
Li Jie, president of Aoling Light Truck, brushed the screen for his 2021 speech, and the amount of information exploded

The "bald president" of the light truck industry has once again swiped the screen. On December 25, Li Jie, president of Aoling Light Truck, released the 2021 annual work report for the first time in the form of a live speech, which was also the first personal live broadcast speech of the president in the commercial vehicle industry, including 19 platforms including Xinhua News Agency's live cloud, NetEase Technology, and Aoling official platform, and received 1.886 million views and 1.49 million likes across the network.

Li Jie, president of Aoling Light Truck, brushed the screen for his 2021 speech, and the amount of information exploded

The whole speech was full of highlights. Li Jie responded to various views of the outside world in a self-deprecating way, and also systematically reviewed the efforts and achievements of Aoling in the past three years, and made a detailed analysis of the future trend of the light truck industry and the goals of Aoling in 2022. At the same time, Aoling's new products Jin Aoling, Aoling M card and Jade Rabbit II were also released on the spot.

Grow in controversy and succeed in planning

In the past three years, Aoling Light Truck has gained the trust of 320,000 customers, generated a profit of 1.32 billion yuan, and made the income of employees in the Beijing factory outperform the average wage in Beijing. While Aoling achieved excellent results, it also attracted a lot of controversy. Some people questioned Aoling's high-profile and marketing chicken blood, and Li Jie responded humorously, "I am the biggest advocate of Aoling, the first person to wave the flag for Aoling." Although we are always ridiculed by others, we have gained a lot. ”

In Li Jie's view, the competition for light trucks is very fierce, and if you want the brand to enter the minds of users, you must stand on the top of the mountain and shout for the Aoling brand. Playing chicken blood is a way of motivation that can quickly unify thoughts. Don't cherish your feathers, even if you lose face, it doesn't matter, because the face of the leader is in the service of the business.

Aoling's success was an organized and premeditated orchestration. In the past decade or so, Li Jie has read 1500 books, from which he has summarized a large number of methodologies for marketing practice. He believes that how much wealth a person can obtain depends on his cognitive level, for this reason, he has widely promoted learning among Aoling employees and partners, encouraged struggle, increased motivation, made the team the top talent in the all-light truck industry, and provided professional training for 200 dealers, achieving a significant improvement in performance through theoretical guidance.

Through these internal and external repair initiatives, Aoling has created an Aoling Iron Army composed of young and outstanding talents, realized unified values, and established a harmonious manufacturer relationship, ultimately creating a source of success.

Good products will speak, and customers will vote with their feet

In Li Jie's view, "the product is the root of everything, but also the best way for kayou to experience the Aoling brand, the product is done well, the old customers will help us speak." Based on this philosophy, Aoling's products are completely focused on customer value innovation from research and development to sales to service.

In product development, Aoling's engineers focus on basic performance, do a lot of functional design, and bring customers a better experience, which is why Aoling's products are a little more expensive than others. More importantly, Aoling adheres to the long-term doctrine of products, adheres to the product concept of "quality first, delivery second, delivery third", and resolutely controls quality. Even if some customers have doubts about the delivery delay, after communicating this concept, customers can agree and accept it.

The product naming of Aoling Light Truck is also different, such as express BUFF, small steel cannon, youth version, hercules, palace version, etc. These product names seem strange, but in fact they are grounded, because users can understand and accept quickly.

At the service level, Aoling insists that "the customer's business is the life of the Aoling people", and provides customers with real protection through the six king fried services, and has also won the hearts of many users.

Aoling brand vision and mission is to be the best light truck in the industry. For the "best light truck", everyone has a different understanding, Li Jie believes, "our employees can proudly sell, can be recommended to friends from the heart, this is the best light truck."

Three new products were unveiled, and black technology was full

Jin Aoling is positioned in "leading China's high-end light trucks", known as "top ten black technology three years of free maintenance". The original intention of the development of this car is to make it easier for customers to use the car, front and rear axles, drive shafts, transmissions, clutches, tires and other wearable parts are all designed with a long life, and users no longer have to spend a lot of time maintaining, saving worry and money, and avoiding vehicle damage caused by frequent disassembly. This is also the best embodiment of Aoling's concept of "leaving simplicity to customers and complexity to oneself" at the product level. In addition, Jin Aoling also has a series of advantages such as waterproof, quiet and comfortable, light steering, high speed and stability, fuel saving and high efficiency, and also enjoys super VIP services when buying cars.

Aoling M card is positioned in "4 meters 2 below the truck", known as "the king of all-round business, do anything to make money". This car has many advantages, first of all, the appearance is extremely high, whether the appearance or color matching is far from the supermarket surface of similar products; secondly, the internal driving and storage space is huge, the cab left and right space exceeds the Audi A4L, and the long legs can sit comfortably; and then the power is strong, the brakes are stable, the control is flexible, the basement can be lowered, and the village head limit width pier can be passed, it is difficult to imagine that a truck can also have such a performance. In addition, the Aoling M card also has subdivisions such as moving king, basement king, aquatic king, fruit and vegetable king, rental king, climbing king, etc., which are suitable for rich use scenarios.

Jade Rabbit II is an automatic light truck designed for female drivers and novice drivers. The inspiration for the development of this car is still from Li Jie's cousin, as a rural woman, she hopes to make more money by being a driver, but her own driving experience is not particularly rich, choosing a simple and easy to operate automatic transmission light truck can greatly reduce her threshold for employment. In order to encourage more rural women to join the industry, the price of Yutu II has reached the lowest price in the same industry, and the minimum down payment is only 10%.

Facing the future market, Aoling is ready

For the future trend of the light truck market, Li Jie made a detailed analysis from many aspects such as the fertility trend of the population, the proportion of global light trucks, and the urbanization rate of China, and concluded that "in the next 15 years, China's truck industry is still in a high demand stage." ”

He judged that the continuous rise in the price of light trucks is an inevitable trend of development. This increase is not simply a price increase, but because it can bring higher value to customers. Trucks, like factory machine tools, are essentially labor tools, which will be gradually replaced with the needs of social development, and the commercial value will also increase, and this process is irreversible.

Truck drivers will certainly become professional in the future, and at least 60% of truck owners in China will become full-time drivers in the future. In the decision-making of truck procurement, the voice of truck drivers will also become stronger and stronger, and it is expected that 5-8 years will become a reality. In the future, the female driver group will also rise, 17% of Aoling's self-media fans are women, many of them want to be truck drivers, but there is no suitable environment, but in 3-5 years, all this will change.

For the upcoming 2022, the light truck industry will usher in two major positives. At the macro level, under the general situation of economic recovery, the stimulus policy will be moderately advanced; at the industry level, the new blue card regulations will be implemented soon, and the decline in bicycle capacity will bring a large number of car purchase demand. In this context, Aoling chooses to practice internal skills, focus on value, lean operations, avoid extravagance and waste, invest limited experience and resources in the service of old customers, and spend small money to do big things. By 2030, Aoling will achieve daily sales of 1,000 vehicles, annual sales of 400,000 vehicles, and service to 2 million old customers.

At the end of the year-end work report speech, Li Jie said that Aoling should be a revolutionary in the light truck industry, refuse to eat the dividends of the old model, and replace it with a new model of "openness, equality, collaboration, rapid iteration and sharing". The root of all this is around the customer, and this is the true connotation of the theme of this speech, "Technological Innovation, User-Driven".

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