
96 suites were seized, worth 1.7 billion, Zhang Ting argued: I do micro-business not to make money, only want to do good deeds

Wen | Xuelejun Original debut | Parent-child Learning Music

Watching him rise up the Zhu Lou, watching him entertain guests, watching him collapse the building.

"Micro-business godmother" Zhang Ting once declared in a program that she does micro-business and sells nutritional products, "not to make money, I am doing good deeds."

96 suites were seized, worth 1.7 billion, Zhang Ting argued: I do micro-business not to make money, only want to do good deeds

Li Xiang next to him looked helplessly back and said: "Then your nutritional products should not be sold, just send them directly." ”

96 suites were seized, worth 1.7 billion, Zhang Ting argued: I do micro-business not to make money, only want to do good deeds

The result of Zhang Ting's "doing good deeds" is that the sales of micro-business brands are close to 10 billion, and he has become a billionaire.

The recent treatment has also fulfilled Li Xiang's "prediction": Zhang Ting Company was fined 21 million yuan, and recently seized 96 properties worth 1.7 billion yuan.

All the money earned from "doing good deeds" is really "sent" to the country.

How proud is Zhang Ting, who made his fortune by "TST"?

TST Court secretly operates the main body of Dalway, with a 3-year revenue of 9.17 billion yuan.

The 96 properties that are currently seized are its entire office building on the banks of the Huangpu River in Shanghai's Pudong New Area.

When Nijin Doujin was in the gold, many stars in the entertainment industry promoted their platforms, and tao hong, a good girlfriend, not only received a floor for this, but also took away 420 million yuan in dividends.

96 suites were seized, worth 1.7 billion, Zhang Ting argued: I do micro-business not to make money, only want to do good deeds
96 suites were seized, worth 1.7 billion, Zhang Ting argued: I do micro-business not to make money, only want to do good deeds

Zhang Ting himself has repeatedly shown off his wealth in public:

Complain that the husband only likes to make money, does not like to take money, does not give cash, and does not give cards.

Once her husband forgot to bring money and called to scold her for not preparing money for him, and she directly replied:

"You made no mistake! You want to take the money yourself, and there is more money in the safe. ”

96 suites were seized, worth 1.7 billion, Zhang Ting argued: I do micro-business not to make money, only want to do good deeds

Ridiculing that the wealth is too big, there are many troubles.

When her daughter was very young, many business partners came to ask for a doll kiss, and she had to think:

"Is it because the family background is different, they want to make their son fight for 20 years less?"

96 suites were seized, worth 1.7 billion, Zhang Ting argued: I do micro-business not to make money, only want to do good deeds

Complaining that there are too many houses and courtyards in the same as the royal palace in Shanghai, she has to lead the way when she invites friends to come over, because "usually the first time she comes to my house, she will get lost."

96 suites were seized, worth 1.7 billion, Zhang Ting argued: I do micro-business not to make money, only want to do good deeds
96 suites were seized, worth 1.7 billion, Zhang Ting argued: I do micro-business not to make money, only want to do good deeds
96 suites were seized, worth 1.7 billion, Zhang Ting argued: I do micro-business not to make money, only want to do good deeds
96 suites were seized, worth 1.7 billion, Zhang Ting argued: I do micro-business not to make money, only want to do good deeds

I can't simply live the life of a little grandmother, just drink collagen every day, eat bird's nest, cook to the hanging garden to "pick" vegetables and fruits, and "my husband also pulled me to pick grass in the yard of more than a thousand square meters after work..."

96 suites were seized, worth 1.7 billion, Zhang Ting argued: I do micro-business not to make money, only want to do good deeds

In daily life, you also have to be tired of various chores, because the bathtub at home is too big, it takes two hours to fill it, and even, because of too many tedious things, the 5 nannies in the family feel that it is not enough.

96 suites were seized, worth 1.7 billion, Zhang Ting argued: I do micro-business not to make money, only want to do good deeds

Looking at it now, how rampant it was then, how desolate it is now.

Compared with celebrities and rich people, Xue Lejun is more concerned about and more hurtful about another group in this incident, that is, Zhang Ting's 12 million agents who were tricked into TST by her, among them, there are a large number of mothers and housewives.

96 suites were seized, worth 1.7 billion, Zhang Ting argued: I do micro-business not to make money, only want to do good deeds

Many stay-at-home mothers are at home with children, have no personal source of income, and have to ask their husbands for how much money they spend.

They want to earn money, they want to be financially independent, they want to change the status quo, they want to be respected.

And it is precisely because of this that Zhang Ting and Lin Ruiyang have developed one set of precise words after another, guiding everyone who has been deceived into the game deeper and deeper.

As for how to cheat, we take the experience of Ms. Zhang, the TST agent, as an example, and follow the routine.

