
How did the "Nine Tribes" kill women? It's definitely not what you think

How did the "Nine Tribes" kill women? It's definitely not what you think

From the Xia Shang Zhou Qin Han to the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties, the basic political form of more than 4,000 years of Chinese history is the family world. That is, a specific family and family take power through specific means, and as the supreme ruler, they operate and control the political, economic and cultural culture of the entire society. Changing dynasties is also a change of house for different families and families.

Families built according to the patriarchal system have huge human, material and financial resources, and are not only basic social production and living units, but also basic socio-economic forces and political forces. Therefore, the rulers of the dynasty were very worried and sensitive to the development of the family and the family, and they were very bitter and jealous of the trespass and disloyalty of the family, and often took a cruel and bloody way to eliminate it. The more common method is extermination. From the "Yi Three Tribes" to the "Five Tribes", "The Seven Tribes", the "Nine Tribes", and the "Nine Tribes", as well as the "Ten Tribes". In the final analysis, it is a purpose to keep one's position and eliminate potential opponents.

Extermination is the bloodiest punishment, the punishment that is most inconsistent with the spirit of the law, and the punishment that is most unreasonable. One person breaks the law, and his family and relatives are unlucky, and there is no reasoning, no need to be reasonable, and there is no reasoning. Bad luck, death is enough.

How extermination kills people, each dynasty has different algorithms, and the scope of personnel is different. We discuss how the "Nine Tribes" kill women for your own consideration.

One thing should be clear: Homicide is a criminal punishment, and the punishment should have a legal basis and should be included in the trial procedure. The "Nine Tribes" in our minds are greatly influenced by literary and artistic works such as dramas and dramas, historical novels, etc. From the perspective of legal texts, the real "Nine Tribes" in history are limited to the personnel of the fathers, and the killing of women is exquisite, so let's discuss it.

1. Pre-Qin period

The "extermination" of this period was very cruel and extensive. The "Shang Martingale Transformation Method" has the "Yi Three Tribes" method, and the Shang Martin himself was finally "Yi Three Tribes". Since there is no direct record of information, it is difficult to specify the scope of killings of "extermination". According to the analysis of later accounts, it is generally said that the extermination of the clan in this period includes the entire family family, that is, all the family members who live together, and the female dependents are also included.

2. Qin and Han Dynasties

The "Yi Three Tribes" is the Qin law, and the Han dynasty attacked the Qin system. Liu Bang asked Xiao He to do the criminal law, and there was an order of "Yi Three Tribes". In the year when Emperor Wen of Han ascended the throne, Zhao Xiang, The Grand Lieutenant, and The Imperial Master discussed the punishment of "extermination", saying: "Let the innocent parents and wives sit in the same property and receive it, and do not even take it." "This means that someone has sinned, but his parents and wife have not committed a crime, and I feel that it is not advisable to be implicated. It shows that under the social conditions at that time, the supreme ruler had realized the drawbacks and inhumanity of "extermination". However, throughout the Han Dynasty, the situation of clan condemnation has not fundamentally improved.

How did the "Nine Tribes" kill women? It's definitely not what you think

3. Wei and Jin Southern and Northern Dynasties

During the Cao Wei period, the rulers began to reform the criminal law of the "Nine Tribes", and women were no longer subject to the multiple seats of their parents and husbands. In this regard, the decree was specifically amended: "Unmarried women only sit for the crime of their parents, and only sit on the crime of their husband's family after marriage." "During the Western Jin Dynasty, this criminal law was reformed again, stipulating that women, whether married or not, would no longer be executed, but would deprive them of their original status and become slaves. By the time of the Southern and Northern Dynasties, there was only one name left for the "Nine Tribes".

That is to say, during the Cao Wei period, when he was cursed according to the provisions of the "Nine Tribes", only his unmarried daughters were not included, and the married women were not among them. When he was condemned according to the provisions of the "Nine Tribes", he only had his spouse and wife, and his wife's family was not included. During the Western Jin Dynasty, the "Nine Tribes" only killed men, not women. Do not kill female dependents and do not serve as slaves.

