
Jedi Strikes Back! Ko Wenzhe criticized the "Hitler-style" political manipulation of the Taiwan leaders, and the latter resisted

author:Europe respects Taiwan

Text: Ou Chongjing

Ke Wenzhe couldn't bear it anymore, and directly criticizing Lai Qingde's behavior was simply a "Hitler-style" political operation. First of all, Lai Qingde reconsidered the "bill" passed by the legislature, and then reconsidered it through the administrative organ, and then adopted the means of legal interpretation after it failed. And this is clearly a means of dictatorship, that is, using whatever power in one's hands to fight to the end. In fact, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) proposed the same reform plan 12 years ago. At that time, the DPP put forward it was reasonable and just, but is it not right that the "blue and white cooperation" has been passed now?

Jedi Strikes Back! Ko Wenzhe criticized the "Hitler-style" political manipulation of the Taiwan leaders, and the latter resisted

Ke Wenzhe directly scolded Lai Qingde as Hitler, which can be said to be a means of Jedi counterattack. He actually has three serious cases in Lai Qingde's hands now, so I'm afraid he can't completely admit defeat and completely surrender to Lai Qingde. Because once he surrendered. He and the entire People's Party were completely wiped out, neither in 2016 nor in 2028. So in such a situation, he must have wanted to fight back and survive, so he took such a move as scolding Lai Qingde for Hitler.

Jedi Strikes Back! Ko Wenzhe criticized the "Hitler-style" political manipulation of the Taiwan leaders, and the latter resisted

The method played by the entire DPP is that it first fights for the number of people, and then uses the administrative organs to return the opponent for a referendum when the fight is lost, and then plays "constitutional interpretation" if the reconsideration is passed. In other words, he will play with the other side endlessly, and no matter what "bill" the Kuomintang passes, as long as the DPP does not like it, it will completely consume the entire vitality and vitality of the entire legislature. In other words, he only needs to introduce 4 controversial "bills" that will consume the entire legislature for a year, and just 16 will be equivalent to a complete paralysis of the legislature. As a result, the legislature seems to be busy on the surface, but in fact there are almost no "bills" passed, and perhaps this is the result he wants.

Lai Qingde is probably also gambling badly now, that is, he hopes to carry it hard to find a way to survive, so he will not admit defeat. Because he feels that once he admits defeat in the legislative reform plan, he will be completely pinched by blue and white in the next 4 years, and I am afraid that he will not have a good life. Therefore, he is now trying to move to the position of a comprehensive re-election in the legislature, hoping that the DPP can once again become the majority and better control the legislature.

Jedi Strikes Back! Ko Wenzhe criticized the "Hitler-style" political manipulation of the Taiwan leaders, and the latter resisted

Now Lai Qingde thinks so, but if he does this, the entire legislature will be shut down, and the economy, people's livelihood, and normal operation of the entire Taiwan region will be gone. This will inevitably cause him to accumulate more public grievances, but he has dropped by 10 percentage points in the polls in just one month, and I don't know how it will fall further, I am afraid that it will be like the current single-digit support of Kishida, Yoon Suk-yeol and others. This seems to paralyze the entire justice system or the function of the entire legislature, plus he sent Guan Biling to paralyze the entire maritime relationship between the two sides of the strait. This is Lai Ching-de's most unique administrative method, in other words, he is putting on a bad show or another kind of trickery to push the politics of the Taiwan region in this direction. Then when the time comes, he will take advantage of this chaos to annihilate his position.

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