
Guan Yu looked down on Ma Chao, and the two fought! As a result, Guan Yu was defeated

After Liu Bei ascended the throne as King of Hanzhong, he enfeoffed a large number of subjects, including the Five Tiger Generals. There is a passage in the seventy-third episode of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, in which Chief Yun asked, "What lord did the King of Hanzhong crown me?" The poem says: "The first of the Five Tiger Generals." Chief Yun asked, "What about the Five Tiger Generals?" The poem said: "Guan, Zhang, Zhao, Ma, and Huang are also." Yun Chang angrily said, "Yi De Wu Brother Ye; Meng Qi Generation Famous Family; Zi Long Jiu Sui My Brother, that is, My Brother Also: The bit and I are together, but also." Who is Huang Zhong, who dares to be with me? The eldest husband will not be with the old man after all? ”

Guan Yu looked down on Ma Chao, and the two fought! As a result, Guan Yu was defeated

As we all know, Guan Yu is a very proud and arrogant person, from the analysis of this passage, Guan Yu is complaining, but also complaining about Liu Bei. In fact, he not only looked down on the dying Huang Zhong, but felt that the other four could not be compared with him. Guan Yu believes that Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun are his brothers, and can barely be on the same level as him, Ma Chao occupies the light of the family lineage, Huang Zhong has nothing, why is he on the same level as himself?

Guan Yu never considered it in terms of force and battle merit, believing that he was the only one and should be higher than the other four. If Liu Bei had made Guan Yu a great general and the other four were four tiger generals, Guan Yu would never have said such an indignant word. Regardless of whether the battle achievements are high or low, in terms of force, Guan Yu is not the highest at all, and it may be the person with the lowest comprehensive strength.

Guan Yu looked down on Ma Chao, and the two fought! As a result, Guan Yu was defeated

In the sixty-fifth time of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Guan Yu asked Guan Ping to carry a letter to Liu Bei, and one day, Xuan Dezheng was idly talking with Kong Ming, and overheard that Yun Chang had sent Guan Ping to thank him for the gift of gold. Xuande summoned in. Ping Bai stopped and submitted a letter: "Father knows that Ma Chao is excellent in martial arts, and he wants to enter the river to compete with him." Teach the uncle about this. Xuan De was horrified: "If Yun grows into Shu, he will compete with Meng Qi, and he will not be able to stand on the same side." ”

Kong Mingyue: "No problem, Liang made his own book and returned it." Xuan De was only afraid that the clouds would be in a hurry, so he taught Kong Ming to write a book and sent Guan Ping to return to Jingzhou at night. Ping returned to Jingzhou, and Yun Chang asked, "I want to compete with Ma Mengqi, did Ru ever say yes?" Ping replied, "The military division has a book here." Yun Chang opened his eyes and looked at it, and his book said: "General Liang Wen wants to be separated from Meng Qi.

In brightness: Although Meng Qi is majestic, he is also the ear of Tuobu and Peng Yue; when he competes with YiDe, he is still superior to the beauty of the hair. The present duke was appointed to guard Jingzhou, and it was not heavy; if he entered the river, if Jingzhou was wrong, he would be guilty of great sin. But I hope to shine. Yun Chang looked at it and smiled at himself: "Kong knows that my heart is also." "The book was displayed throughout the guests, so there was no intention of entering the river."

Guan Yu looked down on Ma Chao, and the two fought! As a result, Guan Yu was defeated

You see, zhuge liang still saw through Guan Yu's thoughts, and the meaning of this reply is that General Guan is assured that Zhang Fei and Ma Chao are just one warrior, and Zhang Fei, the second general of the Five Tigers, cannot replace you, and others are even less qualified to replace your position. Guan Yu's vanity was satisfied, and he no longer mentioned the matter of competing with Ma Chao, but this incident also showed on the side that Guan Yu's heart and his lack of self-confidence.

Why is Guan Yu in a hurry to compete with Ma Chao? In fact, he has two meanings, the first is to pour cold water on Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang, I Guan Yu is the number one military general in the group, don't hold Ma Chao too high. Second, he really despises Ma Chao, and he also wants to try it with Ma Chao and kill his prestige.

Guan Yu looked down on Ma Chao, and the two fought! As a result, Guan Yu was defeated

As mentioned earlier, Guan Yu may be the weakest of the Five Tiger Generals in terms of comprehensive strength. Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun may not have been able to fight, and he is not embarrassed to say that the brothers have competed. Before that, Guan Yu and Huang Zhong had fought once, and there was no difference between victory and defeat in more than a hundred rounds, but Huang Zhong had the shooting technique of a hundred shots.

That said, the only person who can compete with him is Ma Chao, who has just arrived. Because he was not familiar with it, he could speak it out and get his hands on it, so Guan Yu was eager to prove himself, at least not allowing himself to fall to the end of the Five Tiger Generals. If Guan Yu and Ma Chao fight each other, who can be superior? There is no doubt that it must be Ma Chao.

Guan Yu looked down on Ma Chao, and the two fought! As a result, Guan Yu was defeated

Ma Chao and Zhang Fei and Xu Chu, the two fierce generals, had two lively battles, and the protracted battle between the military generals best reflected their comprehensive strength, such as physical strength, endurance, attack, defense, and small skills. This also shows that Zhang Fei and Ma Chao both have the strength of top martial artists, while Guan Yu's record is only twice more than a hundred rounds, namely Huang Zhong and Pound.

The rest are a few rounds or dozens of rounds, and even sometimes it is a second kill, making Guan Yu famous in the world, that is, cutting off the face and cursing the ugly, these achievements seem to be easy, in fact, thanks to Guan Yu's red rabbit horse and dragging knife meter. To put it nicely, the world's martial arts are only fast and unbreakable, and the ugly point is actually a sneak attack, once it encounters a stalemate battle, Guan Yu cannot be compared with Zhang, Zhao, and Ma, even if Huang Zhong, who is more than seventy years old, Guan Yu cannot take it.

Guan Yu looked down on Ma Chao, and the two fought! As a result, Guan Yu was defeated

That is to say, Guan Yu's combat ability is mainly reflected in the surprise attack, if he cannot defeat the enemy in a short period of time, then he will definitely not continue to hold each other, because Guan Yu has no certainty of victory. Moreover, the only warrior who could make Cao Cao feel afraid was Ma Chao: "Horses don't die, and I don't have a place to bury." Therefore, Guan Yu's comprehensive strength is lower than that of Ma Chao, Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun.

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