
Mental Health, Painting, Calligraphy, Photography and Videography...... This old carport turned "Times Book Bar" is now a Chinese New Year's Eve school

author:Internet information peace

On June 28, the first physical Chinese New Year's Eve school in Hebei District, the "Times Book Bar" Chinese New Year's Eve School in Hebei District, was unveiled, and in the future, it will carry out reading salon theme activities here on a regular basis, introducing night school activities favored by young people, such as mental health, painting and calligraphy, gold and stone seal carving, photography and videography, video editing, cocktail preparation, etc., giving full play to the public welfare attributes of the Chinese New Year's Eve School, allowing young people to obtain a wide range of course services at low cost, and helping young people improve their skills and increase their talents.

Mental Health, Painting, Calligraphy, Photography and Videography...... This old carport turned "Times Book Bar" is now a Chinese New Year's Eve school

  The Times Book Bar landed on the Chinese New Year's Eve School is the transformation of the old carport that was originally idle in the old community into a community cultural space integrating reading, leisure communication and community activities in the Admiralty project of the Urban Investment Group Urban Change Company. The Youth League Committee of Tianjin Urban Investment Group hopes to join hands with the Youth League Committee of Hebei District to jointly build the "Times Book Bar" Youth Chinese New Year's Eve School, as a new position to lead the cohesion of young people and broaden the service of young people, help young people in the district to improve their skills, integrate into the community, enrich social interaction, further revitalize existing assets, and build a broader sharing platform for young friends.

  During the event, the Youth League Committee of Hebei District and the Youth League Committee of Tianjin Urban Investment Group launched the joint construction base.

  Teacher Yang Fan of Beiyang Qingchuang, a social organization affiliated to the Youth League Committee of Hebei District, conducted a demonstration reading around the red classic book "Tinder: Looking for the Road to China's Rejuvenation".

Mental Health, Painting, Calligraphy, Photography and Videography...... This old carport turned "Times Book Bar" is now a Chinese New Year's Eve school

  In recent years, Hebei District has promoted the deepening of national reading and gathered the strength to forge ahead from the fragrance of books. The main responsible comrades of the Youth League Committee of Hebei District said that this event is a new starting point for mutual communication and exchanges between the two sides, and a new opportunity to serve the youth, and build a new platform for cooperation and exchange, mutual learning and growth between young people. At the same time, the physical position of the "Times Book Bar" Chinese New Year's Eve School is a positive exploration, and the two sides should use this as a carrier to make good use of the joint construction platform, pay close attention to the needs, thoughts and desires of young people, take theoretical publicity, cultural exchanges and skill improvement as the starting point, launch more down-to-earth and in-depth courses, and carefully build the "Times Book Bar" into a frontier position that directly connects and serves young people and a growth platform loved by young people.

Source: Jinyun

Mental Health, Painting, Calligraphy, Photography and Videography...... This old carport turned "Times Book Bar" is now a Chinese New Year's Eve school

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