
In order to keep the young sister-in-law's festival, he imprisoned his sister-in-law for 50 years, and now the forbidden place has become a well-known attraction

Anhui Xucun is an ancient cultural village, because at the end of the Tang Dynasty there were Xu clans moved here, and people flourished, became a well-known local family, so this place was renamed "Xu Village", and now Xu Village has More than 100 ancient buildings in the Yuan, Ming, Qing, and Republic of China periods.

In order to keep the young sister-in-law's festival, he imprisoned his sister-in-law for 50 years, and now the forbidden place has become a well-known attraction

The wall gate is a well-known attraction in XuCun, Anhui Province, attracting many tourists to see, although it is only a long-standing high wall, but the story behind it is thought-provoking, from the wall to seep out the mottled history.

During the Ming Dynasty, Xu Bosheng of the Xu family served as the prefect of Tingzhou in Fujian Province, and several of his brothers were either in business or as officials, and they were all prosperous, which made Xu Bosheng feel very relieved, thinking that the family had followed the rules and righteousness for generations to have such a smooth wind and water today, which made people respect.

In order to keep the young sister-in-law's festival, he imprisoned his sister-in-law for 50 years, and now the forbidden place has become a well-known attraction

Later, Xu Bosheng's brother in business married a young and beautiful girl Hu Shi into the family, adding another point of joy to this thriving big family, but not long after Xu Bosheng's brother was killed by robbers when he was stockpiling goods, and his newly pregnant wife Hu Shi was not yet 20 years old, so she had no husband.

In ancient times, women had to keep Zhenjie, even if they lost their husbands at a young age, they could not remarry, especially in a family of fame like the Xu family, it was even more difficult for a woman to have half a point out of line, Xu Bosheng let the Hu clan observe the festival for his younger brother, and the Hu clan did not object and obediently agreed.

In order to keep the young sister-in-law's festival, he imprisoned his sister-in-law for 50 years, and now the forbidden place has become a well-known attraction

Xu Bosheng rebuilt a courtyard surrounded by a wall of more than one zhang, and a new well was drilled in the courtyard, called Fuquan Well, and the Hu family lived in this isolated place from the world, and every day there was a grandmother responsible for delivering food to the Hu family from the high wall, and the Hu family stayed for 50 years.

The fetus in her womb is also born in this forbidden place, is a son, named Tianxiang, Xu Bosheng felt that he had done the right thing after learning about it, if it were not for his sister-in-law to observe the festival, his brother would probably not have incense inheritance, Tianxiang grew to 9 years old, he was taken out by Xu Bosheng, and he was responsible for arranging everything in Tianxiang.

In order to keep the young sister-in-law's festival, he imprisoned his sister-in-law for 50 years, and now the forbidden place has become a well-known attraction

Hu Shi is also very difficult to see his son, and live a lonely and miserable life, the young Tianxiang can not understand why his mother wants to live in the high wall, he has repeatedly pleaded with his uncle Xu Bosheng to let his mother out, Xu Bosheng said to Tianxiang over and over again: "Your mother is a good woman, this is what she should do, if it is not your mother living in it, I am afraid that Xu's reputation will be damaged, how will you be an official in the future?" ”

In order to keep the young sister-in-law's festival, he imprisoned his sister-in-law for 50 years, and now the forbidden place has become a well-known attraction

Tianxiang thought that only if he became an official, his mother would be able to come out of the high wall, so he studied hard, and finally Zhongju embarked on a career path, step by step to a higher position, when his ability could make his mother free again, Hu Shi was already white-haired and confused, and her original brilliant years had long been exhausted in the narrow courtyard.

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