
Why did Guan Yu never take the initiative to single out Lü Bu? Liu Bei knew in his heart, and Zhuge Liang saw through it and did not say it was broken

In fact, there are three main reasons why Guan Yu never takes the initiative to single out Lü Bu! These three reasons, Liu Bei is aware of it, while Zhuge Liang is not broken!

Why did Guan Yu never take the initiative to single out Lü Bu? Liu Bei knew in his heart, and Zhuge Liang saw through it and did not say it was broken

Guan Yu zhan lü bu

In the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Guan Yu and Lü Bu had at least two encounters, so Guan Yu actually challenged Lü Bu, but he did not take the initiative to single out Lü Bu, he was forced to fight!

Guan Yu's first challenge to Lü Bu took place at the Battle of Tiger Prison Pass. At that time, Zhang Fei took the lead in challenging Lü Bu, and the two sides played fifty rounds without winning or losing, but after fifty rounds, Guan Yu took the initiative to help, and together with Zhang Fei besieged Lü Bu, and finally with the help of Liu Bei, the three brothers worked together to defeat Lü Bu!

Guan Yu's second challenge to Lü Bu occurred during Lü Bu's breakout. At that time, Lü Bu was besieged by Cao Cao and Liu Bei in Xia Pi City, and wanted to ask Yuan Shu for help, but Yuan Shu did not trust Lü Bu and asked Lü Bu to send his daughter to send reinforcements, so Lü Bu carried his daughter on his back and prepared to rush out of the encirclement of Cao's army, only to be intercepted by Guan Yu and Zhang Fei and could only withdraw to the city.

Looking at the confrontation between Guan Yu and Lü Bu, he really did not take the initiative to challenge Lü Bu, so why did Guan Yu do this? Zhang Fei never had a good face in the face of Lü Bu, and often took the initiative to single out, why did Guan Yu behave so abnormally?

In fact, there are three main reasons why Guan Yu never takes the initiative to single out Lü Bu!

Why did Guan Yu never take the initiative to single out Lü Bu? Liu Bei knew in his heart, and Zhuge Liang saw through it and did not say it was broken

First, Guan Yu has an arrogant personality and disdains to single out Lü Bu

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, although they are brothers, their tempers are completely different! It is precisely because the tempers of the two brothers are completely different, so that their attitude towards Lü Bu is completely different!

Guan Yu, this person, is kind to the pawn and proud of the scholar, Zhang Fei this person respects the gentleman and does not sympathize with the villain, their personalities are completely different! To put it bluntly, Guan Yu is very friendly to the lower-level people, and generally does not go to embarrass these people, but he is very proud of the upper-class people such as scholars, so he will look down on Sun Quan and disobey Zhuge Liang. Zhang Fei, on the contrary, and Guan Yu, are not sympathetic to the lower-class people at all, but are very friendly to the upper-class people such as scholars, so Zhang Fei will treat Yan Yan kindly and respect Zhuge Liang, but he often insults his subordinates, and is eventually attacked and killed by his subordinates.

Lü Bu this person, in fact, the starting point is also very low, and Guan Yu Zhang Fei and other people are similar, their origins are all at the bottom, although Lü Bu later climbed very high, and even was named Wen Hou, even if he entered the upper class, but in fact, the Eastern Han Dynasty scholars and other upper-class people have never accepted Lü Bu, they look down on Lü Bu, treat Lü Bu, just treat him as a thug!

After Lü Bu betrayed Ding Yuan and served Dong Zhuo, although Dong Zhuo was good to Lü Bu, he only regarded Lü Bu as a thug and bodyguard, and after Lü Bu killed Dong Zhuo, he thought that he could gain great power, but Wang Yun actually did not look up to Lü Bu, and Wang Yun did not listen to Lü Bu's suggestions at all. Later, Chang'an City was breached, and Lü Bu entered the Central Plains, but he was even more disliked by the princes of the Central Plains, and could only go around and finally settle down in Xuzhou. It can be said that although Lü Bu is a prince of one side and has entered the upper class, the upper class does not look up to Lü Bu at all, so strictly speaking, Lü Bu still belongs to the lower class! It was precisely because he was still a low-level person that Guan Yu did not take the initiative to single out him!

