
Shared the stage with the famous troupe The children's choir of the Guan Hanqing Grand Theater made a stunning debut

Hebei News Network News (Hebei Daily reporter Li Liancheng correspondent Wang Tianqi) On the evening of December 30, the "Blue Danube - Large Symphony Chorus New Year Concert" jointly performed by the famous conductor Zheng Jian, the Poly Tiange Symphony Orchestra and the Beijing Principal Artist Male Choir shook the New Year chapter at the Guan Hanqing Grand Theater, and the Children's Choir of the Guan Hanqing Grand Theater took the stage as an important guest of the performance, and the members of the group made their debut with their clear and flexible voices, winning the applause of the audience.

Shared the stage with the famous troupe The children's choir of the Guan Hanqing Grand Theater made a stunning debut

The picture shows the scene of the performance.

In the evening, the members of the Children's Choir of Guan Hanqing Grand Theatre, under the leadership of professional theaters and artists, performed the world famous song "Friendship for a Long Time" for the audience, and the familiar melody made the audience shine. Under the direction of the famous conductor Zheng Jian, the concert's return song "Ladtsky March" was interpreted by the children's choir of Guan Hanqing Grand Theatre, with a flexible and jumping singing voice, a light and witty melody, full of innocent and cute children, and the delicate and emotional "Sound of Nature" ignited the climax of the scene.

It is reported that the Guan Hanqing Grand Theater Children's Choir has been established since October, relying on the resources of the Beijing Musicians Association and the Beijing Music Association Choir, has a strong teaching force, specially invited the famous conductor Zheng Jian as the artistic director, the famous music planner Mr. Zhou Tao as the permanent conductor, soprano singer Yao Yanlin and the young baritone singer Yang Zhipeng as the assistant troupe, with the purpose of excavating and cultivating high-quality and talented children's artistic talents, using international standard music education concepts and methods. Open the door to the art hall for children and build a platform to showcase their talents and cultural exchanges.

"The kids are very energetic and we work together very well!" The Children's Choir of Guan Hanqing Grand Theatre has won high praise from professional artists for its outstanding performance. In the future, the Children's Choir of Guan Hanqing Grand Theater will continue to rely on the first-class performing arts resources of Guan Hanqing Grand Theater and more than 70 professional performance venues across the country, actively carry out more artistic practice activities such as learning exchanges, same stage performances, and performances with well-known artists at home and abroad, and travel and gallop on a broader choral road.

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