
Zhang Ting's company is about to be seized, 1.7 billion buildings cannot escape, and more than 30 endorsement stars are held accountable

For zhang ting and Lin Ruiyang company's characterization has basically been determined as the nature of pyramid schemes, as early as the previous Shanghai well-known lawyer has made an interpretation of the whole incident, indicating that the company belongs to the business pyramid scheme crime, if the subsequent characterization becomes fraudulent nature, then they will face more serious criminal punishment.

Zhang Ting's company is about to be seized, 1.7 billion buildings cannot escape, and more than 30 endorsement stars are held accountable

The investigation into the Zhang Ting and Lin Ruiyang incident is still underway, and at present, the Supervision Bureau has announced the progress of the situation, and everyone has also seen certain results.

From the media point of view, the first point is that Zhang Ting and Lin Ruiyang, as well as the official accounts of their company TST, have all been banned. Even Personal Accounts that were so serious that Zhang Ting were banned from speaking.

Zhang Ting's company is about to be seized, 1.7 billion buildings cannot escape, and more than 30 endorsement stars are held accountable

This shows the intensity of the official handling of this matter from the first point, and also makes everyone see the seriousness of this matter.

The second point is that after the accounts they operate are banned, on January 5, some media pointed out that the market will conduct a strict investigation of their entire company, and the headquarters of Zhangting Company may face the existence of being seized.

Zhang Ting's company is about to be seized, 1.7 billion buildings cannot escape, and more than 30 endorsement stars are held accountable

At the same time as the matter was updated, on January 5, the media released the interpretation of professional lawyers, saying that in addition to Zhang Ting and Lin Ruiyang, other stars who have cooperated and endorsed will also face the result of punishment, and the amount of punishment is as high as 1 to 2 times.

Zhang Ting's company is about to be seized, 1.7 billion buildings cannot escape, and more than 30 endorsement stars are held accountable

In other words, there are more than 30 star artists who have had product promotion and cooperation with Zhang Ting, and these star artists will also face the end of being punished.

Zhang Ting's company is about to be seized, 1.7 billion buildings cannot escape, and more than 30 endorsement stars are held accountable
Zhang Ting's company is about to be seized, 1.7 billion buildings cannot escape, and more than 30 endorsement stars are held accountable

Especially with the star artists led by Tao Hong and his wife and Ming Dao, Lin Chiling is currently the spokesperson of Zhang Ting's company. They will also face punishment.

Zhang Ting's company is about to be seized, 1.7 billion buildings cannot escape, and more than 30 endorsement stars are held accountable

Judging from the current situation, although Zhang Ting and his wife said to the outside world after the incident that all the company's operations were normal, they were temporarily unaffected. But judging by the silence and official actions, the surveillance market has begun to step in to investigate its headquarters building.

Zhang Ting's company is about to be seized, 1.7 billion buildings cannot escape, and more than 30 endorsement stars are held accountable

If the investigation is established and the evidence collection is completed, the TST headquarters building of Zhang Ting and Lin Ruiyang will face being seized and rectified.

The $1.7 billion building, located in the heart of Shanghai's business district, was only expanded by Zhang Ting and Lin Ruiyang last year. At that time, Tao Hong and Ming Dao were still promoting and filming in the building, and Zhang Ting was also an infinite scenery at that time.

Zhang Ting's company is about to be seized, 1.7 billion buildings cannot escape, and more than 30 endorsement stars are held accountable

Now the latest situation of the entire building is: refusal to allow interviewers to enter, the major official media have been scrambling to report, the company was characterized by the Hebei Supervision Bureau as a commercial pyramid scheme, and has now set up a special investigation team to conduct a comprehensive forensic investigation of its company.

Zhang Ting's company is about to be seized, 1.7 billion buildings cannot escape, and more than 30 endorsement stars are held accountable

If the investigation has made substantial progress, Zhang Ting's TST company faces a comprehensive rectification, and the 1.7 billion yuan building will not be able to escape, and may face seizure. The public information in the market is that the 600 million funds under its company have been frozen, and the 1.7 billion building is not excluded as a risk.

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