Ms. Zhang, a stay-at-home mother.

The son quit his job at birth, gave birth to a daughter 6 years later, and for 8 years, every day was pots and pans, eating and drinking Lasa, circling children, the elderly, family members...

At the beginning of 2016, when she was traveling in Hainan, she met a TST agent by chance, at first, she had no interest or even disgust, but as the agent filled her monotonous life, with almost the same experience to guide her to pour out the unhappiness accumulated in recent years, she felt that this friend could make friends and feel sorry for her.

TST agent told Ms. Zhang: her child is also just two years old, the same is a pregnancy on the resignation, the difference is that she resigned after the start of TST, the first year on a small profit of a million, and then Xi Ti BMW, recently ready to buy a new house.

Then, through the intermittent WeChat chat, the seemingly casual circle of friends showed off her wealth, which attracted Ms. Zhang's heart.

96 suites were seized, worth 1.7 billion, Zhang Ting argued: I do micro-business not to make money, only want to do good deeds

She wants more and more to escape from the chicken feathers of her life, more and more envious of the TST agent can get 20,000, 200,000 earning power every month, so she began to take the initiative to consult how to do TST, how to make money...

At this time, Zhang Ting repeatedly declared that "0 investment, 0 hoarding, 0 risk, 0 franchise fee, as long as a mobile phone, you can join as a star partner for free" is useful.

96 suites were seized, worth 1.7 billion, Zhang Ting argued: I do micro-business not to make money, only want to do good deeds
96 suites were seized, worth 1.7 billion, Zhang Ting argued: I do micro-business not to make money, only want to do good deeds

Letting down her guard, Ms. Zhang plunged headlong into it. But before long, the other party's words changed.

The "0 investment" publicized has become "spending 2500 yuan to buy products", and the reason given is "to sell products to others, they are useless, how to introduce?" ”

It's obviously a trap, but it does have logic.

With this 2500 yuan investment, the back is easy: if you don't continue, won't the money invested in the front be adrift?

Looking at the "friend businessmen" in the circle of friends who earn tens of thousands of dollars a month and mention Ferraris, she also found that it is impossible to make money by selling more than a few sets of masks, and if you want to make money, you must "upgrade" dora people.

To this end, she even talked about TST like a demon. The son complained that he would not send him to school, the husband complained that he did not cook well, and the parents reprimanded her for not caring about the family, she did not care, thinking that as long as she could earn hundreds of thousands of dollars a month.

She believed what Zhang Ting said: As long as it is done, it will become the pride of the family.

96 suites were seized, worth 1.7 billion, Zhang Ting argued: I do micro-business not to make money, only want to do good deeds

The purpose of working hard to make money is to become the reliance of parents, children, and families, and not to let yourself regret it.

96 suites were seized, worth 1.7 billion, Zhang Ting argued: I do micro-business not to make money, only want to do good deeds

Finally, Kung Fu lived up to the hard work, and in less than two months, she pulled 100 people to open the card.

But when she rushed to find the online "upgrade", she learned that "it still needs 3 months of assessment, 100,000 sales per month".

Just when she almost woke up, the line said, "When you have completed the assessment period for 3 consecutive months, the number of people offline has already exceeded 1,000, and the average person buys hundreds of yuan, and 300,000 yuan can be returned in a month." ”

Moreover, once the goal is achieved, she can be the "original shareholder" of the company when it goes public, and the position can be hereditary, that is, even if she does not do it, her rank can still be given to her children, and there will be benefits at any time.

So, once again, she lost herself in the countless screenshots of car purchases and house purchases by the "founder" colleagues, credit cards, flowers, and borrowings took turns to borrow money everywhere, and the performance of 3 months and 300,000 yuan was completed, and she became the "founder".

96 suites were seized, worth 1.7 billion, Zhang Ting argued: I do micro-business not to make money, only want to do good deeds

Looking at the welcome video sent by Zhang Ting and Lin Ruiyang personally, she even decided that she would soon be a "white fumei" with a monthly income of 200,000.

However, not long after she was happy, she found that after becoming a "founder", she had to complete a monthly assessment of 100,000 yuan every month, and once she did not meet the standard, she would be demoted.

How could the dream of becoming rich, which was immediately in front of us, allow it to be shattered in this way?

Moreover, giving up is shameful.

Zhang Ting has said more than once, "It's not that success comes too slowly, it's that we give up too early." Do it 100 times to meet the perfection of 101. ”

96 suites were seized, worth 1.7 billion, Zhang Ting argued: I do micro-business not to make money, only want to do good deeds
96 suites were seized, worth 1.7 billion, Zhang Ting argued: I do micro-business not to make money, only want to do good deeds

So, she began to sell TST wildly, running non-stop, even if the family relationship has been tense, the lover is angry, the parents reprimand, the children are estranged, relatives and friends see and hide, the family is all hoarding goods... She didn't want to think, she didn't dare to think, and she couldn't stop.

