
Only 1 km away from Tianshui, there is a Taoist temple covering an area of 125 acres, tourists: it is worth the trip

author:The First Travel Affair Meeting

Gansu is a province in the northwest of China, the development here is not particularly good, and the eastern cities can not be compared, however, here also has its own characteristics, the culture here is very distinctive, and also has local historical and cultural characteristics, or it is more worth playing. Here is a prefecture-level city, Tianshui City, it has a long history, it has the title of the hometown of the Xi Emperor, its development is not bad, last year's GDP of 63.2 billion yuan, this achievement is not bad.

Only 1 km away from Tianshui, there is a Taoist temple covering an area of 125 acres, tourists: it is worth the trip

Tianshui City has a very characteristic Taoist temple, this temple is located at an altitude of more than a thousand meters, it covers an area is not small, a full one hundred and twenty-five acres, from Tianshui City is only one kilometer away, or relatively close, many tourists who have come here are good to evaluate it, have said that it is worth the trip, this temple is The Jade Spring Temple, is an ancient temple. There are many buildings in the temple, and these buildings are almost all left over from the Ming and Qing dynasties, and the Jade Spring Temple is built on the mountain, and naturally it is built according to the mountain.

Only 1 km away from Tianshui, there is a Taoist temple covering an area of 125 acres, tourists: it is worth the trip

There is also a famous cave here, the name is Yuquan Immortal Cave, and it is said that in the early years, three famous real people were buried here. This temple also holds a temple fair, and every year on the ninth day of the first lunar month, many people will come here to participate in the temple fair, so it is very lively at this time. One of the oldest buildings here is the Jade Emperor Pavilion, its architecture is very representative, and it was built in 1289, hundreds of years from now.

Only 1 km away from Tianshui, there is a Taoist temple covering an area of 125 acres, tourists: it is worth the trip

There are more trees in the temple, and many of them are ancient trees, there are dozens of trees more than a hundred years old, and there are more than ten trees over a thousand years, even if you are not interested in Taoist culture, it is not bad to visit here, feel the fresh air of nature, and make people's state a lot better. Yuquan Temple is only one of the attractions here, the characteristics of Tianshui are still relatively many, there are many types of food here, today Xiaobian will give you a few more characteristic foods.

Only 1 km away from Tianshui, there is a Taoist temple covering an area of 125 acres, tourists: it is worth the trip

First, halal crushed noodles, this noodle is more distinctive, it is hand-rolled noodles, evenly rolled into a diamond-shaped dough pieces that are one centimeter long, and after cooking, drizzled with toppings, the aroma is overflowing. Second, chicken shredded ravioli, this gourmet ingredient is more sufficient, wontons are large, the soup is delicious, and there are a lot of shredded chicken, after eating will make people feel extra satisfied, and its price is not expensive, or more cost-effective. Third, Tianshui cold powder, this delicacy is suitable for summer time to eat, mixed with a variety of spices, iced after the taste of a first-class stick.

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