
conspiracy theory! The reputation of Da Sima and Uzi has seriously declined, all for PDD and Xiaoxiang mutual entertainment?

With the "League of Legends" brother PDD, in the 2021 LPL All-Star Weekend event, officially became an LPL Hall of Famer, the retirement after the live broadcast to bring countless joy to the audience, single-handedly founded the YM e-sports club, for the LPL division to cultivate a large number of star players of the former professional players, and finally climbed to the peak of honor.

conspiracy theory! The reputation of Da Sima and Uzi has seriously declined, all for PDD and Xiaoxiang mutual entertainment?

PDD's Xiaoxiang Interactive Entertainment, after Uzi joined, has become a behemoth with a large number of head anchors, spanning LOL, CSGO, Glory of kings and other game sectors. In September 2020, PDD said that the valuation of Xiaoxiang Interactive Entertainment was as high as 750 million US dollars, so PDD has been planning to successfully list Xiaoxiang Interactive Entertainment through various business operation models.

conspiracy theory! The reputation of Da Sima and Uzi has seriously declined, all for PDD and Xiaoxiang mutual entertainment?

However, during this period, many anchors under the umbrella of Xiaoxiang Interactive Entertainment, including PDD himself, have had a lot of negative news in the past year, first of all, after the Bo people fake game incident was exposed, the two major e-sports clubs of eStar and YM in which PDD participated immediately became the target of public criticism. Most netizens believe that PDD and his e-sports clubs are absolutely unclear about the relationship in the fake game incident that has been making a lot of noise in the LPL division, and even CSGO big guy Eggplant has also been labeled as a "gambling dog".

conspiracy theory! The reputation of Da Sima and Uzi has seriously declined, all for PDD and Xiaoxiang mutual entertainment?

It was not until the PDD emergency rebroadcast, which was specifically clarified, and after the LPL officially announced the punishment information of the participants in the fake game, this thing that caused PDD a headache was officially over. However, only a year later, on the first day of the official arrival of 2022, PDD's two ace anchors, Uzi and Dasima, were all on the cusp of public opinion.

conspiracy theory! The reputation of Da Sima and Uzi has seriously declined, all for PDD and Xiaoxiang mutual entertainment?

The first is to resist the huge pressure of public opinion, join the Galaxy Battleship BLG Uzi, because an adapted version of "Lone Swimmer", became the laughing stock of the whole network, even Uzi fans known for their strong combat effectiveness, in the case of every lyric is a real event, also began to collectively silence.

conspiracy theory! The reputation of Da Sima and Uzi has seriously declined, all for PDD and Xiaoxiang mutual entertainment?

In the case that the 2022 LPL Spring Tournament is about to officially start on January 10, almost everyone is waiting to see Uzi's joke, if Uzi's competitive state is really enough to take the stage, the BLG team must choose an opponent with a lower difficulty coefficient in the new season's competition, with Uzi as the core to play, so that YYDS will not completely fall into the altar in the first game after the comeback.

conspiracy theory! The reputation of Da Sima and Uzi has seriously declined, all for PDD and Xiaoxiang mutual entertainment?

Immediately after that, Wuhu Da Sima was questioned about using scripts in live broadcasts, creating a "hand shaking and sniping method" that could make professional players stunned, which was condemned by a large number of netizens. As the most popular LOL anchor under PDD, in recent years, with the increase of age and the decline of technology, Da Sima has long been reduced to a subordinate anchor who can only mix in bronze and silver, and the tactical system such as square field play created by him has also been completely eliminated with the continuous change of game versions.

conspiracy theory! The reputation of Da Sima and Uzi has seriously declined, all for PDD and Xiaoxiang mutual entertainment?

In fact, many viewers who like to watch The Great Sima Live now pay more attention to his live broadcast content with full entertainment effects. Therefore, after Sima Da was hammered to use the script, a large number of fans said bluntly: He is all cooking to play silver and bronze bureaus, and he still opens the script? Then I wish he had opened it a few more times!

conspiracy theory! The reputation of Da Sima and Uzi has seriously declined, all for PDD and Xiaoxiang mutual entertainment?

However, judging from the Bo ren fake match incident in early 2021 and the recent outbreak of the decline in the reputation of Uzi and Dasima, it seems that someone has been targeting them when Xiaoxiang Interactive Entertainment is likely to become the most influential guild in the entire e-sports circle! So do you think that in this case, will PDD stand up for Uzi and Dasima? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss, thank you!

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