
Zhang Ting incident escalated: Bao Ma spent more than 100,000 yuan to float in the water, and now kneels downstairs to the company to beg for money

The matter of Zhang Ting and Lin Ruiyang and his wife actually needs to be discussed slowly in the long run, especially the Hebei Municipal Supervision Bureau has also launched an investigation into their headquarters.

At present, it can be clear that Zhang Ting and Lin Ruiyang's TST have the fact that there is an illegal operation of pyramid schemes, but the specific punishment and final implementation are still waiting.

Zhang Ting incident escalated: Bao Ma spent more than 100,000 yuan to float in the water, and now kneels downstairs to the company to beg for money

With the escalation of the Zhang Ting incident, more and more mothers who used to cooperate with him have also bravely stepped forward. On April 25, some netizens released a video in which a mother who had been pitted and lost money knelt downstairs at the headquarters of Zhangting Company, hoping that the more than 100,000 yuan she had spent would be returned.

Zhang Ting incident escalated: Bao Ma spent more than 100,000 yuan to float in the water, and now kneels downstairs to the company to beg for money

This bao mom is the agent of the former micro-business brand, and it is no longer important which product she chooses. This mother held a child in the video, and then cried bitterly that she spent more than 100,000 yuan, and the results were invested in micro-business, and now the family has no money, and the family can't afford this number.

Zhang Ting incident escalated: Bao Ma spent more than 100,000 yuan to float in the water, and now kneels downstairs to the company to beg for money

I believe that it is also forced by helplessness, a party Ms. Ren's mother also ran to the downstairs of the micro-business headquarters crying, and then pulled the door and cried and begged the reporter friends to get back an explanation for themselves.

Zhang Ting incident escalated: Bao Ma spent more than 100,000 yuan to float in the water, and now kneels downstairs to the company to beg for money
Zhang Ting incident escalated: Bao Ma spent more than 100,000 yuan to float in the water, and now kneels downstairs to the company to beg for money
Zhang Ting incident escalated: Bao Ma spent more than 100,000 yuan to float in the water, and now kneels downstairs to the company to beg for money

Bao Mom: I invested hundreds of thousands of dollars to do micro-business and was cheated, and my husband had to divorce me. I don't have any money now, and I have a baby to raise. Now my in-laws are divorcing me, and I really have no choice but to ask the person who cheated me out of the money to come out and return the money to me.

Zhang Ting incident escalated: Bao Ma spent more than 100,000 yuan to float in the water, and now kneels downstairs to the company to beg for money

Very helpless, in the past, this treasure mother only wanted to make more money with more goods, and invested hundreds of thousands of results in buying goods and hoarding goods. She helplessly pulled the door of the micro-business company, and then cried and shouted: You liar cheated me of all the money, please return it to me!

Zhang Ting incident escalated: Bao Ma spent more than 100,000 yuan to float in the water, and now kneels downstairs to the company to beg for money

In the past, the popular micro-businessmen will always make money for those who hope that you can also make money, the so-called "people" who "bring" you to make money together.

Zhang Ting and Lin Ruiyang, according to reports, in just 5 years, the wealth accumulated by their husband and wife is as much as more than 10 billion yuan. The company's headquarters building alone is worth more than 1.7 billion yuan in Shanghai.

Zhang Ting incident escalated: Bao Ma spent more than 100,000 yuan to float in the water, and now kneels downstairs to the company to beg for money

In addition, when Zhang Ting was a micro-business in the past, the scene of talking to the agents was also vividly remembered. Now these mothers have finally "woken up" and begun to focus on shouting to pay back.

Zhang Ting incident escalated: Bao Ma spent more than 100,000 yuan to float in the water, and now kneels downstairs to the company to beg for money

According to the latest news, there are still some moms who are crazy to recruit agents, and also send out some attractive messages like the above. The so-called rebates, the so-called all free!

Let me ask you: Do you agree with the mothers who have been pitted?

Zhang Ting incident escalated: Bao Ma spent more than 100,000 yuan to float in the water, and now kneels downstairs to the company to beg for money
Zhang Ting incident escalated: Bao Ma spent more than 100,000 yuan to float in the water, and now kneels downstairs to the company to beg for money

At present, as many as 96 properties under the names of Zhang Ting and Lin Ruiyang have been seized, and the property has already faced a penalty of more than 19 million yuan before the seizure.

In addition, the official media was also reported by Tao Hong, describing her as a profit of 260 million yuan in 3 years during the partnership. These amounts are still under investigation.

Zhang Ting incident escalated: Bao Ma spent more than 100,000 yuan to float in the water, and now kneels downstairs to the company to beg for money

It's all over, just bitter for those former mothers. Most of these people are mothers with children in rural areas, they want to make money on their own, and then help their husbands share some economic pressure, and as a result, the money is all pitted, falling into the pockets of others, and it is quite pitiful to think.

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