She even regarded all the persuasion as tribulations, firmly believing what Zhang Ting said: "If you encounter difficulties, face them bravely, because this is the opportunity given to you by God to let you temper and make you better." ”

96 suites were seized, worth 1.7 billion, Zhang Ting argued: I do micro-business not to make money, only want to do good deeds

However, after two or three years of this, she sadly found that she had earned almost nothing.

The process of the 12 million agent army being routined is much the same as that of Ms. Zhang.

The money empire of Zhang Ting and his wife was forged by the money and blood and tears of these agents.

Zhang Ting's husband, Lin Ruiyang, in his autobiography "Lin Ruiyang Farewell to Lin Ruiyang", mentioned a sentence more than once: "Dreams are the universal currency of the world." ”

Indeed, they are well versed in human nature, using "beauty, wealth, independence" to weave a beautiful dream for more and more women, and through fan meetings, star concerts, and a circle of friends who show off their wealth, they continue to strengthen the illusion that "dreams can be realized".

As it turned out, they succeeded; and the mothers who paid for this dream together presented Zhang Ting and his wife with 96 apartments of real estate deeds.

TST and Zhang Ting will surely get the punishment they deserve, but their collapse does not mean the end of the scam.

Over the years, pyramid schemes, micro-business frauds, and telecommunications fraud have run rampant, and a large group of victims are full-time mothers who are eager to win the value of life.

Stay-at-home moms shouldn't be scammed, but stay-at-home moms are easily scammed.

Because they are out of society, "three years pregnant", and eager to earn some income for their families, these elements work together to make them an excellent target for similar scams.

Behind this phenomenon, there is a social trend at work: mothers should be able to balance career and family.

But is this balanced? Imposing this dilemma on women, and imposing on mothers the anxiety of having to manage children and earn money, is almost harsh in itself.

96 suites were seized, worth 1.7 billion, Zhang Ting argued: I do micro-business not to make money, only want to do good deeds
96 suites were seized, worth 1.7 billion, Zhang Ting argued: I do micro-business not to make money, only want to do good deeds

Every child, when they are young, is asking their parents for one of the most important things, which is time.

And every job, absolutely need to pay unreserved, irreplaceable things, but also time.

For full-time mothers, since they chose to be full-time, they must have decided to favor the family in the trade-offs between career and family for a specific period of time, so why are they forced to carry a heavy "money-making" shackles?

Many times, we say that the most critical thing for couples is "equal strength", but the so-called "equal strength" must be the ability to earn money?

Xue Lejun believes that a woman who is at ease with her children and gives a young life a rich body and mind, a childhood with love, fun and soul; a woman who gives her husband a warm and loving family and belongs to an attractive home, is less likely to be looked down upon and abandoned.

Ma Jiahui, a well-known writer in Taiwan, mentioned his wife in "Round Table Pie", and at the beginning, he firmly opposed the proposal that his wife should be a full-time wife, because he felt that it would lead to two people being in two communicative areas, without a common language, and it would be very troublesome for the two roads to go farther and farther.

But after his wife insisted on not working for many years, he realized that he was wrong, because his wife, who was studying and thinking at home, had helped him greatly spiritually.

"I raise her in life and finances, and my wife raises me spiritually."

96 suites were seized, worth 1.7 billion, Zhang Ting argued: I do micro-business not to make money, only want to do good deeds

Ma Yili also said: I absolutely do not believe that anyone can combine a glamorous professional successful woman and a good mother, absolutely impossible.

96 suites were seized, worth 1.7 billion, Zhang Ting argued: I do micro-business not to make money, only want to do good deeds

Therefore, every couple should re-understand the relationship and division of labor at a specific period, and stay-at-home mothers should not bear the anxiety of "earning money".

In this way, there will be many fewer mothers who are tricked into entering the game.


Storm Eye Studio: Zhang Ting's pre-case agent broke the internal routine: calling the downline for his son and grandson to take the listing to draw a big pie

The Paper: Interview with Zhang Ting's informant: The size of the TST team may exceed 10 million, most of them are housewives

《Age Hide》

The Secret of the Kitchen

"I Am a Great Beauty"

"Round Table Pie"

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Dou Dad, a master's degree in child psychology at the Chinese Academy of Sciences and a psychological counselor for children and adolescents, invites you to pay attention to the public number of parent-child learning music.

Parenting is a big adventure, and we only tell the truth.

96 suites were seized, worth 1.7 billion, Zhang Ting argued: I do micro-business not to make money, only want to do good deeds

Excerpt reprint: xingxing401878

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