
Why were Qing Dynasty criminals afraid of exile in Ninguta? Is this place really that dangerous?

In ancient times, there were many kinds of punishments for criminals, some of which even showed from the name how cruel this punishment was, such as waist beheading, car splitting, skinning, etc., of course, these punishments were naturally not used arbitrarily, and were usually only used on people whom the emperor particularly hated, such as the very famous tyrant King, who would impose capital punishment on those who opposed him, including tyrants tied to red-hot copper pillars.

Why were Qing Dynasty criminals afraid of exile in Ninguta? Is this place really that dangerous?

The famous book "Water Margin", I believe that everyone is not unfamiliar, one of the punishments must be very familiar to everyone, that is, stabbing, that is, stabbing marks on the head of prisoners, and then distributed to remote areas, the purpose of this is often to make criminals suffer on the road, and the distribution place is often also an uninhabited area.

Why were Qing Dynasty criminals afraid of exile in Ninguta? Is this place really that dangerous?

For example, the earliest dynasties will send prisoners to the south, just like Su Shi, who was once relegated to Hainan, in our current view, Hainan is a good place, and now even many people want to go to travel, but in the eyes of the rulers at that time, it was not so, he thought that there was no one here, it was a good place to punish prisoners. This is also related to the fact that it has not been developed and utilized.

Why were Qing Dynasty criminals afraid of exile in Ninguta? Is this place really that dangerous?

This situation changed in the Qing Dynasty, and during the Qing Dynasty, these once barren lands were well developed, so it was obviously unreasonable to send prisoners to such places. So the rulers thought of Ninguta, when many prisoners heard that they had been assigned to Ninguta, almost all of them were desperate, thinking that they had no possibility of survival, and some even chose to commit suicide to alleviate their pain.

Why were Qing Dynasty criminals afraid of exile in Ninguta? Is this place really that dangerous?

In this way, Ninggu Pagoda is really a frightening place, but in fact it is not so, Ninggu Pagoda is located in Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province, in fact, it is not a terrible place, so why are the prisoners rejected to come here? It turned out that although Ninguta was not terrible, the road to Ninguta was full of various crises.

Why were Qing Dynasty criminals afraid of exile in Ninguta? Is this place really that dangerous?

We all know that in the past exiled to the south, the climate will only get hotter and hotter, but Ninguta is a border area, not only is the winter unusually cold, and even the deep mountains and old forests along the way are full of all kinds of beasts, although there are special escorts, but in the event of a crisis, naturally they will not care about the prisoners, the prisoners are carrying very heavy shackles, and the end can naturally be imagined. Therefore, few people have been able to reach Ninguta smoothly, and the name of Ninguta has spread.

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