
Liu Bei was made a general of Huang Zhonghou, and Guan Yu was dismissive, so why didn't he object to Wei Yan being made the King of Hanzhong?

Guan Yu, superior in force, and Zhang Fei are all "ten thousand enemies", to say shortcomings, Guan Yu is proud, always uses his nostrils to look at people, no one looks down on him, in the bridge section of the single knife to the meeting, it shows Guan Yu's pride.

Sun Quan's girl took the initiative to marry Guan Yu's son, and was humiliated by Guan Yu's refusal, this matter was indeed improper, as a feudal official, Guan Yu's actions were too childish, and it was really not worth it to spoil the country's major affairs with a momentary anger. But due to personality, there is no way.

Liu Bei was made a general of Huang Zhonghou, and Guan Yu was dismissive, so why didn't he object to Wei Yan being made the King of Hanzhong?

Ma Chao was enfeoffed

When Ma Chao came to vote for Liu Bei, Liu Bei was happy, especially liked Ma Chao, liked his bravery, and directly gave Ma Chao the title of Marquis. This matter reached The ear of Guan Yu in Jingzhou, Guan Yu was a little uncomfortable in his heart, he felt that it was not good that Ma Chao would be sealed as soon as he came, what ability did he have? So he wrote a letter to Zhuge Liang, the letter expressed a more euphemistic expression, and did not directly say his thoughts, he originally meant to let Zhuge Liang find someone to change the defense of Jingzhou, he wanted to enter Sichuan and Fight with Ma Chao for three hundred rounds, but the direct words were not very good, people came to give people Ma Wei, it is always not conducive to unity, so Guan Yu expressed his doubts in the letter, what kind of person is this Mr. Ma Chao?

Liu Bei was made a general of Huang Zhonghou, and Guan Yu was dismissive, so why didn't he object to Wei Yan being made the King of Hanzhong?

As soon as Zhuge Liang saw Guan Yu's letter, he immediately understood that this was Guan Yu "jealousy", so he wrote back to Guan Yu and said, This Ma Chao is really a good man, can fight a good battle, eternal fierceness, is a rare general in the world, but Ma Chao is also a level with Zhang Fei, and you Guan Yu is almost meaningless.

"Meng Qi is also a scholar and a martial artist, a heroic and outstanding person, a master of the first life, a disciple of Tuo and Peng, when he competes with Yide and drives the first, he has not yet reached the absolute yiqun of hair."

Guan Yu looked at Zhuge Liang's reply, laughed out loud, and it was no longer difficult for Ma Chao, and he was a little proud.

Liu Bei was made a general of Huang Zhonghou, and Guan Yu was dismissive, so why didn't he object to Wei Yan being made the King of Hanzhong?

Huang Zhongfeng was a general

Coincidentally, Guan Yu's personality caused Guan Yu to have an attack when he saw uncomfortable things, and things like Ma Chao also happened to Huang Zhong.

At that time, Liu Bei hu was in Yizhou, conquered Hanzhong, occupied Jingzhou, and Shangyong and other places, and for a time his life reached its peak, and after claiming to be the king of Hanzhong, Liu Bei divided the generals. In this sub-sealing system, the four most cattle generals were divided into the top priority. There were four generals left and right, Feng Guanyu as the former general, Zhang Fei as the right general, Ma Chao as the left general, and Huang Zhong, who was more than seventy years old, as the rear general.

Liu Bei had just finished sealing, and Guan Yu was not happy. He was a former general who had no objections, and Zhang Fei and Ma Chao were not good generals, after all, these two people were very capable of fighting at a level. But an old man was a rear general, which made Guan Yu feel very cheap, and he also said without any cover, I am not with the old man. He didn't care about Huang Zhong's face at all. Huang Zhong was also an old and strong general, naturally not accustomed to Guan Yu, and he made great contributions when he took Hanzhong, and he also killed Xiahou Yuan when he set the army on the mountain, which he deserved. Just when Guan Yu and Huang Zhong were about to argue, it was good that Fei Shi came out to persuade him.

