
The real old photos of the history of the late Qing Dynasty, after watching it, I know that the Qing Palace drama is all deceitful!

The real old photos of the history of the late Qing Dynasty, after watching it, I know that the Qing Palace drama is all deceitful!

The Qing Dynasty was the last feudal dynasty in China's history, because the photographic technology at the end of the Qing Dynasty has been spread to China, so many photos of the late Qing Dynasty have been handed down, seeing these real photos, we know that the Qing Palace drama is deceitful, because the life of the people at that time was very difficult, and they even had difficulty maintaining food and clothing.

The real old photos of the history of the late Qing Dynasty, after watching it, I know that the Qing Palace drama is all deceitful!

Any dynasty is a rich person, in the picture these two women are already at the level of noblewomen, because their costumes still look relatively new, you must know that even in the rich areas of Jiangnan during the Qianlong period, ordinary people's families only have a complete set of clothes, who go out to run errands can wear.

The real old photos of the history of the late Qing Dynasty, after watching it, I know that the Qing Palace drama is all deceitful!

In the late Qing Dynasty, Empress Dowager Cixi vigorously built a girls' school, which was a great thing for women, because in China's ancient feudal society, the status of women was very low, they were required to go out of the door and not go to school and work, so going to school has been looking forward to school for a long time, but in the picture you can see that these female students are still wrapped in their feet.

The real old photos of the history of the late Qing Dynasty, after watching it, I know that the Qing Palace drama is all deceitful!

The division between the rich and the poor in the Qing Dynasty was very serious, the upper rulers squandered luxury, and the low-level people often did not have enough to eat, in the picture of a palace maid sitting in a carriage on the street, you can see her clothing and the poor around her in stark contrast, the people in the palace even the palace women can be round and jade, while the ordinary people are yellow and thin.

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