Why did Guan Yu never take the initiative to single out Lü Bu? Liu Bei knew in his heart, and Zhuge Liang saw through it and did not say it was broken

Guan Yu is kind to the pawns and proud of the scholars, his arrogance is to those scholars, and Lü Bu is obviously not a scholar, so Guan Yu is not as proud of Lü Bu as he imagined, because they are all from the bottom! And because Lü Bu's reputation is not very good, always betraying the lord, Guan Yu is also a loyal person, so it is impossible for him to play with Lü Bu, so he cannot treat Lü Bu kindly, so there is a state of Guan Yu being very indifferent to Lü Bu and dismissive, and there is a situation where Guan Yu never takes the initiative to single out Lü Bu!

On the other hand, Zhang Fei, he is the kind of person who respects a gentleman and does not sympathize with villains, in his opinion, Lü Bu is a family slave with three surnames, a person with a low birth and a very poor character, he naturally looks down on Lü Bu very much, Zhang Fei's characteristics are reckless, he looks down on it directly, he will not hide it, so since he saw Lü Bu's first face, he shouted that he wanted to go head-to-head with Lü Bu, and then every time he saw Lü Bu's face, he had to scold first, which was actually Zhang Fei's personality!

As Guan Yu's eldest brother, Liu Bei was meticulous, and he naturally knew why Guan Yu never took the initiative to single out Lü Bu, but he did not say it. When Liu Bei entered Yizhou, Guan Yu wrote to him, saying that he wanted to come to Yizhou to single out Ma Chao, and Liu Bei immediately understood Guan Yu's thoughts, so he directly asked Zhuge Liang to return a letter to Guan Yu. Zhuge Liang, on the other hand, also knows Guan Yu's personality very well, so the content of his letter is written like this!

Original text: His book reads: "General Liangwen wants to be different from Meng Qi. In brightness: Although Meng Qi is majestic, he is also the ear of Tuobu and Peng Yue; when he competes with Yide, he is still superior to the beauty of the hair. The present duke was appointed to guard Jingzhou, and it was not heavy; if he entered the river, if Jingzhou was lost. The sin is great. But I hope to shine. Yun Chang looked at it and smiled at himself: "Kong knows that my heart is also." ”

Why did Guan Yu never take the initiative to single out Lü Bu? Liu Bei knew in his heart, and Zhuge Liang saw through it and did not say it was broken

Guan Yu's personality characteristics Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang are well aware, so they also know why Guan Yu will write a letter to challenge Ma Chao, because Ma Chao is noble, after the Fubo general Ma Yuan, is a typical scholar class, so Guan Yu will want to challenge Ma Chao, hoping to overpower Ma Chao! Since Guan Yu was proud of the scholar and wanted to overpower Ma Chao, zhuge Liang naturally had to sell Guan Yu's face, otherwise what would Guan Yu really do if he ran to Yizhou? Therefore, Zhuge Liang wrote back to Guan Yu directly, saying that Ma Chao was at most similar to Zhang Fei and was not at all your beautiful hairdresser!!" Therefore, Guan Yu was happy and did not make trouble, and this matter was solved so happily!

To put it bluntly, the reason why Guan Yu wanted to challenge Ma Chao was because Ma Chao was noble and was a scholar class, and Guan Yu himself was from the bottom class, so he was very proud of the people of the scholar class, worried that Ma Chao had taken his place. The reason why Guan Yu did not challenge Lü Bu was because Lü Bu was from the bottom and had always been intolerable to the scholar class, and the class gap between the two was not large, so Guan Yu would not deliberately target and single out Lü Bu! He had a completely dismissive attitude towards Lü Bu!

Second, Guan Yu has a more overall view

Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei three brothers sent troops, if only one way of soldiers, then the three brothers together, if it is divided into two roads, then it is often Zhang Fei and Liu Bei all the way, Zhang Fei to Liu Bei as a pioneer or bodyguard, and Guan Yu leads a large army. It can be seen that in Liu Bei's view, Guan Yu is the kind of person who has a big picture view, and he can lead an army alone. And this kind of overall view, Zhang Fei does not have, Zhang Fei this person is a big grin, whirring, too reckless, the loss of Xuzhou is a typical example. It is precisely because Liu Bei's positioning of Guan Yu is different, so Guan Yu cannot take the initiative to single out Lü Bu! Why? We can make an analogy!