Liu Bei was made a general of Huang Zhonghou, and Guan Yu was dismissive, so why didn't he object to Wei Yan being made the King of Hanzhong?

Fei Shi has a knowledge, on the side of the quotation, taking the ancient sages as an example, listing some allusions to the year-old friendship, using three inches of uncorrupted tongue, Guan Yu was touched, actually realized his mistake, understood the reason why Liu Bei is capable of appointing people, not nepotism, so Guan Yu is also very grandfather, said: "Yu Da is enlightened, and he is worshiped."

In this way, Huang Zhong's matter came to an end. But from the two things about Ma Chao and Huang Zhong, we can see that Guan Yu is a very conceited person, no one looks down on him, nor does he look down on him, and if he wants to get his approval, he must say something reasonable, or he can beat him, or he can be moved.

Wei Yan sealed Hanzhong Taishou

After Liu Bei established himself as the King of Hanzhong, Hanzhong must have the right to guard the town, and at that time everyone thought that the position of Hanzhong Taishou must be Zhang Fei's, but Liu Bei surprised everyone, sealed Wei Yan, and did not give Zhang Fei.

Liu Bei was made a general of Huang Zhonghou, and Guan Yu was dismissive, so why didn't he object to Wei Yan being made the King of Hanzhong?

Talent withers

The shortage of talents has always been a drawback of Shu Han, this drawback was actually shown when Liu Bei was alive, when Hanzhong needed a general to guard the town, but Zhang Fei was not competent, because Zhang Fei liked to drink and misbehave, and once lost Xuzhou, leaving a shadow for Liu Bei, naturally did not dare to hand over the gate of Hanzhong to Zhang Fei, in case Hanzhong was lost, Shu Han was in danger.

Except for Zhang Fei, there was no one who could be competent, and there was only Wei Yan who was chosen, and Liu Bei was also a little worried about Wei Yan at that time, so he asked Wei Yan, if Cao Jun came, what would you do, Wei Yan replied with great momentum: "If Cao Cao comes from all over the world, please refuse for the king; if you will be a hundred thousand people, please swallow it for the king." This answer satisfied Liu Bei, so he handed Hanzhong over to Wei Yan, and Wei Yan did not disappoint Liu Bei.

Liu Bei was made a general of Huang Zhonghou, and Guan Yu was dismissive, so why didn't he object to Wei Yan being made the King of Hanzhong?

This was also the reason why Zhuge Liang did not like Wei Yan, but Liu Bei did not object when he appointed Wei Yan, because at that time, there was really no better choice than Wei Yan.

Why didn't Guan Yu obstruct

At that time, when Wei Yan was appointed, why didn't Guan Yu oppose it? Because Guan Yu did not put Wei Yan in his eyes at all, the original Ma Chao or Huang Zhong were all people in a similar position to him, belonging to the four generals before and after, and Guan Yu, as the boss of Jingzhou, independently controlled the major affairs of Jingzhou, was the lord of Jingzhou, and was also the first military general of Shu Han.

Although Wei Yan was appointed to guard Hanzhong, it was still too different from Guan Yu, so Guan Yu did not need to pay attention to Liu Bei's appointment of Wei Yan.

Liu Bei was made a general of Huang Zhonghou, and Guan Yu was dismissive, so why didn't he object to Wei Yan being made the King of Hanzhong?

There is another reason, that is, Zhang Fei is indeed not suitable for zhen shou Hanzhong, as a leader Of Guan Yu, has long been not only Zhang Fei's second brother, nor was he the stunned Head Qing of that year, who has been the leader of Jingzhou for so many years, has long matured a lot, and naturally understands the importance of zhen shou Hanzhong.

When Wei Yan was divided, Guan Yu was in Jingzhou, and Liu Bei was in Chengdu, so far away, by the time Guan Yu got the news, they were already finished. There was no need for Guan Yu to argue with Liu Bei over this matter.

Most importantly, Guan Yu was not disgusted with Wei Yan when he first met him. Moreover, Wei Yan saved Huang Zhong, and Kaicheng greeted Liu Bei, giving Guan Yu a good impression, and Guan Yu did not embarrass Wei Yan.

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