobile phones have seriously affected people's normal lives, adults come back from work every day to watch TV to relax, and children will imitate the behavior of parents and also hide on the sofa to watch TV.

What is the difference between those babies who "watch TV" and "never watch"? Hope you already know

However, what effect does it have on children to watch TV every day?

Television can ruin children's concentration

What is the difference between those babies who "watch TV" and "never watch"? Hope you already know

Professor Edward Harlowe of Harvard Medical School found that a series of concentration problems in children are related to electronic products when studying the problem of "lack of concentration".

In fact, many children do not have enough concentration and are easily distracted, in part because they are too early to contact tv-based technology products. In the process of use, children are extremely prone to form a strong dependence on these products.

Harvard University also studied in the early years that:

The bright colors and fast-moving pictures in the TV can quickly attract the attention of children. This strong stimulation can transmit a large amount of information, but a continuous and large amount of information will make the children's brains too late to think, and this long-term large number of strong stimuli will make the children's reaction speed and concentration of attention to other things greatly weakened.

Television can destroy children's attention, which means that television may make children's brains more lazy, or even lose basic thinking ability.

What is the difference between those babies who "watch TV" and "never watch"? Hope you already know

★ Children who regularly watch TV will gradually weaken their cognitive abilities

There was a recruitment experiment conducted in the United States by a large group of children before the age of 5. The experiment involved a large number of MRI tests to detect fluctuations in their brains, in addition to having their parents fill out a questionnaire report.

From this data they came to a conclusion:

If you use TV and electronics for more than 1 hour a day, the brain development of this group of children will be significantly lower than that of other children who do not watch TV. This disadvantage will also be manifested in their daily life for language and writing and even cognitive ability.

This shows that these electronic products will have a serious impact on their ability to do all aspects, and even hinder the speed of their development.

What is the difference between those babies who "watch TV" and "never watch"? Hope you already know

So how can parents minimize the impact of television on their children?

Frequent interactive games that divert their attention

A large number of electronic products can indeed attract children's attention very quickly, but if parents do a lot of interactive games with them, then it can greatly weaken the attractiveness of this electronic product for children.

And this interactive game can also make children's eyes relax, carry out more outdoor activities, but also effectively reduce their dependence on electronic products, but also for their physical health, but also has a very great benefit.

What is the difference between those babies who "watch TV" and "never watch"? Hope you already know

Control the amount of time they spend using electronics

Electronic products are actually a very effective entertainment device, if you want to let children get proper relaxation, you can really let them watch some TV and use other electronic products to relax their nerves.

However, it is necessary for parents to limit their time for this entertainment.

Children from 0 to 2 years old, it is recommended to avoid using any electronic devices;

Children from 2 to 5 years old, the time of use of electronic products, should not exceed 1 hour per day;

Children aged 5 to 10 years old should use TV and mobile phones within 90 minutes of time every day.

If the child wants to take online lessons, then get up every 30 minutes to take a break, let the eyes relax, the brain is relieved, and it is more conducive to the next round of learning.

What is the difference between those babies who "watch TV" and "never watch"? Hope you already know

Exercise outdoors regularly

Often take children outdoor exercise, contact with nature, not only can exercise their body, but also in nature to carry out more physical activities, such as playing basketball, badminton, table tennis, etc., but also so that their eyes in the pursuit of the ball at a distance, get full exercise.

First, they can avoid their addiction to electronic products, and second, outdoor activities have great benefits for the recovery of their vision.

What is the difference between those babies who "watch TV" and "never watch"? Hope you already know

Spicy Mom Quotes:

Those who watch TV regularly develop significantly lower in all aspects than those who do not watch TV often. The degree of exposure to electronic products has a significant impact on their development, and will also form a clear difference between their growth.

Therefore, if parents want their children to develop better, then we must pay attention to their dependence on electronic products, can let them participate in outdoor sports, while exercising physical fitness, let the eyes relax, more beneficial to the growth of children.

Parents, how long does your child spend watching TV every day?

(Image from the Internet)

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