
The new blue card regulations have come out again, and China Aoling has stopped production of light trucks with a width of 2.3 meters on the same day

The new blue card regulations were officially implemented, and Aoling Light Truck once again took the industry one step ahead, and held the interpretation of the new blue card regulations and the release of the new blue card solution of Aoling. At the meeting, Li Jie, the "bald president" of Aoling Light Truck, not only expressed his resolute support for the implementation of the new regulations, but also said on the spot, "From now on, Aoling manufacturers will no longer accept orders to produce blue light truck models with 2.3 meters wide cargo compartments!" ”

The new blue card regulations have come out again, and China Aoling has stopped production of light trucks with a width of 2.3 meters on the same day

Aoling's attitude in response to regulations is not surprising, although Aoling is a relatively active brand in the light truck industry, but in terms of right and wrong, Aoling has never been ambiguous. What is really surprising is why Aoling chose to discontinue the 2.3-meter-wide cargo compartment model at this time.

It should be known that the blue light truck with a width of 2.3 meters in the cargo box has a large space and a lot of loading, which is the mainstream configuration in the current light truck market. According to the new regulations, this 2 meters 3 cargo compartment model will not be able to produce from March 1, but at this time there is still 1 and a half months from the deadline for the suspension of production required by the regulations, from the perspective of the businessman, it should seize the gap period to sprint production and make a lot of money.

The new blue card regulations have come out again, and China Aoling has stopped production of light trucks with a width of 2.3 meters on the same day

I have to say that Li Jie's ideas are indeed different from the logic of ordinary businessmen. Aoling has always been a long-term enterprise, whether it is the first to launch lightweight compliance products after the 521 incident, or the layout of China VI products in advance in the National V era, Aoling always focuses on long-term value. Since we already know that after September, we will be the world of compliant models, and if we continue to produce illegal models, we are deducting points for the future. Conversely, if you start producing compliant models from now on, you are adding points to the future. Although the short-term benefits will be reduced, in the long run, it is worth it!

In his view, it is far more important to make the light truck industry compliant as soon as possible than to make some quick money. Aoling hopes to become a new wind in the industry, so that more peers can align with Aoling, quickly embrace regulations, produce compliant products as soon as possible, achieve healthy competition as soon as possible, and not let the country and society worry about this industry. With this fundamental, China's light truck industry can become bigger and stronger, and only then can it have the strength to join hands to compete with foreign counterparts and sell Chinese light trucks to Southeast Asia, To Japan, and even to the United States.

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