
Xu Shu, a strategist, used the xiangma technique of "striking grass and frightening snakes" to test Liu Bei's true character

It is said that at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, there was a very famous strategist named Xu Shu. This man was so famous that Cao Cao knew that he was serving Liu Bei, but still managed to take it. The allusion we said before, "Xu Shu entered the Cao camp and did not say a word", is talking about this Xu Shu.

Today's story takes place before he surrenders to Liu Bei. The strategists all hoped that Nen would meet the Ming Lord, and as soon as he showed his strengths, Xu Shu heard that Liu Bei had a virtuous name, and he thought about it.

But he didn't know if the rumors were true, what if Liu Bei wasn't so kind and kind? Therefore, Xu Shu decided to test Liu Bei to say more.

Xu Shu, a strategist, used the xiangma technique of "striking grass and frightening snakes" to test Liu Bei's true character

On this day, Liu Bei was staring at his war horse, Xu Shu saw it, and then he went forward to talk: "Hello, I still know some fur in xiang equestrian art, let me help you see this horse." ”

Liu Bei agreed, and Xu Shu circled around the horse a few times, deliberately showing a surprised look: "Oh, your horse is good, but your life is not good, and fate is destined to hurt a person." It is better to give this horse to the person you hate first, and when he is injured, it will be all right to bring the horse back to ride. ”

As soon as Liu Bei heard this, his face was not very good, and he said somewhat angrily: "This is not okay, or don't talk about this kind of harmful thing." With this effort, I might as well ask you to teach me some skills to save people. ”

After Xu Shu listened, not only did he not turn his face, but he also had a happy face, and immediately apologized to Liu Bei: "Oh, I'm sorry, please be more inclusive, don't pay attention to it!" I have long heard that you are kind and kind, so this time I deliberately tried to test it, and the rumors are indeed true. Lord, please accept me! ”

Xu Shu, a strategist, used the xiangma technique of "striking grass and frightening snakes" to test Liu Bei's true character

After that, Xu Shu wholeheartedly assisted Liu Bei, even if he was calculated by Cao Cao to leave, before leaving, he also recommended zhuge Liang, who was famous in later generations, to Liu Bei.

@Ruyi said literature history

The strategy of "striking grass and frightening snakes" was used in Xu Shu's place, and a small plan found out what Liu Bei's character really looked like, which was really wonderful.

Therefore, to be a person, you still have to be generous, and people with good character can do great things, and you can go farther and farther on the road to success.

Good character, good fortune comes, and some people come to run. A person's strength is small, but if a group of talented and virtuous people are gathered, what else can you do?

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