4. Sui, Tang, Song and Yuan dynasties

During the Sui and Tang dynasties, the legal provisions did not have the punishment of "extermination", and there were specific ethnic regulations for specific criminal activities. The Sui Dynasty's "Kai Huang Law" stipulates: "The great rebel rebels, fathers and sons and brothers are beheaded, and the family has no officials." The Tang Dynasty's "Tang Laws" further clearly stipulate: "Fathers and sons are executed together in the year of sixteen or more, and other relatives are exempt from the death penalty." That is to say, according to the regulations, only adult men over the age of sixteen, women and children, are exempted from the death penalty.

The laws of the Song Dynasty were also relatively loose, and the crime of treason basically did not involve too many people, and the transfer of power was relatively peaceful, and there was not much bloody struggle. The Yuan Dynasty was short, the legal system was not perfect, and the Mongols did not need a reason to kill people.

5. Ming and Qing dynasties

During the Ming and Qing dynasties, the "Nine Tribes" became harsh again. The Great Ming Law stipulates that for those who "rebel", "all those who are over the age of sixteen shall be beheaded by their ancestors, fathers, sons, grandchildren, brothers, and cohabitants, regardless of surname, uncles, or sons of brothers." The Qing Dynasty was even more perverted and cruel, and the Great Qing Law stipulated that all the crimes of "conspiracy" and "great rebellion" were punished by Ling Chi, and the father, son, brother, and uncles and brothers who lived together within three generations, as well as men over the age of sixteen among their children, were to be beheaded." Minor boys under the age of sixteen are castrated and punished as official slaves, and mothers, wives, sisters, concubines and other female dependents, regardless of age or child, are all punished as official slaves. ”

According to the law, during the Ming and Qing dynasties, the "Nine Tribes" did not kill women.

The most famous Zhu Di killed Fang Xiaoru (陳孝孺), the "Sui Shi Clan", according to the "History of Ming" and the "Records of Li Zhai Idle" written by Song Duanyi, a contemporary of Fang Xiaoru, he also killed only men, not women.

China's ancient society, until the late Qing Dynasty, with the patriarchal system as the basic social configuration, the core of the patriarchal system is the "patriarchal system" and "the primogeniture inheritance system", that is, the development of the family continues to take the patrilineal blood as the inheritance line, and the long house as the inheritance carrier, emphasizing the male superiority and female inferiority, the concubine respecting the inferiority, and the long respect and the young inferiority. Family relations are the core of the patriarchal system, and kinship is only an auxiliary social relationship. That is to say, the person with the original surname of the family is a person with legal rights and interests, and the spouse's family and the married person with the surname are relatives who assist the social relationship. According to the provisions of the patriarchal etiquette system, a person with a foreign surname marries into his or her own family and is a dependent, that is, a female dependent; a person with a certain surname marries from his or her family and is a female dependent of a family with a different surname, and is a guest of his or her family, that is, a female guest.

In ancient times, the extermination of the ethnic group was a family unit, including female spouses before the Qin and Han Dynasties, and female spouses after the Wei and Jin dynasties. The women who have already married in this family are not among the plants.

Therefore, according to the interpretation of the "Great Dai Li", the so-called "Nine Clans" include the fourth of the father clan, the third of the maternal clan, and the second of the wife clan, that is to say, the "Nine Clans" want to kill the mother's family and the wife's family, as well as the married aunts, sisters, daughters and other married female families, which may have existed before the Qin and Han Dynasties, but never existed after the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

Many of us have been fooled by some literary and artistic works, and we always think that the "Nine Tribes" include relatives and relatives within the Nine Ethnic Groups, regardless of whether they are men, women, children, or servants. In fact, in ancient society, the "Nine Tribes" did not kill women. Because under classical social conditions, women cannot exist alone in society. Once a woman is married, she is a family member with a different surname, and has no relationship with the original father's family and the original husband's family.

How did the "Nine Tribes" kill women? It's definitely not what you think

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