In Liu Bei's camp, the big leader is definitely Liu Bei, while the second leader is Guan Yu, and as for Zhang Fei, he belongs to that kind of small leader. For Lü Bu, Zhang Fei has never had a good face, every time they meet, they are shouting and shouting to kill, or sarcastically ridicule, which actually does not affect the overall situation, because Zhang Fei's original personality is reckless, big grin, he shouts at Lü Bu to kill, can be interpreted as a personal behavior, Lü Bu does not want to destroy Liu Bei, and can only tolerate Zhang Fei's rude behavior, after all, Zhang Fei is this kind of person, can not change, you can not kill Zhang Fei, right?

Why did Guan Yu never take the initiative to single out Lü Bu? Liu Bei knew in his heart, and Zhuge Liang saw through it and did not say it was broken

But if Guan Yu also joined Zhang Fei's camp and shouted at Lü Bu to kill, then the situation would be completely different! If Guan Yu, like Zhang Fei, often takes the initiative to single out Lü Bu and insult Lü Bu, then Lü Bu must think that Liu Bei Group cannot be co-opted, and will definitely kill Liu Bei Group, which Liu Bei does not want to see!

Guan Yu had a better view of the overall situation, more understanding of the situation of his own camp, and more understanding of Liu Bei's meaning, so he could not single out Lü Bu. Similarly, when the horse was singled out, Zhuge Liang directly said, "If you enter Sichuan, if Jingzhou is in trouble, the crime is not great, but Ji Mingzhao", which calmed Guan Yu down, and also proved that Guan Yu's overall view of the whole situation is still good, and he will not affect Liu Bei's great cause because of small things!

Third, Guan Yu could not defeat Lü Bu

In fact, from the Battle of Tiger Prison Pass, we can know that Guan Yu Zhang Fei's martial arts are inferior to Lü Bu's! Zhang Fei and Lü Bu singled out fifty rounds without winning or losing, and then Guan Yu took the initiative to fight to help Zhang Fei, which is actually quite confusing, Guan Yu is so arrogant, how can he be willing to join hands to fight someone else? The only explanation was that Guan Yu saw the cattiness of the battle between Zhang Fei and Lü Bu and thought that if he continued to fight, Zhang Fei might be in danger of his life!

Many people do not agree with this view, thinking that Zhang Fei is fighting vigorously, how can he be defeated? This is actually a bit of a "authority fan, bystander Qing" meaning, Zhang Fei is in the game, only know that he and Lü Bu play happily, it is likely that they do not know their own situation, on the contrary, outsiders see the battle situation more clearly, so Guan Yu will take the initiative to shoot! Moreover, just after Guan Yu joined, the strength of Guan Yu and Zhang Fei could not take down Lü Bu, which showed how powerful Lü Bu was at that time!

After this battle, Guan Yu fully knew lü Bu's strength, and knew that it was necessary to gather the strength of the three brothers to defeat Lü Bu, so he never took the initiative to single out Lü Bu, because he couldn't fight it, so why bother to humiliate himself?

Why did Guan Yu never take the initiative to single out Lü Bu? Liu Bei knew in his heart, and Zhuge Liang saw through it and did not say it was broken


Why Guan Yu never took the initiative to challenge Lü Bu, Liu Bei knew this, and Zhuge Liang saw through it and did not say it! In fact, Guan Yu did not single out Lü Bu, mainly for these three reasons! First, Guan Yu was arrogant and disdainful of picking a fight with Lü Bu; second, Guan Yu was concerned about the overall situation and was unwilling to go head-to-head with Lü Bu; third, Guan Yu could not beat Lü Bu and did not want to humiliate himself! What do you think about that? Which of the three reasons do you think is the most important?

(This article mainly refers to the Romance of the Three Kingdoms)

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