
Project tackling hot role model | Zhao Haitao: Perseverance under high temperature ensures the steady progress of the heating project

author:Palm Jinan

Luwang, June 29 Recently, Jinan has continued to have high temperatures and rolling heat waves, but at the site of the two key projects of Jinan Heating Group, a subsidiary of Jinan Energy Group, the staff still stick to their posts and sweat like rain. They are not afraid of the scorching heat, and ensure the smooth progress of the project with tenacity and perseverance. As the person in charge of the primary network infrastructure project, Zhao Haitao, director of the pipeline department of Jinan Heating Group Heli Branch, led the team to face difficulties and ensure that the project progress was not affected by high temperatures.

Project tackling hot role model | Zhao Haitao: Perseverance under high temperature ensures the steady progress of the heating project

On June 27, the reporter came to the site of the Cailong Road heating pipe network project, only to see Zhao Haitao standing next to the trench, carefully checking the weld of each pipe, and his sweat slid down his cheeks under the sun. "Here, check the density of this insulation interface again." Zhao Haitao pointed to a pipe and said. The workers responded quickly and began to scrutinize it.

The Cailong Road heating pipe network project is the top priority in Zhao Haitao's heart. He knows that the completion of this project will greatly improve the heating conditions of the Provincial Party School and users around Cailong Road. In order to achieve this goal, he led the team to overcome many difficulties such as cross-construction with electricity and construction delays caused by high-temperature shutdowns.

"At present, only Hushan Road (New Tourism Road) to Cailong Road has been laid in the Caishi area, and Cailong Road (Provincial Party School to Hushan Road) has not been laid due to the lack of pipeline planning in the early stage, so the Provincial Party School and users around Cailong Road have not been able to achieve central heating." Zhao Haitao said that in order to consider the long-term implementation of the "one network" energy utilization strategy and improve the heating needs of residents, Cailong Road is a heating pipeline laid for newly developed users to meet the needs of the Provincial Party School and users on both sides of Cailong Road. At present, the project has completed 945 meters of trench excavation, 816 meters of downpipe installation, and 780 meters of trench backfilling.

Project tackling hot role model | Zhao Haitao: Perseverance under high temperature ensures the steady progress of the heating project

On the other side, the site of the primary network access project of Chunyue Jinlu is also in full swing, and Zhao Haitao shuttles back and forth between the two construction sites. It is understood that the design starting point of the primary network access project of Chunyue Jinlu is located in Gangxing 2nd Road and Gangyuan 8th Road, and the end point is the primary network at the red line of the Chunyue Jinlu supporting residential project, with a heating area of about 165,800 square meters and a design heat load of 6.63MW, the project started on March 30, and the road part has been completed.

Project tackling hot role model | Zhao Haitao: Perseverance under high temperature ensures the steady progress of the heating project

"Pay attention to safety and make sure that every detail is in place." Zhao Haitao told the workers. He introduced that the engineering design has a diameter of DN300 and a length of 210 meters, although the scale is not large, but every detail is related to the stability and reliability of future heating.

At the scene, the reporter felt a strong team atmosphere and efficient execution. Under the leadership of Zhao Haitao, the workers carried out various tasks in an orderly manner. Excavators, pile drivers, cranes and other large machinery worked precisely under the command of Zhao Haitao, and the whole site was busy and orderly.

Project tackling hot role model | Zhao Haitao: Perseverance under high temperature ensures the steady progress of the heating project

In addition, Zhao Haitao also attaches great importance to team building, and an excellent team is the key to the success of the project. Therefore, he always tries his best to provide a good working environment and training opportunities for his team members to stimulate their potential and creativity. "On such a hot day, Director Zhao is on site every day to guide us to ensure the quality of the project, and we are also full of enthusiasm." An on-site staff member said with emotion.

Under the leadership of Zhao Haitao, the two key projects of Jinan Heating Group and Li Branch are progressing steadily. He interprets the responsibilities and responsibilities of the thermal people with practical actions, and inspires the team to move forward with his role model in the front line of the project. (Reporter of this website)

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