
If you really want to kill Cao Cao, there is the easiest way! Someone thought of it, but used it wrong!

author:Bugs all over the world

Since Cao Cao coerced the Son of Heaven to order the princes, especially Xu Tian, to besiege him, Emperor Han Xian has simply lived like a year, and the ministers of the court and the central government have also begun to find ways to get rid of Cao Cao. I thought a lot of ways, but most of them were stillborn.

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In fact, there is a key question here, which may not have been paid attention to, that is, whether the person who wants to kill Cao Cao really wants to kill Cao Cao, or is it just for show.

For example, Liu Bei and Ma Teng, on the surface, couldn't get used to Cao Cao's behavior, and kept saying that they wanted to get rid of Cao Cao, but at the critical moment, the two began to drop the chain.

If you really want to kill Cao Cao, there is the easiest way! Someone thought of it, but used it wrong!

And there is a person who really wants to kill Cao Cao, such as Dong Cheng, but he personally does not have that ability and strength.

As a result, the matter of killing Cao Cao seemed to have fallen into a dead end and could not be solved.

In fact, if you really want to kill Cao Cao, it is not that complicated at all, and there is one of the simplest and feasible ways to kill Cao Cao quietly.

And this method has indeed been thought of, but in the actual operation process, it is used incorrectly.

The man who came up with this idea was named Jiping.

Speaking of Ji Ping, those who are really familiar with the novel "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" should know very well to him that it was he who thought of using poison to kill Cao Cao.

Arguably, this is the easiest way to do it.

After all, Cao Cao suffered from brain disease at that time, and Ji Ping was Cao Cao's more trusted imperial doctor at that time, if Ji Ping really wanted to kill Cao Cao, he could directly poison the decoction that Cao Cao drank, or it was highly poisonous, or it was a chronic poison, in short, Ji Ping wanted to kill Cao Cao, it was as easy as a finger.

If you really want to kill Cao Cao, there is the easiest way! Someone thought of it, but used it wrong!

However, judging by the storyline in the book, it seems that Jiping didn't really want to kill Cao Cao.

Because of such a confidential matter, such an important matter, Ji Ping actually discussed it with Dong Cheng.

Although Dong Cheng hated Cao Cao to death, Ji Ping discussed with Dong Cheng, Dong Cheng would definitely not go to the informant, but everyone knows that the so-called partition wall has ears, Dong Cheng will not inform, and the people around Dong Cheng can't prevent him, so he will go to the informant.

Besides, even if someone informed, if Ji Ping was a little smarter and understood the truth that if you want to hurry, you can't reach it, and before you fully gain Cao Cao's trust, you won't poison Cao Cao for the time being, maybe the ending won't be what is written in the novel.

Although Ji Ping and Dong Cheng discussed and wanted to kill Cao Cao by poisoning, so that they could get rid of it, but when Ji Ping cooked the medicine for Cao Cao again, he did not release the poison for the time being, so even if Cao Cao was suspicious, Ji Ping could deal with it calmly.

For example, when Cao Cao learned that Ji Ping might be poisoned, he wanted Ji Ping to taste the medicine, if Ji Ping was not too anxious, he could wait until the right time to poison him, then he could drink the decoction he cooked in front of Cao Cao, so as to prove that he did not harm Cao Cao.

In this way, it can not only make it difficult for the whistleblower to justify himself, but also increase Cao Cao's trust in Ji Ping again to a certain extent, so as to lay a better foundation for finding a more suitable time in the future.

If you really want to kill Cao Cao, there is the easiest way! Someone thought of it, but used it wrong!

As the saying goes, if you are not afraid of thieves, you are afraid of thieves, Cao Cao can guard against Ji Ping for a while, but he can't prevent Ji Ping for a lifetime, there will always be such a suitable time for Ji Ping to find an opportunity to poison, so killing Cao Cao is a matter of being caught.

It's just a pity that Ji Ping was too anxious, and at the wrong time, he used the easiest way he thought of, which eventually led to the plan to kill Cao Cao, which fell short.

But from another point of view, Ji Ping may really not want to kill Cao Cao, but just want to give Dong Cheng an explanation.

Do you think the bugs are right? If not, what do you think is the case? Please leave your comments!

Preview of the next issue: Cao Cao and Yuan Shao fought a "secret war" in order to win reinforcements, and who won the result?

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